Monday, December 30, 2024

Stuff Going On

Kai and Trina are in The Gallery. Boring ass'd talk about art. I mean REALLY boring. Then Kai gets a phone call and has to leave. 

Kristina "redid" Charlie's and added like a few guitars? Probs Lucky will play there? Lucas comes in and she gives him a photo she found  of Wiley. She thinks it was Julian's. They talk about Wiley, Willow and Michael. They both hate Drew. Then Lucas tells her he thinks Ava lost her divorce settlement and might have to move.

Liz goes into a meeting thinking it's just Terry and Portia but a GH rep is there too. They tell her Dex died just how Sam did.  Liz wants a lawyer. The GH rep says "you have something to hide"? Terry tries to calm her down. RIC walks in. "My client is not saying another word". Portia tries to tell her they aren't going to do anything but Ric says NOPE we are leaving. 

Isaiah and Lucky talk at the gym. Lucky is worried about Liz. 

Alexis and Sonny. Alexis talks to him about the custody case and Ava. She says she lost all her money and won't be able to fight for Avery. He's happy. Now Alexis wants a favor: Take Charlie's away from Kristina. She thinks the FBI will have it on their radar for money laundering. It's a very weird convo. She finally says Ok about her keeping Charlie's. Alexis wants him out of the mob. 

Ava goes to Laura's office to see her. She talks to Laura about having no money because of the Cassadine settlement.  Ava basically begs her to help her get it back. Laura says she can't, she's sorry. "My hands are tied". Ava wants to go to Greece 

Valentin strides into the cafe and says hello to Lulu. She wants Charlotte to go home with her. He's like nope, you were gone four years anyway. Just discussion about her staying with him or leaving with her. OMG he says she's not safe in Port Charles because she was shot. Tells her about Victor and him manipulating Charlotte and Anna shooting her by mistake. 


Another patient died in August under Liz's care: Silvie Mullen. (Don't ask me, I don't know)

Lulu pleads with Val to let Charlotte go. Dante walks in, Val thinks Lulu set him up.  There's a sniper on the roof

Sonny goes down holding his heart in the gym

Lucky asks Kristina to hire him as a bartender. 

Alexis shuts the door in Ava's face 

NOTE:  I thought there were repeats Tues/Wed but I have to double check that 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Twinkle, Twinkle


Three days of Christmas on GH. Only three days and yet I managed to write quite a bit because you know me, have to get those thoughts on paper!! 

Let's all have some mulled wine and hopefully not singing by anyone around us. Not even on our soap

Friday, December 27, 2024

Frosty Friday!


Anyone watch Hot Frosty? LOL...what a ridiculous movie but so fun. (Netflix)  Hallmark but tongue in cheek. Maybe Drew can change INTO a snowman and just melt away?!!! 


Lulu is in Prague already and waiting for Char in a bar that looks like every other bar they use for a bar in Europe. LOL they see each other through the window. Charlotte comes in with her suitcase. She's taller than Lulu! They talk and that's NOT a suitcase, sorry. She's going to have to leave before Papa finds out. Lulu wants Char to come home.  Charlotte says she can't. Papa would be all alone and Lulu has a lot of people in Port Charles. 

Marty wants to meet with Laura and Alexis. They are all in the mayor's office. Marty heard from Greece and Ace is the new heir to the fortune and Alexis is the executive. AHAHAHA. Then Laura and Alexis decide they should just give all the money away to charity. BTW, Nikolas isn't dead so how's he not getting the money? Martin says they can't give his money away, it's there until he comes of age. 

Joss is working at Bobbie's, talking to Jason-- she has to keep working.  She wants to find who knifed Dex. Jason leaves. Then Brennan comes in and orders a burger. She has a favor for him. She wonders if the WSB satellites could tell who stabbed Dex. He says no, they only keep the footage for 48 hours. 

