Friday, December 20, 2024

Christmas Eve


Yesterday's Show: 
Jason Sasha? Hmmmm... they are ok as friends, don't want anything else. LOVED Tracey and Martin. LIKE LOVED them. Joss and Cam both look like California kids, don't they? WHY didn't Cameron know about DEX?? Wouldn't Liz have said something? Social media? His brother? 

BTW, I would NEVER go into a sauna and sit on those wet tiles and...EWWWWWW. Gross. Curtis works as a ruthless executive. I approve. 

Anyone show Gretchen the zex tape?? :evil smile: 


Christmas Eve

Rice Plaza: Laura is going to light the tree. Runs into Trina says how happy she is Lulu and Lucky are home. Trina's like: Yeah, I bet Spencer would have liked it. Laura certinaly doesn't act cut up about Spencer. She goes to do her mayor duties. Kai walks out and says hello to Tri. They talk and they got an extension on their project so they can present together.

Brennan runs into Anna. He's out of the office! He talks about the bug Carly planted. Anna plays dumb and walks away. Anna goes to ask Laura if lulu is coming and if she knows she shot Charlotte. . Laura says not yet, too much information but it was an accident. Anna should forgive herself. 

Drew is at Nina's. Nina's like: look, I didn't invite you! She reminds them how many times they had zex and Willow walks out. Nina calls someone to come over. Oh! It's Nina and RIC! They were going out to dinner and Nina needs them to help with Drew. THEY WERE ON A DATE! squee. Ava tells Nina not to drink or she'll spill about Drew. Nina says this day just sucks LOL Willow and Drew walk out. Ric says: WELP! How's Aurora Drew, big changes right? You're out and Michael Corinthos is in? Drew and Willow talk and Wills is SO MAD at Michael. "how dare he"...God I hate her and Drew too. 

Sasha and Michael in the Q kitchen. She almost pukes and hides it. Then he says how sad he is without anyone home. He's going to Carly's. She almost tells him but only says "Happy Christmas". Felicia calls her to go get Cody to come over. Sasha talks to Cody and he doesn't want to go. She tells him James is really missing him. 

Over at Maxie's...James,  Spinelli, Mac and Fe talk about playing games later. James is pouting because CODY isn't coming. Anna comes over and so does Sasha. She couldn't get Cody to come. Anna says she has a surprise later. I HOPE IT's EMMA! 

Curtis and Stella welcome Marshall home and Stella walks out too. When Trina gets home, Curtis tells them about the Aurora deal and Drew double-crossing him and how Michael flamboozled Drew. He's CEO! He is sad about losing Drew as a friend and Portia is like: GET OVER IT. 

Kristina stops by her mom's when she knew Molly was out. She's going to her Dad's.  She gives Alexis a gift and they talk about the sad year. Krissy leaves, Diane comes in. Wants Alexis to go to St. Bart's with her. Alexis says no. They talk about Sam and hug. Diane wants to burn all the ornaments but has to make a good Christmas for Molly. Diane tells her to invite Ric tomorrow. Later, Alexis calls Ric JUST AS HE'S GOING TO KISS AVA! Damn it!! She wants him to come over. 

Carly takes a lasagna from Sonny and Avery runs upstairs. He finds out about Millow being apart and that Willow and Drew slept together. Sonny's pissed "Drew will pay" he says. Let's hope so.  Carly has to go pick something up. Joss and Sonny make peace. Michael and Kristina come over. Sonny and Michael talk about his breakup. Sonny says he is glad Michael isn't using his kids against Willow like he did with him and Morgan against Carly. 

Carly stopped by Bobbie's to get the donation they forgot. Brennan walks by, and is sad it's closed. They banter. She realizes he's alone. 

