Wednesday, December 18, 2024



Oh the weather outside is FRIGHTFUL! Dang--snow/rain stuff and just chilly to the bones. I like it better when it's arid and freezing I think lol 

Carly stomps into the coffee warehouse to mouth off to Drew about not telling her about Drew and Willow sleeping together. She goes on and on and...ugh. She wants to give the tape to Diane to show how sleezy Drew is and expose Willow so Michael can get the kids. Carly just goes on and on  and bark and barks. OMG it's so tedious. 

There's a charity drive that Jordan is running. Flu clinic, food pantry and clothing drive. Felicia is there too along with Willow and Dr. Gannon (giving shots) AND STUPID DREW WALKS IN. He wants to talk to Willow. He cares about her. GROSS. At least Jordan is shooting him nasty looks. OMG WILLOW invites Drew and Scout to Nina's for Christmas!! WHAT!! WHY!! UGH

Nina over decorated her apartment and Nina's like: Um, BUY enough stuff? Lol she wants it perfect for Wiley and Amelia. Ava says she has to tell Willow about her and Drew before it's too late. Nina's like NO WAY, NOPE. She called Martin Gray over to talk legal issues with Millow's marriage. He's like: Um, where's Willow?? Then they talk about why Millow broke up. Nina tells him about the affair. He says Michael is the injured party and Willow isn't Wiley's bio mother and the Qs are really ruthless. 

Curtis and Michael plot about Aurora. They are thinking of releasing a report early, tanking the stocks and Michael will buy them up and then name Curtis CEO. They are going to make it look like they are going Chapter 11. Curtis wants Michael to put it in writing he'll be CEO for 5 years and no takebacks. That's his condition. Michael does it and sends a message to a guy at the WSJ to run a story about Aurora 'collapsing".

Cam is home! Aiden brings him through the front door. Lucky is still there btw. Cam brings home a GIRL!! Gretchen. She plays the cello. Don't tell GIO! They want to go to Key West where her parents are this year. Liz decides to celebrate Christmas today instead. The kids go off to buy groceries. She is happy that Cam is happy. Kids come home. Aiden talks about Tobias and that he's in Disney right now. Then Liz asks Cameron to PLAY A SONG. why.

Joss is moping at home. Finds the present she was giving Dex. Trina walks in and they hug. Joss says she's numb. They talk about Dex dying so suddenly and then Spencer and Oscar. They continue to talk about their dead boyfriends. yada yada. 


Stock tanks ... Drew is concerned. 

Jordan gets her flu shot. 

Cam and Lucky sing "Oh Holy Night" 


  1. ----I know I am stupid, but isn't what Michael and Curtis are doing illegal? A type of insider reading???? Can you buy back shares of a company you own and lie about the shares????
    ----I know some peopl hate Carly but I laughed out loud when she declared, "NO---Drew hurt WIllow and Michael and I am going to make them pay!!!" ONLY on soaps do people talk like that.....
    --what is the purpose of Cam's girlfriend being there? I first thought maybe she Dex's sister!!!!
    -Nina also needs to join Drew on Fantasy Island cause they just have NO CLUE!!!
    Gimme a break - Jordan is afraid of a shot???? Former DEA and former Police Commissioner.......sigh..

    1. Thanks mufasa. That's exactly what I was thinking. I think Curtis is deliberately setting Michael up.

      And I would react that way as a mom too.

    2. Snarly is forgetting Willow was a willing participant and not coerced. She is also not 16 years old. Two consenting adults. Gross yes, but seeking revenge seems silly but we knew this was how she would play it.

    3. Agreed Linda - the stomper should change " Drew hurt Willow and Michael " to " Drew and Willow hurt Michael " - and then make them both pay

  2. You think the writers are gonna match Sasha and Jason??? I mean she is carrying Michael's child, but????????

  3. Liz's home: WOW! In the previews yesterday, that was Jake! I thought it was a recast Cam!

    Liz, Lucky, Jake, Cam, and Gretchen: Gretchen is so cute!!!! :) She looks like Joss! Cam had a girlfriend named Yuki! Anybody remember that? I guess that that could be Gretchen's nickname. Yuki. Too bad Cam isn't dating Emma. SO GLAD TO SEE YOU CAM!!!!! :D

    "Karen says Then Liz asks Cameron to PLAY A SONG. why."

    Awwww you don't want him to sing? Cam singing oh holy night YAY! He did a great job, and I loved that Lucky joined him!!! Great scene! You can see the way Gretchen is looking at Cam while he is singing! She is in love with him. :)

    Joss and Trina's home:

    Joss and Trina: This is so sad! :( I'm glad Trina is there for her. :( I hope Cam doesn't go visit Joss with Gretchen!!

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Ava: LISTEN TO HER NINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your excuse sounds so dumb.

    Nina, Ava, and Marty: Wow! Nina and her crazy eyes is scary! Nina is scary! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Nothing says Merry Christmas like a divorce lawyer on retainer.


    Charity drive:

    Jordan and Felicia: Jordan looking disgusted at Drew aka Ryan Lavery or she is jelly.. ROFL! Felicia is so helpful! ROFL!

    Jordan and Gannon: They are so adorable!!! :)

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Man he is so creepy! Is he going to be obsessed with her? Willow don't invite him for Christmas!!!!!

    Curtis's office:

    Curtis and Michael: Oooo Curtis is so demanding and knows what he wants and goes for it!!! Mmmm sexy! Now take your shirt off Curtis! :)

    Jason's warehouse:

    Jason and Carly: Great scene! I love how he is with Carly and I love how mama bear she is about Michael!

  4. What Nina is doing made me cringe.
    Yes, I do think that the Aurora scheme is not legal. So Drew will probably get to use that eventually. The bad guy does win on GH sometimes. Like real life.
    Willow and Drew should slime away together. Gross.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...