Emma comes into Anna's after being at the gym all morning. Anna is like "Well, you were out until 4am". Anna found out that Robin didn't know Emma was in PC-- and Emma actually got expelled from Berkley. She had a big party and a sprinkler went off and the dorm rooms destroyed. She was out for 2 months and her parents didn't know because she impersonated her mother on the phone. She's registered at PCU and Anna says she's going to live with her where she can keep an eye on her.  Emma says NOPE she signed a lease. Anna says unsign it. Then Emma flounces out to get a coffee. Jason walks in. He tells Anna Lulu found Charlotte and Anna realizes she probably led the WSB to Valentin. 

Later, A VERY awkward scene with Joss and Emma. Emma's acting like an ass and that Joss shouldn't be working in a 'diner'. She orders some fancy Starbucks drink thing. She also tells her she saw Cam all the time in CA because their colleges were close. SHE introduced him to Gretchen. 

Maxie and Sasha are at the nail place and Sasha wants to move to the Hamptons. Um, she get a lot of money from somewhere? Maxie wants to know who the father is. She knows it has to be someone because Sasha wants to move.

Michael and Diane. He tells her that Willow and Drew messed around. She asks about all of it. He tells her about the nanny cam and them doing it in the playroom and she's all "EWWW ICKY". She said he shouldn't have let her take the kids. 

Ava gives Trina a painting instead of a bonus because of her financial distress. Trina thanks her and Kai comes into the Metro dining room. He orders a beer and pouts alone. It's so hard being a hot-jock. EVERYONE wants a piece of him. Just then a guy and his kid come in to get a selfie with him. 


Lulu puts a tracker in Charlotte's purse. 

Brennan says to pull footage from Rice Square. He lied to Joss. 


Valentin is in the WINDOW!! JPS IS BACK! 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day

In the UK that is...we need to have that in the States I think! Well, hope you had a relaxing 2 days off. 

Rice Square: Kirstina is looking for Lulu and Laura says she's at the Q's waiting to spend it with Rocco. Kristina and Sonny then go admire the tree. She's still hopeful for the New Year because of Sonny. They go to Sonny's place. She talks about redoing Charlie's. 

Brook Lyn shows Chase a pregnancy test "I'm late" He asks if she feels differently..then goes "Oh, you wouldn't know" LOL Brook looks nervous. THEN he says "Our FIRST baby will be special". Anvil Anvil Anvil. Brook isn't pregnant. She's upset and doesn't know what's wrong.  They are going in for tests. 

Over at the Qs, Dante tells Rocco his mom will be there really early because she loves Christmas and yada yada. Rocco's like: Um, she'll have a big day tomorrow for sure!! Then Laura comes in and they figure out she told her she'd be at the Q's and Dante she'd be at Laura's. Rocco finally caves and tells them Charlotte called and Lulu was leaving to find her. Dante is going to the airport and he knows someone there that might find her. 

Meanwhile, LULU is in the airport going to Prague. The Fancy French WSB lady is sitting next to her. "Your first time in Prague"?? yada yada. Then French lady calls Brennan and she says she's going to Prague too and then they can get Valentin. 

Over at Nina's, Ava and Drew and Willow stand around. Then Lucas comes to the door looking for Willow. Willow? Um, ok. He's like, Why isn't he with his father ? I didn't rip my heart out for his. GO LUCAS! Stupid Drew opens his mouth and Willow quickly shuts him up. Lucas lays into her for sleeping with Drew. IT WAS GLORIOUS. Finally, Ava tells Lucas they are leaving. 

Nina and Drew tell Willow she has to fight to keep her children and don't let Michael win. 

Carly's house: . Carly is all giggly about being with Jack and Michael mopes to Jason on the balcony. Joss is trying to act sad. They talk about the rescue in Africa and Joss drops that she knows about mining being in the Environmental Studies in college. Oh cripes, is she going to be a WSB agent? He says one person can help save the world in a smarmy weird speech LOL. Joss goes to bed. Brennan thanks Carly. 

