Friday, December 11, 2009

General Hospital: Guza Speaks, Scrubs Signs.

So, in the latest SID, Mr. Guza lets us all know the Cassadine story is going to happen "in the spring"... gee THANKS. I was actually thinking yesterday how the steam has gone out of the Keifer story too.

Kim McCollough and Jason Thompson have re-signed contracts for GH. No one is quite sure for how long. My sources said 3 yr-18 month opt-out which is standard. Others are saying it's for a shorter time. Who cares! Scrubs is around for awhile longer! woot!

NEW SPOILERS are out. Take a gander and please click on an ad, it helps...and I need it! Thx. On that note, the "Jingle Jackal" Toys for Tots drive for Kirsten and Bradford's gift this year--has raised $500! That's not counting all the toys that were dropped off at local toy drives. You all helped by clicking on those ads! See Alberta Wubs up there? She went to the local fire department in CA to drop a doll off and got her photo with a fabu fireman!! Remember, if you want to check the status of ANY GH charity (and other soap stars) go to Fans Giving Back. This weekend is the Habitat for Humanities "House that GH Fans Built". It will have 14 GH stars in attendance plus the fans that bid on them. Too fun. You know Alberta will be there, so I'll have some photos for you.

OLTL: With Ross running off the the border, I hope he remembers you have to have a passport now to cross. They did a real shot of the Whirpool bridge it looks like. OR somewhere that has the same stone walls. If Blair gets shot, it will be her 87th major thing this year!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Franco and Jason: A WUB Story or what? Geesh... told you it was an uber homage to St. Jason. Wow he offers him chips/dip and RED M&M's. I guess that's supposed to be quirky. (poor intern that had to separate all those!) He's not impressing me with his interpretation today-- if he wasn't THE JAMES FRANCO I might even say it was over the top and not well done. BUT! maybe that's just the "artistry"....I guess it was the voice level as well. I think most GH actors know how to temper their voice levels to TV. I think his voice is a mix of James Cagney and Kelso from The '70's show. Ok, he's creepy but I'm not diggin' it today. A guy fan said he was doing "The Joker" a bit--maybe. I see the whole alter ego thing going. Too bad they didn't wait to have the Claudia tied to a bomb on the roof until now.
Diane is on! LOVES her...she looks too cool for school. ""Maybe Claudia is part of the the foundation of the new apartment complex on Elm Street." She's so good. Loved her with Olivia. And she mentioned the wedding ring!

What the hell? Sonny is still keeping Johnny around...he'd just off him IRL. Lulu tries to cover for DOMte. I'm liking the three of them!! Olivia will fit right in with the Spencer clan.

Awww, poor Spinelli finds out about Maxie. :( It's like "he willed it"-- good one, Maxie. There's that hypnotic line. Maxie's sweater is interesting. Bat like in the front, short in the back.

LOVE DOMte, Lulu and Lucky. Lucky tells DOM that Lulu's nickname is cupcake. LAMO. I love the three of them!!

Rebecca is getting GREAT now that she's leaving!! GOD! Love her calling Nikolas all sorts of names...just like she did Liz. Figures she's leaving. AND she's going to try to get with Lucky. GO FOR IT! "I swear, I'll bury you--and your little slut too". Where's Toto??!

AMC moves from NYC today. I feel so badly for the crew-- all the workers and wardrobe, makeup and hair people. Sucks.

NINE didn't get a great review in EW. Just a "C"... the commercials make it look good, don't they?


  1. OLTL shot that scene in NJ.
    Their location scouts do a fantastic job.

  2. Soo...I've been thinking about the delayed storyline between the Spencers and Cassadines, and why would Valentin hate them BOTH so much. I don't think they've got their plot line ready so they've pushed it off until spring.

    So, in case one of the GH peeps is lurking about your site; maybe they will take my idea and run with it...or just run, lol!

    So, why oh why would Valentin hate Both the Spencers and The Cassadines? Drum roll please.................... Because he is the son of Bobby Spencer and Mikkos Cassadine!

    That's right people, long time ago when Bobby was a lady of the evening, before she spent the night with the man she thought was Carly's father, there was a wealthy older gentleman that hired her for one night, of course at that time Bobby had no idea who he was. When Bobby became pregnant she actually had twins, and did not know it, not just a girl. The male child was taken and later given up to another family to raise.

    So this is just the tip of the iceberg, can you imagine the hilarity, angst, and Luke's head exploding?

    Think about it, Luke finds out he has a niece and nephew that are half Cassadine!

    Carly gets a Bro! Actually Carly get a few Bros, all nuts.

