Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Take a Shower

Cam will be visiting for the Holidays! 

 My NEW COMPUTER is here!! She's snow-white and her name is FIONA! I had no idea I ordered white. Lordy. 

Lucky goes to Liz' house with coffee Ric is already there. Ric is interviewing Liz about the hospital stuff. Lucky tries to talk and Ric is all "UM, I want to talk to her ALONE, bud".  Liz says Lucky can stay. They spar--(verbally) and Lucky says: Don't try to be her hero! I like them fighting over Liz! SHE LOOKS AMAZING BTW. Ric listens and tells her she should steer clear of GH for now. If Dex comes back with a dosage of digitalis in him, it's going to be bad for her.  When Ric leaves Lucky says: that guy makes me want to take a shower AHAHHAAHA ...trolling us 

Tracey yells at Sasha about Lulu's eggs being wrong. Sasha tells her to lay her own eggs HAHAHA. Sasha leaves. Olivia tells Tracey not to make Sasha mad because they'll never get a new cook during the holidays. 

Lulu is eating breakfast and Brook Lynn comes down. They sneer at each other. Talk about Sam and such. Then Lulu is all pissy about Dante and Brook says she's changed and a lot has happened in 4 years. Lulu says her daughter is missing. Brook says, welp! GO FIND HER. Lulu says something and Brook says "ask OUR FRIEND Maxie"..Lulu glares and walks out. Dante comes in and Brook says "she's still the snarky Spencer I remember". "If she only knew about that summer".. Dante says It was FOREVER AGO and we are not talking about it. LOL

Anna and Jason talk about Charlotte in her office. She has to find out what happened with Dex so...um, can he go find Charlotte and Val? She feels bad about Josslyn and knows she never wanted Dex to be a cop. She cries. Jason leaves. 

Marty and Lulu talk at the coffee corner about Anna kidnapping him. Tells her Anna's hanging out with a criminal element. She's like: PROOF? he says I'm the PROOF!! He says that they took him to the warehouse and used Zip Ties!! It was about Charlotte so Laura is all: WELL, meh.  He says maybe Cyrus can help them. 

Sonny is at the church, giving money to the priest. Sasha walks in and lights a candle. Sonny says he remembers what day it is. She talks about Tracey's tantrum and how pointless it was. She's also clutching her stomach. Sonny says he hopes she gets to be a mom again.  OH! Little does he know, grandpa!! 

Maxie brings a card to Cody inviting him to the Scorpio fam holiday dinner. He's like: NOPE! Sasha is going to be there. Then Tracey comes in looking for Sasha complaining about how upset she got. Maxie says: It's the anniversary of her baby's death!! Tracey is like:Um, thank you for that info and leaves. Maxie goes to leave too but tells Cody to be with family on the holiday. 

Lulu goes to the stables and is surprised to see Cody. They are cute together. They talk about Camp Cooper and Dante and Cody being there together. Dante walks in. He seems jelly.

Maxie talks to Brook about Lulu and maybe they can all be friends. Launches into how she helped her with an unplanned pregnancy. Brook gets upset and sits down.

Sonny walks into Anna's office because he think she wants to talk to him about Dex's death. She knows he didn't have anything to do with it. 


Oh Brook Lyn is upset because she's not getting pregnant. Thinks something is wrong

Jason and Spinelli talk about finding Charlotte. Jason says he'll make sure Valentin is never a problem for Lulu again

In the church, Tracey leaves and Sasha talks about her baby (to God) and some guy is in there. OH! It's SIDWELL the diamond guy! 


  1. Loved the shower remark.
    Oh great...more happiness for Sasha. Wish they would transfer their favorite torture character to Willow and let Sasha be with her baby daddy in peace.
    I really hope that the deaths of Sam and Dex are not treated like those of Austin and Cates. But I wouldn't bet any money.
    Why not have Charlotte just walk in the door and be done with the stupid "where's Valentin".

    1. Someone should warn Anna about the consequences of overusing eye drops. Check with your doctor, girl. And you stupid writers throw them away.

    2. "Di says, Someone should warn Anna about the consequences of overusing eye drops. Check with your doctor, girl. And you stupid writers throw them away."

      BAHAHAHAHAHHA! *dead*

  2. In the picture that does not look like Cam. Some funny one liners today.

    Central perk coffee place:

    Laura and Marty:

    Marty: His name is Martin Gray and you are looking at him. When he said looking, it sounded like he said the F word at first. ROFL! Marty wins the lines of the day.

    Marty: Have you met Jason Morgan? He doesn't exactly need one. Because you can't zip tie and threaten somebody at the police station.

    ROFL! The whole scene he reminded me of Tad Martin. And of course Laura is going to make excuses for Anna!! *Facepalm*

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Ric, and Lucky: Ooooo I like that Ric is her lawyer!!! I like that Lucky is there! I love Liz's hair. :) Ric looks so yummy! :)

    Liz and Lucky:

    Lucky: Wow that guy. I feel like I need to shower..

    Hahaha. Yes and a haircut. :)

    Q home:

    Olivia, Sasha, and Tracy: Tracy! Sasha does have an excuse.. She had pregnancy brain and hormonal. ROFL!