Jason and Michael talk about Willow and the kids. Jason tells Michael to fight for them. 

Maxie's: Emma is like 'SURPRISE GRAM! I'M GOING TO PCU"! we didn't want to tell you, we wanted to surprise you. OMG Emma could be Sasha's twin. Anyway, not sure Anna looks that thrilled.  Anna is going to call Robin and Emma tries to change the subject-- a lot. Doesn't want her to call. They keep talking about Sasha and cooking for the Qs and such. 


Drew and Willow kiss while Nina looks on with a mean face

Dante misses the plane to Prague but the French lady is on there 

Sonny turns out the lights and grabs his chest a bit. Pain subsides but is it a heart attack in the making? 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Merry, Happy Happy!


Just a note to say how much I appreciate those of you that read the blog and the few of you that comment!! It's always strange to sit on this side of the keyboard and wonder if anyone is ever going to read your stuff. 

I've been doing this so long it's probably time to hang it up but I just can't quit GH. The community we've built here and on other social media platforms is priceless. I wish I had enough money to have a super Wub Party Bash-O-Rama and invite everyone for a fun filled weekend somewhere warm!! 

This year on the show had it's ups and downs. Hopefully the writing roller-coaster has settled a bit. I do feel like some "cleaning house" has been happening with the cast (not always agreed upon by me!!) and who knows what 2025 will bring. With Emma Drake back and perhaps more 20 somethings coming it could shift to a younger set. I'm all for that. 

It will also be an interesting year as "Beyond The Gates" will start in February on CBS. For me, it will air the same time as GH: 2pm/est.  I really wish it was at 1 or 3 because I'd love to start it fresh and maybe live sky it a bit. BUT, GH comes first for me and I'll have to catch it later in the evening. 

Here's hoping you have a wonderful time whatever you do during this season. We are busy cooking and baking and merry-making. Another giant thank you to my second in command, David and also Sonya who recaps on the daily! 


Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Lights


SO!! News!! Braedyn Bruner will be debuting as a recast Emma Drake on GH today. Brooklyn Rae Silzer is busy in nursing school so she passed on the role. Lucky for us, they decided to add Emma anyway. WE NEED youngin's!! I'm excited. 

SCHEDULE HERE ON OUT: Repeat show tomorrow and no show on Christmas. New shows Thurs/Friday. 

Everyone is at Maxie's. Cody gives James his fave cowboy hat. Anna's waiting for her surprise to arrive. Sasha asks about Robert and Anna says he's a great dad to Robin and he will be back. Then they can get to know each other. 

Laura is so happy Lucky's home. He and Liz are walking around Rice Plaza. Then Dante comes with Rocco. Laura invites them to her house for Christmas.

Jordan and Dr. Brennan meet and he gives her a present. It's a towel that velcroes because of the Sauna thing that happened. 

Some chick runs through the plaza and gives Gio a wallet and runs. Weird.  That's Emma for sure. Then a guy tells a cop he had his pocket picked--Emma walks up to Gio and asks for the wallet back. He's like "no way, you stole it". She says they can make someone's Christmas Eve special. She says the guy stole some ornaments and only paid for one. She wants to pay for the ones he stole and then turn the wallet in. That was a heck of a lot for some weird ass'd meeting between the 2 of them. LOL.

Q house, Lulu comes in and Tracey hugs her a lot--- Brook Lyn watches and is jelly. Lulu says all she wants to do is go out and find Charlotte. 

Brook tells Chase she hates Lulu and he's like, I think you're jealous. He also says he had a crush on her when he first moved to PC. 

Ned tells Jason he's glad he moved in and he thinks he's helping Monica get better. Jason is happy to be there. Later, Ned, Tracey and Lois have a drink. Ned says hopefully his FIRST grandchild will be born soon and Lois gets her "UT OH" face on. 