Ric goes to Alexis' house

Cody surprises James at Maxie's

Brennan ends up at Carly's for Christmas Eve


  1. No Thanksgiving but three days of Christmas. Fair trade I guess.
    Ava looks so beautiful.
    Michael Fairman posted an interview with CM saying that Willow and Drew will be the next big power couple on GH. Oh god. Just when we all want him to go away forever. With Willow.
    My wish is that suddenly in walks Charlotte so we don't have to hear about finding her anymore.

    1. CM is just making a guess saying what he'd like in that interview.

  2. Okay I will sound like the Grinch, but I eventually will land the plane.
    ------ I wrote this on social media too - it is TIME Frank to do something with Monica and stop having her stuck upstairs
    ------Trina doesn't even REMEMBER Taggart....
    -----I am just shocked that Cam was there for 2 episodes - no storyline etc - but I liked Marshall coming back and we all know Emma is showing up - cause I was wondering WHY Anna wouldn't go to California to be with her family
    -----Nina's wardrobe for Christmas Eve was odd.....Willow and Drew deserve each other and no, no, no, Cameron M, the fans WILL NOT eventually learn to love them
    -----SO Dex died yesterday right? Christmas Eve party at the Q's and Joss went to see him afterwards.....but it's Christmas Eve NOW???? Joss isn't grieving like Trina the lights on the tree at Rice Plaza JUST now turned on?
    -----WHERE are Jason and Danny and and and why didn't ALexis MENTION the grandchildren SHE wanted to raise?
    ------Does Ava have or not have money????? Where is she living?
    ----was that Laura's assistant with her???? We have never seen her before.
    ----still feel nothing for Trina and Kai.
    BUT landing the plane
    -----I want Curtis to have a meaty storyline.....yeah.....(how did RIC know about Michael and the first plan of CEO of Aurora?)
    ------Maura/Ava was breathtakingly gorgeous with hair and make-up today.
    ------I like Carly and Brennan - and I kinda like him being there/seeing Sonny with family and I didn't realize they had never met....
    ----I liked Joss and Sonny together...
    -----I really like the credits at the end - they deserve recognition.

    1. mufasa, I like to think that Ric has ways to find out what is going on in Port Charles. Maybe Santa lets Ric use whatever tech he uses to find out who is naughty or nice. 🧑‍🎄

  3. I don't see any chemistry between Trina and Kai either. And I love that Curtis is looking out for himself, but also like that he doesn't want to go to the dark side too. That would ruin one of my favorite characters.

  4. So many funny one liners today!

    Nina's abode:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Nina talking about where they had sex was hysterical! ROFL!

    Nina, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, and Willow: Nina! Tell Willow you and Drew aka Ryan Lavery had zex too!!!!! :D And say it right in front of him! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Nina, Ric, and Ava: Ooooo Ric and Ava were going on a date!?!?! :D Ava is right Nina! No drinking! Getting drunk makes a person be honest! You don't want that. Hmmm maybe you should! Then you can tell Willow you slept with Drew multiple times. Once for an hour. ROFL!!

    Ric and Ava: GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their freakin almost kiss was interrupted! Dammit Alexis!

    Ric, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Willow, Nina, and Ava: When Ava was introducing Ric, there was a little hesitation. Like she didn't want to say lawyer. She wanted to say my boyfriend! *Giggle* Yes I will never forgive you Drew aka Ryan Lavery for doing what you did to Curtis! You slimeball!!! Did you see Ric grabbing that alcohol bottle when Nina, Ric and Ava left the room? BAHAHAHAHAHHA! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: You can't set Drew on fire with your mind you know.


    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Oh shut up Willow you hypocrite!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: Krissy just go to Sonny's!!! *Facepalm*

    Alexis and Diane: Wow! She is there for Molly? That's amazing! :) Yes all three of you go to Saint Barts! :)

    Alexis and Ric: Yeah great question Ric! Why IS Ric there Alexis?

    Rice plaza:

    Anna and Brennan: Come on Anna! Brennan is not dumb, so stop pretending you are dumb.

    Laura and Anna: Oh give me a break Anna! Stop with the damn guilty feels. Get over it! It was a damn accident!

