Monday, May 14, 2018

Where's The Blanket?

We get to see Nelle fall again!! The one time I'm happy they replayed Friday's ending!! BUMP she goes! Monica immediately blames Carly  Brad calls GH and Monica attends to Nelle. Carly tries to explain what happens. Joss yells at her saying WHAT IF YOU KILLED HER!!??  The ambulance pulls in and Joss and Brad are going with her to GH.  Monica calls PCPD and says it was an assault LOL.

Floating Rib: Anna and Jordan go out. The bar is all redone after the earthquake. I can't tell the difference. Mac is taking Michael out for a drink and ribs during the shower. 
Jordan tells Anna she thinks Curtis proposed because he thought she was going to die. She's not ready to get married anyway. Finn walks in. He's meeting Alexis.  Oh, Anna had no idea that Chase and Finn were 1/2 siblings. 

Chase gets a phone call about the 'assault" at the Q house and Michael hears from Joss that Nelle is in the hospital.
Carly's all panicked.  Chase goes to the Qs. Asks who else saw the fall (no one) ... and people are saying that Carly was bickering with Nelle. 
Chase asks what they were arguing over-- Carly said a blanket she made that looked just like Morgan's. Chase CAN'T FIND THE BLANKET!! OMG IT'S GONE?? Who? How? HUH?? Ava had to have taken it!!  Carly explains that Nelle was messing with her the entire time. Not even Bobbie seems to believe her?? 


AT GH: Lucas is working on Nelle. She wakes up and asks about the baby. Michael comes in. First thing Nelle tells him is that Carly pushed her lol. Don't ever change, Nelle.  Michael says that he'll be by her side and it will be ok.  She got what she wanted, yes? 

Peter and Valentin... more bullshit about this stupid story. Like "OMG what if my MOM finds out I'm me"?? "OMG..what if Anna Devane doesn't back off"?   Val does say he thinks of Peter as his 'own son' that's why he's been so nice to him all these years. 

Sonny and Jason. Jason is just saying NO BODY...Sonny doesn't believe it. The hole is PERFECTLY rectangle too. LMAO 

SO..Carly's arrested and it looks like not a lot of people believe her about Nelle!! 


  1. ava took the blanket when she went up to check kids

  2. OMG, I am working until 8 tonight, so I just HAD to check here to see what happened. I DID NOT WANT Carly to be arrested, this is so upsetting, so people really think Carly pushed Nelle down the stairs and tried to kill her own grandchild? Did Nelle actually plan it that way?

    1. She probably did AntJoan! Ugh! I want to push her down the stairs myself!! I can kinda understand some people not believing her, but Bobbie, she should believe Carly! She's the one who saw thru all of Nellies crap!

  3. Oh yes. Nelle planned this whole thing to make it seem like Carly PUSHED her down the stairs. This was her way to get Carly arrested and sent away and away from Michael. She wants everyone to believe Carly did this. And, guess what? Everyone thinks Carly did it. I am sure Sonny will think Carly pushed her too. Everyone will NOT believe her except Jason. But, Jason can't find his way out of a paper bag anymore. He can't find Heinrich, can't figure out who is spooking Carly etc.

    I am unsure, but why does it feel like Valentin might be Peter/ Heinrich's father??? Or, maybe he grew fond of Heinrich because he is Anna's son? In any case, Anna will be FURIOUS when she finds out that Valentin knew this all these years and didn't tell her about her son.

    Ava definitely took the blanket. You'd think she'd be pissed at Nelle after the penguin mobile thing, but Ava probably thinks that if Carly is put away, then she will have better chance of getting FULL custody of Avery (and she hates Sonny and Carly).

    1. Lindie I wondered the same, cause he does act like his father. As for Jason maybe HE of all people can help Carly and screw Nellie's world up!

  4. In the past, replacement actors have returned on the show to be new characters.

    I am NOT doing an internet search, so these might be wrong but...

    I'm pretty sure it happened with frisco. he was replaced for a few episodes and the guy that replaced him came back during that awful terry brock storyline (where she walked naked down the street.) He was one of the 2 brothers.

    Didnt Nelle portray a Spencer in the anniversary storyline?

    I'm sure there are others.

    So.... hypothetically, lets say the actress filling in for Monica does a good job. Would you want her to return 6 months down the road as a new character, and if so, who?

    1. No....if only because the cast is so bloated already

  5. Nelle said something weird. She said "Is the baby OK?", not MY baby. Hmmmmm Maybe not her baby or Michael's.

  6. Nelle is definitely up to something with Brad. Maybe with Kim too???

  7. The ambulance was in the neighborhood??? Noone checked a pulse or for bleeding??

  8. The floating rib: Hmm looks different.. Looks like a hootenanny Texas place! ROFL!

    Jordan and Anna: Aww nice bonding moment.. :) Aww Jordan yeah I think it's just your insecurities talking! Oh sure Anna! Go see Finchy!! Oh wait you can't! He is with Alexis! YAY! They kissed! Awwww! :)

    Alexis and Anna:

    Anna: His brother?

