Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Caught In The Headlights


WELL!! Finally a Friday to celebrate!! It was so soapy, I loved it. The Monday-Thursday? Blah. But glorious Friday saved the week for me. Anything Q scandal related is so watchable. I had to use that photo because the antlers are HYSTERICAL!! 

I'm having some spiked punch. Let's get ready to GO! 

It's very hard to remember anything that really happened before the big day. There was a LOT of talking and Rice Plaza was all decked out for Christmas. Yes, we skipped Thanksgiving this year. Some said "OK, it's boring anyway"! and others missed the tradition. 

THE GIRLS: SO, Molly moves in with her Mama and Krissy goes running to her Daddy and they each talk about the other.  Molly is already in 10,000 credits just for what Kristina said to her at the courthouse ("You were never a mother). Sonny fuels her 'revenge' fire regarding Ava while Alexis takes a more subtle (and sane) approach with Molly. Sonny gives Kristina Charlie's bar. They acted like she'd never even managed it for years but ok. He said "Phyllis went back to Nixon Falls" (must have been eons ago) so... have at it. Alexis comes in to chastise her middle daughter and Kristina tells her she's going to renovate the place. We are all waiting for her to rename it "ADELA'S" aren't we? 

LUCAS THE SHOULDER:  TJ goes to Lucas who tries to smooth things over about Molly by offering him a time at the gym to 'hit the bags'. Then he hops over and helps out Auntie Ava by paying her $600 dollar bill at the PC Grille. He also order something for himself and more champagne. Yes, I want him in Ava's orbit!! 

MONEY TROUBLE: Ava has her accounts taken away and she's guessing it's the Cassadines. The weird thing about this is she sold Wyndemere, has her own wealth and how can they do that? (I know, it's the Cassadines!!). Poor Ric gets caught up in it too because the giant check she wrote him for his services bounced and they froze his account. Intriguing--especially when we saw Dante and Lulu in a fully functioning Wyndemere. Like, who's been there? Why does the electricity work? Last we knew, an LLC bought it and then decided not to build on there. Is someone in those tunnels? Yes please!! 

LULU THE MIGHTY MOUTH: I say this because GEESH LOUISE, she just woke up from 4 years of slumber and she's all in!! Yelling at Nina about Charlotte and running all over town (and taking the ferry in December to Spoon Island) like a spring chicken. The best thing to happen was Maxie finding her and them gabbing about life. Alexis and Kirsten look like BFFs for sure.  Later on, she manages to get into Wyndemere and finds a box with Charlotte's stuff inside. She and Dante talk about Sam and life. Yada yada

COLLEGE FOOTBALL MANIA: I did like this touch. Liked the whole "he's a jock and doesn't do work" to the watching party to the conversation in the tunnel. It was something different for a change. What's missing is "others" in this story. The college is like a tomb with only 3 people attending. They popped for an announcer but no extras to walk the tunnel. The college scene really needs to feel more genuine for sure. Tabyana is carrying this story and so far so good. Just get Gio out of there. Thank You. 

ON TO THE MAIN SHOW!!  Ah, the Q party. First of all let me say, I DO love a great party reveal. Even Ned and Tracey were there. What happens? Well, tension arises when Willow turns up and Michael is making a mean face to her and Drew. Drew's all tanned and smarmy which makes for a great "soap hating watch" if I do say so myself!! Stage is set and... and.. BAM!! The internet is out and Michael streams the game from his phone. Insert a clueless Tracey trying to shut it off and you have one STREAMED ZEXXXY TAPE!! Jaws dropped, Chase almost fell off  his perch. Tracey laughed and insulted Nina (It was awesome). Everyone was just..stunned. No more so than Willow who looked like a baby bird with it's mouth open. Loved the idea of how it was streamed, loved that it was at the Qs and well, it was pretty much perfection. 

THE NINA FREAK OUT: Where did THIS come from? She ran into the Gatehouse Carly-style and told Willow to GRAB THEM KIDS AND FLEE! I felt like Michael was going to come in with an axe at any second LOL.  She convinces Willow they have to go when the REAL fish-wife shows up. Carly stomps in and demands to know what's going on. I personally can't wait until she finds out Sasha is carrying her grandbaby. AHAHAHA. 

DEXIMONIOUS NO MOREIOUS:  WELP!! A decent scene with hooligans at Rice Plaza leads to Dex getting stabbed, going to GH, recovering like a champ only to die of digitalis insertion. Poor Liz is on duty again!! NO!! Joss comes in expecting to have her make-out session only to find a teary Anna explaining he flatlined. Another cop bites the dust! Joss has lost Oscar and now Dex. She and Trina will have dead boyfriend stories for ages! 

ANNA, WHERE ART THO, ANNA? What in the heck is going on with her these days?? I understand she feels guilty about shooting Charlotte and letting Valentin take her but GEESH! She and Jason just about torture ol' Marty for information. I was waiting for them to pull out the dental drill. Spinelli got information off Martin's phone just in time for Carly to stomp in and demand to know what was going on. OF COURSE Carly was in there! :eyeroll: Anyway, I guess we'll be off to Zurich in search of Valentin and his daughter. I still think he's hiding in the tunnels at Wyndemere but who knows. 