    Trina and Laura: Almost a year since Spencer "died" :( I want the actor back. :(

    Trina and Kai: BORING! Zzzzzzzzzz. Where is Gio?


    Carly and Brennan: Ooooooo both so flirty!! ;) I love them together!! #Jackly.

    Sonny's home:

    Michael and Sonny: That's my boy! Hahahaha. Yup I approve of what Michael and Curtis did. :)

    Joss and Krissy: Did anybody see that? Right before Joss and Krissy walked over the steps, you can see the little actress who plays Donna's dress, well a part of it. Like she is waiting for her cue to come downstairs. :)

    Michael, Carly, Brennan, and Sonny: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! What is Sonny going to say or do to Brennan now?! :D

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis, Stella, Trina, and Mr. Hat man: Mr. HAT MAN YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D He looks good. Curtis looks really yummy! Take off your shirt Curtis. :) And yes I approve what you did to Drew aka Ryan Lavery. :) I love you Curtis. :) Oh! TJ can't show up he has to work awwwww! :(

    Q mansion:

    Sasha and Michael: Sasha! Tell Mikey you got the preggers!!!

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: I really loved them together.. Damn you writers for making them cousins!

    Maxie's home:

    James, Spixie, MacLecia, and Anna: Anna what is the surprise? Emma?! I hope! Poor James! I want to hug him. :( Spinny being so attentive and loving to Maxie awwwww. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go watch Nina and V.C.! Nina lets him have it!!!

    A couple of sidenotes:

    1. On Bold and the beautiful today, I saw the last 5 minutes, and Ridge and Tayler were kissing and having zex! It grossed me out! All I could see is Zak and Greenlee! Gross!!!! Yuck! I couldn't watch.

    2. Too bad Cam and Grechy didn't stay. Hope they come back soon. I'll call them Camchen. :)

    1. Sonya said: Then you can tell Willow you slept with Drew multiple times. Once for an hour. ROFL!!

      I wonder how long the nannycam video Michael of the Drew/Willow romp was? And if Willow finds out Drew's time with Nina was once for an hour would she get jelly and demand a do over.

    2. "Gary says, I wonder how long the nannycam video Michael of the Drew/Willow romp was?"

      Great question!!!! :)

      "And if Willow finds out Drew's time with Nina was once for an hour would she get jelly and demand a do over."

      ROFL! Maybe she would demand a do over! :)

    3. Sonya... I read this " Come on Anna! Brennan" as Anal Brennan and I'm still laughing.

    4. I really liked Sasha and Cody too. As it is a soap why can't they be a couple and raise her little one? They could change the "facts" anytime.

    5. "Di says, Sonya... I read this " Come on Anna! Brennan" as Anal Brennan and I'm still laughing."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's really good. *Snicker*

      "zazu says, I really liked Sasha and Cody too. As it is a soap why can't they be a couple and raise her little one? They could change the "facts" anytime."

      Yes!!! They could change the facts at anytime and they could raise her little one!!! :)

  5. I still think Holly faked the DNA test and Sasha and Cody are not cousins.

  6. So I won't become a Negative Nellie, I will only focus on things I like this week: 1) Ric and Ava, 2) Tracy and Martin, 3) seeing Cameron, and 4) Curtis coming on strong in the corporate world.

  7. I will have to watch Tracy and Martin; are they the odd couple? I do like Ric and Ava ALOT. Love Cameron and love Curtis

  8. Promo time!!!

    Willow: We never meant for this to happen!

    Lucas: Of course you did!

    I love Lucas. :)

  9. WHAT?!?!! NOOOOO! :(

    1. Maybe BRS wasn't available to stick around for a while. The younger set sure needs something. They are kind of boring.

    2. "zazu says, Maybe BRS wasn't available to stick around for a while."

      Yeah maybe. :(

      "The younger set sure needs something. They are kind of boring."

      Yeah they need a mystery to solve. :)


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...