Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday Surgery: The Mama Drama

Alternative title:   Penguin Revenge. 

Happy Mother's Day! 
GH was all about mothers this week. Moms that were searching for children,  children that were searching for their mothers--Moms about to give birth, Moms in mourning and one Mom-To-Be  that didn't watch that first step. 
With Nelle laying on the Quartermaine foyer floor, GH ended in a cliff-hanger this week. Can't remember the last time I was squealing with delight at a Friday show. 
More happened than this--although not a lot to write home about. 

Mother's Day today so my fave breakfast...Eggs Benedict. Crunchy on the English muffins, please.

Presenting (in no particular order) the Moms of Port Charles in all their glory: 

MAMA #1: The Angry Mother. Oh, Carly--you're popping Prozac like it's Xanax and just freaking out all over. You look like the banshee you are--yelling, talking too fast and making Josslyn cry. Now you march into Nelle's baby shower and hurl insults left and right. Are you unstable? Hmmm.. I wonder.  *Note: LW's hair is crazy gorgeous. 

MAMA (to be) #2: The Scheming Mother:  .Nelle--you really had a plan, didn't you? Have Ava come in with Avery to get Carly all riled up and BOOM...drop the ol' "PENGUIN" mobile on her. So crafty. You even knit an evil baby blanket that looked like Morgan's to finish her off. Only--WHOOPS..didn't quite go as planned, did it? 

MAMA #3:  The Forgetful Mother:  Anna. Dear Anna...not only did you forget having sex with sinister Faison, you had a kid and then forgot about him for years. Now all of a sudden he's your obsession.  It's eating the show. Get over him and move on. Thanks. 

MAMA #4: The "I just want everyone to get along" Mother:   Liz, Liz, Liz. It's hard being a mother to boys, isn't it? Especially when one has had a total of 4 dads in his short life! Thank goodness Spencer called and Jake realized how lucky he was. Jason can go to the ballgame with him and they can bond.  Phew. Now only if you could find where you put Cam and Aiden....

I HAVE TWO MAMAS!  Yes! Little Avery you do! And they love to pull at you constantly. Just keep being adorable -- we don't care who you're living with as long as you show up. 

 "We Need a BABY-MAMA":  Getting both these guys on set together must have taken an act of god because it's been forever!! Looks like they found a mom to adopt from only--we know things don't go as planned on a soap. Get ready for anything. Heather will probably have a hand in it if it's about newborns! 

My MAMA is  BITCH-MAMA:  Poor old Joss. Her mom embarrasses her at a baby shower where she's the only teen  She just wanted to play the diaper games!! How can her mom yell at Cool-Nelle who gave her a kidney? How will she ever explain the Penguin PJs she just bought herself at Wyndoms? 

On to the rest of the show... 

THE FIELD IN CROTON: You have NO idea how much I laughed when Sonny and Jason went out to the damn field in the middle of the night to dig up a body that's been there 30 years. And hello...that's no  field, that's like a mowed lawn--so... don't try to fool me.  So, these two weenies go tramping around looking for the spot Sonny knew by heart :eyeroll: and started digging. Sonny couldn't even finish he was breathing so hard. Jason just kept digging like the good Man-Servant he is while Sonny took deep breaths and told him that he 'never intended to have him work for him forever". Um, ok--I beg to differ but whatever.  Jason finds a money clip (odds on doing that IRL? 5 zillion to 1) but. NO BODY. Which I could have told you was going to happen because well... it was so obvious. Did Mike dig it up years ago to move it? Where's the guy now? Do we think it will really lead to Sonny going to jail? AHAHAHAA. Ergo, what's the point of this? 

A NAMELESS COFFEE SHOP CORNER:  Ah, Dr. Andre Maddox. Keeper of memories... Lord of the Disco Ball--Drew commands you to find his past. We have been waiting my friend. 

DOWN THE Q STAIRCASE:  This was shot for shot Carly's fall when she and AJ were fighting. She lost her baby with Sonny and no one ever forgave him. He didn't push her-- she fell back. Gravity took her. Just like ol' Nell. Those cursed stairs!! This is what made me scream with delight. Why? Well, I figured the way Nelle was talking she was either going to be in a coma or dead before long. Also, Carly was seen acting nutty around town, popping her pills, being bitchy to the pregnant lady and signed the guardianship papers! If I didn't know better, I'd say Nelle planned the whole thing, took stunt lessons on how to fall just right and is smiling on the inside! 


My half-brother's mother wasn't a nice lady:   That's right Alexis. The reason I don't like that kid is because my Dad married his mama in about 3 minutes after my mother was in the ground. I was mad and jelly. Got it? 

AT A Craft Store Near You:  Maxie is so happy that Petey gathered Nathan's stuff together! NOPE! NOT creepy at all! She's going to make a scrap book!! She's so happy she even wants to go to the Ball with him. Only, wait....Sam asked her first. Hmmm, what's going to happen! Will they all go together!? 

Coming to Judge Judy:  The residents of Charles' Street want to sue the entire city of Port Chuck because they have been bamboozled by a crooked landlord and endured an earthquake. Alexis can get right on that, after she's scoped out Charlie and Kimmy nuzzling at the bar. 