    Alexis: Yes his half brother..


    Chase and Dante: Oh sure Dante! Be smug! Chase will get the last laugh when he sings fantastically on stage at the nurses ball you idiot!

    Chase and Finchy: Awwwwww. :) A small bonding moment. :)

    Hiney's office: Awww! Mummy is warning Hiney about V.C.! How adorable! :)

    Hiney and V.C.: Wow they do a lot of bromance affairs!!! Did you see how close they got together? :)

    Q home:

    "Karen says Carly said a blanket she made that looked just like Morgan's. Chase CAN'T FIND THE BLANKET!! OMG IT'S GONE?? Who? How? HUH?? Ava had to have taken it!!"

    OH! I didn't even think about that! I just thought that just as Nelle was about to fall down the stairs, she put the blanket in her purse. Oh come on Bobbie!!!! You don't believe a word that Carly says about Nelle?!?!!?! GET OUT! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    The hospital:

    Nelle's room: HAHAHAHAHA! Nelle wakes up pretending to be all worried about the baby! Nelle is a great actress!!! She got Michael all worried about her.. Her plan is working! :) Nelle wins the line of the day.

    Nelle: Carly pushed me.


    "First thing Nelle tells him is that Carly pushed her lol. Don't ever change, Nelle."

    HAHAHAHA! No Nelle never change. :) She reminds me of someone.. Oh yeah Lucy!!! When Lucy threw herself down the stairs when she was pregnant, so that she could lose the baby so that Bobbie wouldn't adopt it!! Ah good times. :)

  9. Guess Carly won't make it to the Island.

  10. As soon as Ava went up the stairs "to check on the kids" I said she was going for that blanket. She probably wants to have something to use against Nelle since Nelle is blackmailing her. She's a crafty old bird.

    But since Nelle is doing her best to prove that Carly is having a breakdown she'll get off because they'll find she's not competent enough. lol Laughs on you Nelle. Carly can mount an offensive while she's having a vacay at Shady Brooke.

    And Chase will definitely have the last laugh when all the woman are swooning after he sings. lol

  11. "Di said...And Chase will definitely have the last laugh when all the woman are swooning after he sings. lol"

    UH HUH! Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. YES! Hellcat Carly gets whats coming to her. I love it! Throw her in prison to let her rot and throw thugs Sonny and Jason in there with it. To hell with all 3 of them.

  13. OH! I forgot to mention Hiney's birthday!!!!

    June 13th 1976!!! :) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!! He is 41 gonna be 42 years old?!!?!?! WOW! He looks like he is in his 30's. And by the way, My birthday is June 16th 1974!! :) Hey Hiney! We are both Geminis and I am older than you! HA! :)

  14. The nurses ball promo!!!!!! Nurses ball starts this Wednesday!!

  15. When did Monica become STUPID???

  16. I don't like the way this actress is playing Monica. She is not bad actress just different style. Joss needs to go. Who would be so against their mother like that. It doesn't make sense

  17. "lindie said... Joss needs to go. Who would be so against their mother like that. It doesn't make sense"

    I know!!! It's insane!!! Joss is blinded by her love for Nelle!!

  18. sonya said: 'Hiney and V.C.: Wow they do a lot of bromance affairs!!! Did you see how close they got together? :)'

    I was seriously thinking they were going to kiss! (Okay, not seriously, but yes - they were so close in proximity).

    lindie said: 'I don't like the way this actress is playing Monica. She is not bad actress just different style.'

    Agree. I miss LC. Hope she's back soon.

    Why do the writers try to redeem Ava, and then have her do sh*t like taking the blanket? I think Nelle is more redeemable than her. She hasn't killed anyone - or maybe just her ex-fiance. Ha.

  19. "Paul773 said.. I was seriously thinking they were going to kiss! (Okay, not seriously, but yes - they were so close in proximity)."

    Hahaha. I thought they were gonna kiss!!!

  20. sonya said...
    OH! I forgot to mention Hiney's birthday!!!!

    June 13th 1976!!! :) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!! He is 41 gonna be 42 years old?!!?!?! WOW! He looks like he is in his 30's.

    *** And Valentine is 42. How could he have befrended him as a boy when he lived in Bern?

  21. "Di said...And Valentine is 42. How could he have befrended him as a boy when he lived in Bern?"

    That is insane!!! Come on writers! Snap out of it!!

  22. James Patrick Stuart is 49. Is Valentin supposed to be 42?

  23. Yep. Do a search under general Hospital Valentin.

  24. I thought Valentin was supposed to be the same age, or close to, Anna. And HOW is Anna old enough to have had a 41-year-old AFTER having completed spy training? And isn't Heinrich supposed to be younger than Robin? They should have made him early to mid-30's for plausibility.

