Wednesday, April 11, 2018


SO, Franco thinks he might be an abuser after what happened to him. Kevin says, why would you think that? You haven't already... Kevin says he's going to be Ok. Elizabeth says he's going to be ok. He's going to move home. 

OMG MORE TALK ABOUT HEINRICK WITH JASON AND ANNA! make it stop. PLEASE! We ALL know how this is going to go. Just the way we know it will go with Maxie. *sigh*  Now Valentin is in the swamp with this (and I'm saying it) Useless character. I get Faison having a son-- but..this guy? REALLY? He's been as boring as a boil. 

Maxie and Nina talk about PETER AUGUST.  Maxie should move into Wyndemere. Might give it some life.

Val and Peter August---talked about..... THEMSELVES. 

ONLY THING TO SEE ON TODAY'S SHOW is EMMA. (she wants to go to Switzerland with Jason and Anna). 


  1. Probably they are glorifying this Peter August guy cause he's Laura Wrights boyfriend. Who the "f" cares. That, Carson and Jason shoved down our throats. Grrrr

  2. finola hughes has chemistry with every male character she has been paired with, sonny maddox finn and jason. give her a love story.

  3. I totally do not understand the snail’s pace with Anna’s love life. What was wrong with her and Finn? The writers mess with her constantly.

  4. Hiney's office:

    V.C. and Hiney: Oh you don't want to mess with V.C.! He could kill you!!!!!!!!!!!


    Nina and Maxie: What the freakin hell?! Maxie you are the one who wanted Nina to keep her distance from her!!!! So you have no right getting mad at her!!!! Is this pregnancy hormones?! And uh no Maxie you DON'T know anything about Auggy!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Jason and Anna: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Emma, Jason, and Anna: EMMA!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Great to see you!!!! Emma loves being a spy!!!! I hope she grows up to be a spy just like her grandma and grandpa! :)

    The hospital:

    BobTodd's art room:

    Friz: Wait what?!?!! Liz found out the truth off camera?!?!! THAT STINKS!!!! ARGH!

    Doc's office:

    Doc and BobTodd: Great scene! It made me cry! :( Listen to Doc!!! He is right!!!! :(

  5. "witch said...finola hughes has chemistry with every male character she has been paired with,
    sonny maddox finn and jason."

    Yes!!! Very true!!! Although she doesn't have chemistry with Maddox! They are as boring as Paint and Wall!

  6. The Kevin Franco scene was very well done, Kevin admitting to Franco that he also was a victim and didn't turn out to be a predator was a nice touch. Franco's face when Kevin said he was a model citizen after the tumor came out, lol, not exactly. I'm starting to wonder if the pregnancy rumors are true for Liz and Franco, have been waiting for the accidental pregnancy story for awhile, especially since Franco says he doesn't want biological children. If you go on Twitter at all it's crazy, they are already picking out baby names. LOL. Ummmm Anna, I would not let my spy mother take my child to a foreign country with a Hitman even if we are BFFs.

    1. I wondered the same thing. But I really hope they don't go that route. Love them, but 3 boys is enough.

  7. Sonya, the scene where Franco told Liz, they didn't show him telling her, but she was lying in his hospital bed with him, you could see he was going to tell her, then later they showed her in the bed with him holding him, clearly he had told her. I think in some ways this is better dramatically than Franco repeating the story over and over again.

    1. I agree AntJoan. That scene and the other with Betsy and Drew was enough. We the viewers already knew. Pulled at my heart strings. :(

  8. I hope they don't go that route too, Michelle. Liz already has 2 invisible kids, Jake and big kid Franco. She actully needs another adult in the house.

    1. I hope now that this storyline has apparently wrapped up that we haven't seen the last of Friz. They deserve some happiness and I wanna see it on screen. It'll be great to have a male in the house again.

  9. "AntJoan said...Sonya, the scene where Franco told Liz, they didn't show him telling her, but she was lying in his hospital bed with him, you could see he was going to tell her, then later they showed her in the bed with him holding him, clearly he had told her. I think in some ways this is better dramatically than Franco repeating the story over and over again."

    Yeah you are right. :) No need to repeat the story over and over. :) I just wanted to see her reaction though. Oh well.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...