In The PCPD LOCKER ROOM: Lucy recruited Super Hottie Ford Brother Look-Alike Harrison Chase to sing. See, she caught him in the shower--at the PCPD and couldn't help herself. Dante was pranking him and told Chase Ford that the whole station was doing the number--only they aren't! gaffaw. PS-- Dom had more acting faces in this scene than he has in 2 years! 

FACE OF THE WEEK:  Wow, but Maura West blows me away. When the whole penguin thing was going on, she had a glance at Carly that was close to compassion. A Mom's compassion.  I don't watch the show Eileen Davidson is a part of but she must be one hell of an actress to beat this lady. 

FRANK'S INPUT OF THE WEEK:  You knew it was coming--and there it is!!! The splendor of the newbie's chest!! I think if we went back through OLTL and GH we could start counting greased up chests one--by--one until we fall asleep. Kind of like sheep only sexier.

VANNA WHITE OF THE WEEK:   Lisa LoCicero is so good at comedy!! She acted like someone that doesn't act would act in an over the top commercial. Loved it. "Come see Port Charles in all it's messed up glory"! 

That's a wrap! I have a few gripes--first of all please don't have Carly popping Prozac like it's some calm-down drug. It's not Xanax or Valium. They showed the generic for it: Fluoxitine right on the bottle so I know what is in there.  Just taking more isn't going to make things smooth over the same way. This is baffling to me. 
I do like the Nelle twist. So ironic for Carly--and she's not only threatened her, she's signed those guardianship papers and she's on medication for 'hallucinations".  BYE GIRL...take a BLT to Heather Webber in Shadybrook! 
Olivia and Ned as The Gov and First Lady of PC is great. I wish they'd do more with them. I know Wally is on Days but damn, snag him!
The Nurses Ball is coming up. Erica Kane may appear?  Robin and Emma are coming! Yeah! 
Things I don't care about: How stupid is the whole Taking of Robert? Why wouldn't Valentin just kill off Pete instead of kidnapping a WSB agent? I mean?? And why does he even care who finds out what? I suppose it's the BOX thing but ugh. We don't care about Peter/Heiney so this is going no where fast. 
I wish Flea and Mac were part of the Charles' Street gang. Not sure why but it would be nice to have them in that mix. 

I have a ton more ideas but it's late and I have a mother's day enjoy. 


  1. Karen, thanks so much for a VERY FULL SS!

    And thanks for mentioning some of my very own thoughts, some I have said on here, some I have not, such as: Where the heck is that new set supposed to be (the one where you showed Andre); and, yes, Prozac is NOT an anti-anxiety medication, you do not walk around with them in your purse to take when upset. Prozac is an ANTI-DEPRESSANT, which you take only as prescribed, and usually takes 2 - 6 weeks to kick in.

    When Nelle came to town she was kinda like Carly redux, so I guess her falling down the same stairs in the same way. is a good continuation of that idea. One would think that Nelle did this on purpose to make Carly look like a murderer, as she publicly just had given her the guardianship papers, but, of course, for the papers to take effect, Michael also would have to be gone. Plus, that did look like a real fall, and Nelle really does look hurt. I can't stand that she came to town sooo evil and became part of the town's 2 top families, but Carly did the same thing.

    1. AntJoan What new set? Must have missed it....
      I wouldn't put it past old Nelley to fall down those stairs on purpose.

  2. "Only--WHOOPS..didn't quite go as planned, did it?"

    OR maybe it DID go as planned!! Nelle DID say it was going to be epic! Falling down the stairs IS epic!!!! :)


    Hahahahaha. That isn't a nameless coffee shop! That is inside of Perks. :)

    "My half-brother's mother wasn't a nice lady: That's right Alexis. The reason I don't like that kid is because my Dad married his mama in about 3 minutes after my mother was in the ground. I was mad and jelly. Got it?"

    ROFL! I'm calling them Father and son for now,(It's more fun that way) until we find out the REAL truth! :)

    "Maxie is so happy that Petey gathered Nathan's stuff together! NOPE! NOT creepy at all! She's going to make a scrap book!! She's so happy she even wants to go to the Ball with him. Only, wait....Sam asked her first."

    No! :) Sam didn't ask first.. Hiney did. :)

    "VANNA WHITE OF THE WEEK: Lisa LoCicero is so good at comedy!! She acted like someone that doesn't act would act in an over the top commercial. Loved it. "Come see Port Charles in all it's messed up glory"!"

    Hahahahaha. Lisa did a great job with it!!!

    "please don't have Carly popping Prozac like it's some calm-down drug. It's not Xanax or Valium. They showed the generic for it: Fluoxitine right on the bottle so I know what is in there. Just taking more isn't going to make things smooth over the same way. This is baffling to me."

    Yeah I don't get it.. Very strange.. Also very strange is she drinks water first and then pops the pill! ROFL!

    "I know Wally is on Days but damn, snag him!"

    GH hasn't snagged him yet?!?!?! GRRRRRR!