  25. I think that Heinrich is supposed to be a little older than Robin? No??? This is so confusing. So, how old is Anna supposed to be if Valentin is supposed to be 42? Finola is 58 years old. 16 years older than Valentin????? Or, is Anna supposed to be 42 also when she has 42 year old children?????

    1. Finola is 59 so maybe she had Heiny at 17. That would still make him older than Robin. Either way, it's a soap and it doesn't really matter [to me], so....I'm more concerned with the bloated cast.

  26. "lindie said...Or, is Anna supposed to be 42 also when she has 42 year old children?????"


  27. Valentin was originally born in 1965 and they decided to change it to 1976. When they decide to change someones age so drastically without thinking about storylines it makes no sense.

  28. I don't remember them establishing an age for Valentin. When did they do that?

    1. Its listed in the wikipedia page for his character.

  29. Am I nuts or is something is up with Jason? In Croton he kept reminding Sonny he had his back while digging for him. Why would he have to say that? Very calm with Carly saying he believes her about Nelle. Could the writers be setting us up for something crazy?

    1. I WISH! But I doubt it--they don't really seem that good at breaking the mold when it comes to stories.

    2. Like Jason is more foe for then friend to Sonny and Carly? Maybe he dug up the body and is hiding it?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I'm truly gonna hurt people if Anna doesn't stop CRYING
    and people STOP believing NELLE!!!!!!!!!
    so am I to believe DIANE can get JASON and SONNY outta jail for EVERYTHING but she can't get Carly acquitted???? cause no one saw what happen....
    get Nelle on the stand and go through all of her lies - show she's psycho-----

    or have Ava help Carly and Sonny...

    come ON writers, you are getting repetitive and SLOPPY - and making us scream everyday...
    Sorry for this rant -but I am oh so tired....

    1. Agree!! I can't stand Carly but Nelle...I hate so much worse! Those eyes of hers when Michael was hugging her, pure EVIL! I wish someone would've walked in when Ava and Nelle were talking. Considering tuning out after NB.

  32. Right, Sonny and Jason can get away with EVERYTHING, but Diane can't get Carly and Mike off the hook?

    And, OMG, the writers really are saying that Valentin is 42 and Hiney is 41? Yet Valentin was in spy training school when Hiney was born? What????????????

  33. Valentine was obviously a very precocious toddler. lol And he was trying to get it on with Anna then too...before he was even potty trained. PMSL

    1. And he also had a one night stand with Alex.

  34. "Di said...Valentine was obviously a very precocious toddler. lol And he was trying to get it on with Anna then too...before he was even potty trained. PMSL"


  35. didnt the logo for the nurses ball used to be a red ribbon? which symbolized AIDS awareness? now it is a purple ribbon with a little black bowtie. what the hell does a little black bowtie have to do with AIDS awareness? stupid uncaring ignorant show.

  36. I am loving the mean girls - Nelle and Ava. It's about time someone put Carly in her place even though we all know she will be back to her old bi**hy self soon enough. I didn't like the Morgan character when he was on the show so I hope he doesn't come back any time soon- Nicholas & Spencer yes!! Finally we have some excitement on the show.

    1. I agree about Morgan but I can't stand Nelle, and while I can't stand Carly I hate Nelle worse. Ava was doing so good, now she's taking a nose dive since her surgery by being in cahoots with Nellie...I hope Griffin drops her like a hot potato!

  37. I wouldn't have minded Nelle accusing Carly of pushing her down the stairs as karma for Carly doing it with AJ, but I really hate Nelle. The main difference I see between her and early Carly is that she is so trashy. Sarah Brown played Carly as bad but vulnerable, and was a phenomenal actress. Nelle reminds me of the Exorcist girl -all evil. Something is up with Valentin and Heinie - way too protective and involved.

    1. Carly has grown as a person too, to a point. I wanted to push Nellie down the stairs myself! I think I feel this way because of Michael, he is innocent in this and staying and being snowed by this vixen, it's not his fault who his mother is.

  38. And aside from the age issues, WR is totally miscast as an offspring of Faison and Anna. The actor has absolutely no charisma either, and we know why he got the part. I do love the relationship Anna has with Griffin - he should have been her son. I'm ready to see him gone permanently.

  39. "LindaV says I do love the relationship Anna has with Griffin - he should have been her son."

    YES! I so agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me too!!!!

  40. LSV422 said...
    And aside from the age issues, WR is totally miscast as an offspring of Faison and Anna. The actor has absolutely no charisma either, and we know why he got the part. I do love the relationship Anna has with Griffin - he should have been her son.

    *** I totally agree. There's so much they could have done with that relationship.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...