Carly's house. Sonny isn't happy Jack Brennan is there. Same ol' same ol' CarSon convo they've had for years. Sonny and Krissy leave for the tree lighting. Brennan talks to Joss about Dex and she has no idea how he knows about them. He says "maybe your mom told me".  Michael and Joss leave. Jason shows up with Danny. He sees Brennan and Carly laughing on the couch. He's not happy. Won't shake his had, only stares. 

Ric is at Alexis' house and she wants him to help her put up the decorations. They banter and he decides to help.  They decorate to a music montage and she ties him up in lights, they throw stuff. She finally smiles a bit. He pulls out a mistletoe and she throws it back in the box. 

SONNY DONATED the CHRISTMAS TREE IN RICE SQUARE of COURSE. :eyeroll: Krissy and Dante tell him what a great guy he is. Laura hugs him. Then Molly sees Sonny and Kristina and leaves. 


Lulu shows up. Rocco is over texting someone. It's Charlotte. She calls and Lulu speaks to her. "Oh my gosh, it's you". 


Lulu finds out were Charlotte is and leaves to go get her. Makes Rocco promise not to tell anyone

Qs play a Christmas tune 

Emma comes by Maxie and Spinelli's house 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Please Enjoy this Yearly Edition of The Wub Awards in lieu of Sunday Surgery

This year on GH was steeped in death. The Deaths of Spencer, Esme,  Gregory , Baby Irene, Sam McCall and Dex.  All were powerful dramas in their own rights.  It's always difficult for me to pick and choose over the year but I did my best. Do you agree? 

Writing Shake up: So, the HW team went through quite the shift. Following the writer's strike, Both Chris VanEtten and Dan O'Conner were have thought to have left. Elizabeth Korte and Patrick Mulcahey were named at the top of the helm. It was then learned that CVE was still writing breakdown during this time. Then, Patrick abruptly left and Chris became co-head writer with EK. Cathy LePard was named "associate writer".  Who knows what all this baking and shaking did to storylines and timing. We can only imagine. 

Best Actress: Nancy Lee Grahn

Best Actor: Dominic Zamprogna 

Best Come-Back  Actor: John J York 
Best Reunion Story: Mac is back!

Best Supporting Actress: Jane Elliot 

Supporting Actor:  Tajh Bellow 

Best Younger Actor:  Tabyana Ali  

 Best Day Player Actress: Vernee Johnson

Best Day Player Actor: Parry Shen 

Best character recast (tie): Lucas and Lulu 

Most Missed Character: Selina Wu 

Best New Character: Isaiah  Gannon

Worst New Character: Violin Gio    

Most Changed Character for the worse:  Anna 

Most Surprising Shift of a Character for the best: Curtis.

Best Scene: Felicia realizing that BJ came to Bobbie's 
funeral in the form of an angel. 

                           Most Heartbreaking Scenes: Tie: Alexis and Jason with Sam 

Fave Scene: Cody punching Drew
Follow up: Jason punching Drew 

GRAND SCENE: The Qs and Co watch the Drillow Zex Tape. 

Best Story: Kristina Falls:
 Why? Huge surprise, brought Ric back and more Ava scenes. WIN WIN WIN. 

Worst Story: Sam's Death 

Laziest Story: Lucky's Return

Unbelievable Story: Holly and Sasha 

Dropped Story (hard to choose): Sonny's meds being messed with 

Not Solved Storyline: Death of Jagger Cates

Best Couple (tie): Maxie and Spinelli / Felicia and Mac  

Worst Couple (tie): Michael and Willow 

And... Drew and Willow

Potential Couple:  Ava and Ric 

Best Cameo:  Original BJ actress

Most Missed Character: Monica

Best Dressed Character: Ava 

Worst Dressed Character:   Kristina 

(1977 vs 2024)
Fave Family Team: Quartermaines

Favorite Equine: Comet

One gone too soon
One gone too late 

Another note of thanks to all of you subscribers, readers and lurkers. 
Find Wubs on Threads @wubsnet and on BlueSky @Ghwubs 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Christmas Eve


Yesterday's Show: 
Jason Sasha? Hmmmm... they are ok as friends, don't want anything else. LOVED Tracey and Martin. LIKE LOVED them. Joss and Cam both look like California kids, don't they? WHY didn't Cameron know about DEX?? Wouldn't Liz have said something? Social media? His brother? 