  3. Happy Mothers Day!

    Nice Wrap Up for the Week of Boring.

    1st: The Floating Rib was destroyed in the disaster, SO why isn't Mac Daddy & Flea involved in this story line. Julian gets to keep his bar intact and EVEN people that hate him go there to eat and drink.....HUH?!? Mac needs to reopen "The Outback" or have Lulu reopen Luke's and Ethan comes home to run it. He meets Kiki or Nelle and sparks fly.

    2nd: Carly and the Q stairs is finally good use of history. Having Carly and Nelle recreate the accident that killed Carly's baby BUT with a different result is cool. JUST wish "REAL" Monica could've been there. AJ is laughing his arse off in GH Heaven right now.

    3rd: This whole Charles ST disaster story line has as USUAL been bungled from tip to toe. Homes, Business, Schools were destroyed. WHERE is everyone staying like Stella. They've had Griff w/Ava, TJ&Molly w/Alexis and Monica said a lot of the nursing staff where scrambling for places to stay... WHERE?!? But these same nurses have time to sing and dance in "ball gowns" at the annual (Doesn't benefit me) nurses ball? What happened to the 1% committee of Q's, Jeromes, Cassadines/Davis and Spencer's that were going to help the less fortunate. Guess they had to save their money for Lucy the NB tornado blackmailing, wheedling & stalking for their money.

    Last: OMG! this Peter Parking Lot with his Hiney in every story line of GH is so destructive which is reflecting in the ratings. He has been as NV/FV state "umbrella ed" into EVERYONE's story but Mike,ALZ & Croton or the "Poor Franco" stories and just waiting for that to happen at any minute. If they wanted to incorporate WR into GH he could've been done slowly and with more balance. Could've been Sly Eckhart and be part of the Spencer Clan and still be wily and conning. Could've been a Faison minion who was being used and then have him fall for Maxie or Nelle. Heck, he SHOULD be part of the Kim story and KNOWS her from SAN DIEGO and knows she is lying about DREW, OSCAR and their 3 month relationship and is blackmailing her and then enters EH and blows Kim's world and lies apart.

    BUT, Oh well. GH is what it is. We keep getting crumbs trying to build a cake. MAYBE if the GH viewers demand the CAKE instead of accepting and being grateful for the crumbs and instead of twitter stalking the cast & writers take it to the advertisers, ABC mouse house heads and the show itself we would finally have Champagne, Lobster Rolls and Cake. :)

  4. I watch young and restless, Eileen davidson is fantastic. the writing is also fantastic,holds my attention. GH puts me to sleep.

  5. LMAO!Funniest line by you, Carly taking a BLT to Heather!!

  6. Too bad they can't show flashbacks of Carly falling down the stairs because it was Sarah Brown then. Those were great scenes. Apparently the writers have no medical knowledge whatsoever because prozac is not an anti anxiety med. Fern cliff or shady brook is Carly's future for sure. Happy vacation Laura. They need to start moving everything along, I'm having a hard time looking forward to watching anymore. Someone needs to slap some dense into Joss and move on. And dear Lord please Do not let her name that child Morgan

  7. The set that Karen also commented on, where Andre was sitting. I saw that set twice. Karen says it is the inside of Perks.

  8. Can we "surgically" remove half the cast of GH ?

  9. OK, I have a question for y'all. If they did decide to remove 3 cast members, who should they be? (Please be kind to my beloved Sonny, though I know a lot of you wouldn't be.)

    I say kill off evil Valentin and let Hiney go back to wherever he came from. I think that I love the rest of the cast, no one else comes to mind. I think that all of the cast are great, but Valentin is so evil and smarmy, he just bothers me.

  10. first my all time least favorite sam, than ava than nelle.

  11. Kiki, Nelle, Ava, Joss, Oscar, Amy, (half the cast) I wish left. Instead they get rid of Robert and Laura. STUPID

  12. My three cast members would be Nelle, Peter and Carly. I love the actor who plays Valentin. Sonny would be first and foremost but I'm trying to be respectful. Would love to see Franco gone, too. Just caught up on last week's shows - not great.

  13. Sonny, Carly, and Sam. And as those three are dying, they fall on Jason and take him out, too.

    That would really open up the show. There are other characters I don't care for, but getting rid of the Big Four would be the most bang for the buck.

  14. Nelle, Sam and Henrik can't stand any of them, seriously dragging things down

  15. Nelle, Sam and Henrik can't stand any of them, seriously dragging things down

  16. Get rid of Carly, Sam and Sonny. Have Dante take over his business with some creative writing. Rebuild Quartermaine and Casadine families. More stories based around hospital characters. Bring back legacy characters like Laura, Robert and Felicia into main stories.

  17. One good thing I noticed from last week was that everyone was drinking actual beverages instead of drinking from empty white cups!

  18. When did Monica become stupid??

  19. LSV422 said...
    One good thing I noticed from last week was that everyone was drinking actual beverages instead of drinking from empty white cups!

    *** I noticed that too. I guess they do read feedback. lol And it looked so much more realistic.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...