    Brooky and Lulu: Brooky is right Lulu. You are stuck in the past and need to focus on your kids. I'm not sure why she said Brooky is self absorbed. She didn't do anything to have that label Lulu! What are you talking about?

    Brooky and Dante:

    Brooky: If she only knew about that summer,

    Uhhhhh.... OO

    Maxie and Brooky: Of course you can't get the preggers Brooky! You have been having zex with your clothes on!!!

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Maxie and Cowboy Cody: Awwwww! James is so sweet! I'm glad uncle Cody is going to the family get together awwww. :)

    Tracy, Maxie, and Cowboy Cody: OH! Another reason to mess up the eggs!!! Liam! :( He would have been 1 year old!!! Or 20 years old if they sorass him! ROFL!

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Jason: Oh come on! Enough of Anna asking for Jason's help and being all weepy and guilty!

    Jason's car:

    Jason and Spinny: Don't do anything illegal Spinny! I don't want you in jail! You have kids!!!


    Sonny and priest: Does Sonny even help the church out besides money?

    Sonny and Sasha:

    "Karen says OH! Little does he know, grandpa!!"

    ROFL! Oh yes he will have another grandchild! :) And Grandma Carly will be happy to have another grandchild, but won't be happy about how this came about!

    Sasha and Sidwell: At first I'm thinking Luke?!?!! :D Then OH! SIDWELL COOKIE!!!!! He is back and wants milk! And since Sasha has breast milk, well she better run! I don't want anything bad to happen to this child!!! :( Don't go there writers!!!! :(

    1. Martin was killing me! Might have been laying it on a little thick but he had me laughing. Same with Lucky and the shower comment. Karen was correct, we were all trolled with that line!
      Your line of the day wins it...."Of course you can't get the preggers Brooky! You have been having zex with your clothes on!!!" OMG, ahahahhaha!
      And the eye drops thing about Anna, lol! Lorrrrrdy, I'm tired of her.
      I was not expecting Sidwell. What fresh hell is this? Good grief.

    2. "Julie H says, Martin was killing me! Might have been laying it on a little thick but he had me laughing."

      Hahaha he was great! He reminded me of Tad Martin on AMC. :)

      "Same with Lucky and the shower comment. Karen was correct, we were all trolled with that line!"

      We sure were! Hahahaha!

      "Your line of the day wins it...."Of course you can't get the preggers Brooky! You have been having zex with your clothes on!!!" OMG, ahahahhaha!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! She needs to figure that out!!! :D

      "And the eye drops thing about Anna, lol! Lorrrrrdy, I'm tired of her."

      ROFL! She is exhausting.

      "I was not expecting Sidwell. What fresh hell is this? Good grief."

      I wasn't expecting him either!!! Leave Sasha alone!!!!

  3. Sonya said " Sonny and priest: Does Sonny even help the church out besides money ? "" Got me to thinking, so I came up with a few ideas for what Sonny can do :

    - Operate the sno-cone machine at the summer festival.
    - Stuff Easter eggs for Easter egg hunt.
    - "Fix" the bingo game so the church wins

    Recently retired so yes I have no life lol

    1. "JohnD says, Got me to thinking, so I came up with a few ideas for what Sonny can do :

      - Operate the sno-cone machine at the summer festival.
      - Stuff Easter eggs for Easter egg hunt."

      Hey!!! Sounds good to me!!! :)

      "- "Fix" the bingo game so the church wins"

      Hey! That's cheating! ROFL!

      "Recently retired so yes I have no life lol"

      Hahahaha! Congratulations!!! :) On retirement I mean. ROFL!

    2. Congrat on the retirement JohnD. I had to retire a few years ago. Had to find a hobby to keep me entertained. Decided to work on my family tree.
      I like your ideas for Sonny but instead of the sno-cone machine at the summer festival I think Sonny should be the person in the dunk tank where the PC citizens can toss him into the water. Should raise tons of money. 😁

    3. Put a feather in your cap Gary - excellent suggestion !

    4. But Jason would probably be standing in front of the target

    5. JohnD, I inherited the family tree from my great uncle so I had a head start. You can find some interesting people in your tree. One of my however many great uncles was arrested for treason during the American Revolution. Half of the family were rebels and the other half were loyal to Britain. I figure he was caught chatting with one of his brothers because he died in the 1820s so he got off.

    6. "Gary says, I think Sonny should be the person in the dunk tank where the PC citizens can toss him into the water. Should raise tons of money. 😁"

      Oooooo love that idea!!! And yes it WOULD raise tons of money! :)

    7. Congrats on retirement JohnD, you lucky dog!
      Loved all of the church ideas for Sonny. I'll sell the dunk tank tickets! :)

  4. Brook Lynn needs to take some clothes off if she wants to get pregnant.

    1. Hahahaha. Yes! Take it all off! :)

    2. Yes, she does. Hard to get pregnant if you are wearing clothes. Unless you are in the back seat of a car as lots of teenagers find out the hard way.

  5. Poor Sasha will probably be kidnapped, the Q's will be starved until Robert and Hollie rescue her in January.

  6. Does Sasha have a GPS chip so everyone knows where she is at all times?


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...