BTW, I would NEVER go into a sauna and sit on those wet tiles and...EWWWWWW. Gross. Curtis works as a ruthless executive. I approve. 

Anyone show Gretchen the zex tape?? :evil smile: 


Christmas Eve

Rice Plaza: Laura is going to light the tree. Runs into Trina says how happy she is Lulu and Lucky are home. Trina's like: Yeah, I bet Spencer would have liked it. Laura certinaly doesn't act cut up about Spencer. She goes to do her mayor duties. Kai walks out and says hello to Tri. They talk and they got an extension on their project so they can present together.

Brennan runs into Anna. He's out of the office! He talks about the bug Carly planted. Anna plays dumb and walks away. Anna goes to ask Laura if lulu is coming and if she knows she shot Charlotte. . Laura says not yet, too much information but it was an accident. Anna should forgive herself. 

Drew is at Nina's. Nina's like: look, I didn't invite you! She reminds them how many times they had zex and Willow walks out. Nina calls someone to come over. Oh! It's Nina and RIC! They were going out to dinner and Nina needs them to help with Drew. THEY WERE ON A DATE! squee. Ava tells Nina not to drink or she'll spill about Drew. Nina says this day just sucks LOL Willow and Drew walk out. Ric says: WELP! How's Aurora Drew, big changes right? You're out and Michael Corinthos is in? Drew and Willow talk and Wills is SO MAD at Michael. "how dare he"...God I hate her and Drew too. 

Sasha and Michael in the Q kitchen. She almost pukes and hides it. Then he says how sad he is without anyone home. He's going to Carly's. She almost tells him but only says "Happy Christmas". Felicia calls her to go get Cody to come over. Sasha talks to Cody and he doesn't want to go. She tells him James is really missing him. 

Over at Maxie's...James,  Spinelli, Mac and Fe talk about playing games later. James is pouting because CODY isn't coming. Anna comes over and so does Sasha. She couldn't get Cody to come. Anna says she has a surprise later. I HOPE IT's EMMA! 

Curtis and Stella welcome Marshall home and Stella walks out too. When Trina gets home, Curtis tells them about the Aurora deal and Drew double-crossing him and how Michael flamboozled Drew. He's CEO! He is sad about losing Drew as a friend and Portia is like: GET OVER IT. 

Kristina stops by her mom's when she knew Molly was out. She's going to her Dad's.  She gives Alexis a gift and they talk about the sad year. Krissy leaves, Diane comes in. Wants Alexis to go to St. Bart's with her. Alexis says no. They talk about Sam and hug. Diane wants to burn all the ornaments but has to make a good Christmas for Molly. Diane tells her to invite Ric tomorrow. Later, Alexis calls Ric JUST AS HE'S GOING TO KISS AVA! Damn it!! She wants him to come over. 

Carly takes a lasagna from Sonny and Avery runs upstairs. He finds out about Millow being apart and that Willow and Drew slept together. Sonny's pissed "Drew will pay" he says. Let's hope so.  Carly has to go pick something up. Joss and Sonny make peace. Michael and Kristina come over. Sonny and Michael talk about his breakup. Sonny says he is glad Michael isn't using his kids against Willow like he did with him and Morgan against Carly. 

Carly stopped by Bobbie's to get the donation they forgot. Brennan walks by, and is sad it's closed. They banter. She realizes he's alone. 

Ric goes to Alexis' house

Cody surprises James at Maxie's

Brennan ends up at Carly's for Christmas Eve

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...