LUCKY THE BUSKER: After picking out a tree, Lucky and Liz go back to her house to talk about life and all that jazz. Liz gets Cam's old guitar out and Lucky plays his "Elizabeth Song" and decides maybe he could busk for a living. Um, sir...have you seen rent rates lately?? Oh that's right, you'll be living with your mama. Never mind. 

VIOLIN BOY: We are still waiting for the big "Brook Lyn and Dante are your bio-family" reveal and please let it happen soon. This kid needs something to do besides have a violin as his personality. Hurry it up. 

NO ONE CARES:  Here we are with Natalia again. She's talking about her SON now, out. Is Dex gone to make way for him?? Ugh. She's just not needed imo. Nothing against LaRue but this character just isn't working. 


Curtis is going to get Drew where it hurts and take over Aurora (Jordan's helping) 

Lulu goes off on Nina trying to get information on her daughter

Anna and Jason get Marty's phone and find activity for Val in Zurich

Sasha makes a Gingerbread house and serves up the food at the Q party

College Football causes chaos and Dex is stabbed

Dex is rushed to surgery, is fine then dies 

Quartermaine party livened up by a Willow-Drew Zexy Tape 

Molly moves in with Alexis

Kristina is given Charlie's Bar from Sonny to own and run 

PCU beats Llanview in the playoff game! It's on to the finals. Trina learns football is exciting

Ava has her divorce settlement taken away, all cards frozen 

Lulu and Dante are in Wyndemere and find a box of Charlotte's stuff including a plastic horse

So, we've all been waiting for the big reveal on Willow and Drew and I hope it didn't disappoint you! Dex dying was foreshadowed but came out of the blue really. He's not been used very much and isn't my fave but dang, another boyfriend cop dies? Lulu is doing well and I like Alexa but she needs to tone it down a notch, imo. Carly's already got the bull-horn voice going, we don't need two. Lucas is shaping up to be a fave and I'm glad Ava has some family around. You know I'm into RiVa so more of them please!! The show still needs to tighten up on stories and get that edit button fixed. Some days I literally can't understand what's happening and need to go back and rewatch scenes. I would LOVE more Q family interaction and more big family drama in general. 

Hope you have a good week! We are having snow but nothing like the SouthTowns of Buffalo. Ours is just pretty. 



  1. Ya, the antlers in the scene look like horns or something LOL. Think that was an accident though.

    I want the old Anna back please. We just keep saying that over and over. It would be more exciting if Valentin was hiding out in Wyndemere. Make something more exciting please.

    If it is a Cassadine taking Ava's money it must be Valentin. There are no Cassadines left and I don't see Alexis doing this AT ALL.

    As I said Friday, no nanny watching Willow's kids? With Michael leaving, then Drew and Willow need to go bye bye too. Take Nina with you to watch the kids.

    Liz is going to be accused of killing Sam and Dex next you watch, or at the very least let go pending an investigation since she is the "head nurse". Lucky just needs to be on the force again as detective or something.

    I am sure JJ's salary is pretty high as he is basically replacing some characters. Also, Steve Burton must get a pretty hefty salary. This "killing" spree I am sure is due to budget cuts or something. The cast is too large.

    Friday was a good episode. All the Qs there except Monica. No Cody? He needs a story now too.

    Thank you for your hard work Karen. Happiest of holidays to you and your family and cute puppy dog!!!!!

    1. PS; Yes, the fiddler on the roof is not necessary. I don't want him to be BrookLyn and Dante's kid.

  2. Loved the Q party reveal, love Lulu, starting to warm up to Kai, and kinda glad they killed Dex. Also, it gives Elizabeth and Lucky a mystery to investigate.

    "We are all waiting for her to rename it "ADELA'S" aren't we?" LOL, I had not considered that. OMG.

    "She and Trina will have dead boyfriend stories for ages!" Ha! This is why I love reading your blog. :-)

  3. Another really great SS! Thank you.
    Those antlers made me giggle.
    I have said before that anything happening at the Q's ends up being entertaining.
    Ric and Ava are THE perfect soap couple in so many ways.
    Nina turned into a fire breathing dragon.
    Many fans are furious about Dex's death saying it was the last straw. Long time viewers.
    Your Week in a Wubshell says it all: "Dex is rushed to surgery, is fine then dies". That about sums up GH lately.

    1. I saw that about fans saying that too Zazu, which surprised me. For KEMO, 100% yes but for Dex I don't get it. No ties to anyone, no legacy, but it is cruel to do to Joss.

    2. I think that, like myself, people are tired of the constant doom and gloom. There is happiness on soaps. And not just fleeting. A good mixture makes a good show.

  4. Oh Karen that picture was hysterical of Drew and Willow! Perfect.

    I know she is beloved from AMC, but Natalia needs to go. It should have been her instead of Dex. I so wish Jack was Jax, would have been perfect for Joss now with Dex dead.

    They should have sent Maxie with Lulu to Windemere that could have been really fun. Their shenanigans are entertaining.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...