Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday on General Hospital and all ABC soapies! Plus: ratings

So, on AMC? Is David really dying? What do you think? I mean...he knows Trevor isn't his kid but isn't saying so. We know he has he going to fake his death so he's not blamed for keeping her? It's hard to be Spoiler free!!!

OLTL: Love the Kimmy/Clint thing. Too fun, old SOAPY SOAP stuff!  Ha on the shot gun! Nigel is a riot. Poor Destiny..not fair that Matt likes Dani. First Greg, now Destiny.  I have to say the actress playing Dani is a pistol! Wonder when they are going to make Starr Cole have some dramaz again.

GH: SPOILERS are up. Looks like a good 1/2 week next week. Lots of parties, family time--Laura's angel. Mac/Alexis smootching under the mistletoe. Find out what Jax got Carly for Christmas! Guess what Franco got Jason! (no, not a thong...!)

Today's show:  Lucky and Liz. Liz is in some deep poo.  I hear rumblings they'll go with a Lucky relapse because JJ would do it up so well. Poor Lucky. His Dad, brother and Rebecily know.
OMG, Lucky looks so stupid! And Liz brings up her rape to shut Rebecca up? Nice. Real nice.

Sam: "That wack job took Claudia's body out of her grave"!! brahahahaha Too bad Sarah is over on B&B, I so want her to zombie it up.
Sonny and Joss! Aww. Then, Sonny and Kristina! Double awww. ;)

Poor Ronnie. There's the backstory now. And Franco mentions "Serpico"... wonder how many wubbers under the age of 35 get that. Serpico was a true story about a cop blowing in cops on the take--played by Al Pacino.

I forgot to tell've probably seen it.  Stephen Nichols (Stefan) is going to the Y&R! I'm happy he's on the top rated soap, sad he won't be on GH when all Cassadine Feta breaks loose. Read all about it on Daytime Confidential.  I would have so love for him to come back...there's always Stavros.

RATINGS: read 'em and weep! OUCH ...I mean AMC keeps going up. Poor GH, tied with ATWT. A canned soap. So much for much for storytelling. Looks like people jumped the GH ship and stayed off. I have no more to say on the subject, btw. Said it all on Twitter  last night. I do think it says a lot that Guza's been around before the begining of time on GH in soap years.

Y&R:  3.7
B&B:  2.4
DOOL:  2.2
AMC:  2.0
GH: 1.9
ATWT: 1.9
OLTL: 1.8

Y&R went up from 3.5..those numbers are impressive in this day and age! I don't know how ABC is going to keep it up with these numbers not improving.

Gotta fly...see you tomorrow. Have a great Friday Night!


  1. Wow GH is really in the tank. Not surprising... I mean they are trying to pull out all the stops here but they are forgetting that sometimes, what fans what are just basic things: Good, consistent storytelling and character development.

    I don't understand why that is so hard. I don't need toxic balls, explosions and all of that crap if the storytelling would just be good.

    I keep watching GH for JJ now. I at least enjoy watching him back on screen again. I also am enjoying James Franco's portrayal but not the actual storyline.

  2. Just finished watching The Soup on the E channel and guess who's clips were on there James Franco asking Jason to eat some chips and dip.Even he said whats this guy doing on a soap.Todays show had no good points to me cause I don't like Eliabeth now or when she was younger.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A LOT of people including myself are turned off by all the Solivia pimping. Tired of seeing Sonny once again trying to maneuver his way into yet another woman's pants - especially because Olivia is getting dumbed down and ruined for this. What was wrong with a winning combo like JoLivia?
    Sonny doesn't have to sleep with Olivia or go between JoLivia for us to "get" how explosively angry he will be when the Dante truth comes out. Sonny and Olivia as trusting friends is more than enough of a poignant story to tell. But for some reason the writers think his anger won't be profound unless Sonny tries to get Olivia in bed and she becomes a damn fool over him. I just can't keep watching characters getting so ruined, and in Sonny's case, more ruined.

    The Franco story COULD be interesting but it is moving slower than cold molasses. And what's Lisa's purpose? Is it to ruin Patrick and Robin or is she going to be yet another young woman for Sonny to eventually pounce on? He needs to grow up, and be a father to his kids already.

  5. I just can't imagine how ABC's absolute worst show (All MY Children) has the most viewers. There is something seriously wrong with this rating system. One Life to Live should be far and away on top of the ratings for the ABC line-up. AMC should be on the bottom.

  6. Mamaspat! I was going to post about The Soup, too. That was so funny! I loved the way Joel kept whispering things to Franco, like "did you lose a bet?"
    The way they've dragged the Franco thing out drives me nuts, plus I hate the way his turn on GH is all about Jason. Since Guza is writing the story, it's no real surprise, though. Franco must represent Guza's man-love for Steve Burton. Sad.

  7. Maybe just maybe Guza seen how man love is with OLTL and Fish and thought hmmmmm Franco has a crush on Jason.Can u picture Jason with a fishnet shirt on swooning over Franco NOT

  8. Ok I guess was right about Franco he was on Saturday Nite Live tonite I personally don't like him he sprays a lot when he talks lol.His musical group was a group called Muse whos song is the intro on the show V.He did mention about him playing on GH even had a clip to show with Maxie.Just thought I would let yall know you can watch full episodes of Saturday Nite Live on



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