    Carly and Alexis, sisters!!!!!

    Carly and Jax finally on even ground both have psycho siblings.

    Valentin will take to Carly and not single her out for his vengeful plot since she too was given away as a baby.

    Bobby finally gets some dialogue!

    And I could just keep, what do you think?



  3. I really enjoyed Franco and Jason. I think maybe playing it 'over the top' was intentional. It let Jason walk around with this 'I can't believe what I'm hearing' look on his face that he does so well. I got a good laugh out of the whole thing.

    I hate that Sonny is going after Olivia. It looks like this will be Sonny's latest pairing. Unfortunately, MB can never be as hot as BB, so it's all gross, as far as I'm concerned.

  4. I love Dante & Lulu! I also hope G.H makes Lucky's new partner. I can see them as daytime's version of Lethal Weapon's Riggs & Murtaugh!

  5. I Loved the Franco and Jason scenes ...
    It wasn't supposed to scare you because he wasn't scary it was supposed to freak you out and it did ...
    JF played it well like a real nuts ... he wasn't over the top for me ...

    I loved how Jason tried to go along and still was freaked out ...

  6. WOW...NJ? That's awesome, thank you Anonymous!! I am always fascinated by location shoots and set stuff like that. It sure looked like Niagara Falls to me. And I live near there!

  7. I don't know what it is about Franco that's bothering me. I just don't feel it. I'm trying though.

  8. In the first few scenes I found Franco's performance very forced and over the top, almost like he didn't understand the genre, but as it progressed Jason's reactions helped me get into Franco's insanity. Loved that he sat and ate the chips! I can't wait to see where it goes.

  9. I FF'd through the Jason and Franco scenes!

    I loved the scenes with Domalu and Lucky. It is honestly the first Lucky scene I have enjoyed since JJ returned...

  10. I just can't get into the whole Franco thing. I am not gaga over Franco or his looks. I am however gaga over Jason's looks! :)

    I wish Sonny would be single for awhile. His bed is always warm...

  11. i only watched a part of the show..but what i did watch (the franco and jason scene and lucky talking to Dante)...and i liked what i saw. i may have to try and catch it on soapnet this weekend just to watch the Lucky Lulu scenes. How are they together as brother and sister?

  12. I just have to comment that I LOVE Maxie's shag hairstyle. Of course, she looks cute in anything, but that style is so adorable! She is such a wonderful actress, I love her relationship with Jason, they must really crack up during their scenes together.

    I can't stand the Franco character, the whole thing is horrible, as a therapist I don't want to treat anti-social psychotics, I certainly don't find them entertaining on TV. I think that the character is so strange, that James Franco probably doesn't know what to do with him, hence the forced, uncomfortable performance.

    Karen, you said that Nine got a bad review, I can see why. I saw excerpts on Oprah, when the actors were on, and thought it was TERRIBLE. The music sounded very derivative of Chicago, which I loved, but this looks like a sleezy, porn-fest imitation, that exploits the beautiful actreses it was lucky enough to hire. It looks like a male wet dream, the women all pouty and leg-spready, it made me sick, and that was just the trailer.

  13. The Lucky/Lulu/Dante scenes were the best they have done in a decade. I haven't enjoyed the show this much since the days of Luke and Laura and Robert. Lucky saying he wanted to be there when Luke finds out Lulu's dating a cop made me roll with laughter. Shame they are going to twist this and make Dante help out that viscous criminal Sonny.

  14. Until they make Liz the girl we all know and love, and give Jason his son in his life, I'm DONE.
    Enjoy the Jaslut show in the mean time and I'm sure Sonny will father a few kids by the time Liz is back to normal. Oh and Carlyt will continue to Sin but Jax's mistakes are more important of course.

    I hated the entire Franco bit. Blew Spixie to shreds and made Jason more of a center of attention, just what we needed.

  15. I totally loved Franco and Jason. Man this is making me a James Franco fan. I just have adored most of his scenes. Damn.. I hope he comes back like supposedly he said in interview that he'd like to.

  16. Anyone who is enjoying James Franco might want to watch the movie "Milk". It's the true story of Harvey Milk, a gay man who becomes a San Francisco supervisor in 1977. Sean Penn plays Milk and James Franco plays his lover, Scott Smith. It's very well done. He also did "Pineapple Express" with Seth Rogen about a stoner and his dealer, a movie I could not get into - turns out I don't like Seth Rogen stuff.

  17. For the record, HATED the Franco stuff

    Rumor on soapzone:

    Elizabeth will rebound from Nikolas and Lucky back to Jason.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...