Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Welcome to "Amy"

New Nurse is on and WOW does she have Kirsten Storm's VOICE!! WOW...she sounds just like her. Not as glottal fry but, I thought it was Maxie when I didn't see her at first. 

SO, Nate is changing his blood shirt and sees Griffin. Griffin doesn't want to talk about his gun shot wound and thinks the guy that did it "probably feels badly"...said it was never 

Maxie and Molly. Molly thinks Erin is a girl, but he's our white bread boy.  Molly doesn't quite know what to do with this info. 

Alexis being questioned. I guess Julian can be there too. Anna looks smashing. Anna ends up pleading with Alexis to see Julian for what he really is. Alexis storms out. 

Jason interrupts Liz and Franco. She tells Franco to leave. Jason is mad. Gets buggy-eyed. Tells Liz Jake can't go to Franco anymore. 

Griffin tells Sam that his Dad was Duke.....and she told him that HER Dad is Julian. WHOOPS. 

Ok then! See ya


  1. Wyndemere:

    Liz and BobTodd: Welcome back Rebecca Herbst!!! So glad to see you!!! :) FRIZ!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Love their scene. Oh she is touching his arm! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! Go away Jason! You are interrupting them! SO RUDE!

    Jason and BobTodd: Why don't you just admit you wuv each other?!

    Jason and Liz: Love how Liz is defending BobTodd! :) I can't believe you got her to cancel Jake's therapy session with BobTodd! ARGH! I hope she changes her mind about it!!!

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Amy: HI AMY! :) Nice to meet you!!!! Is your mother Amy Vining?! :) Amy wins the line of the day! Right out of the gate! :) Her first line!

    Amy: Sorry we don't do voice transplants.

    What!?!!?! ROFL!

    BobTodd and Amy: Wow!!!! BobTodd knows Amy! Just when did Amy start working at the hospital?! Amy likes BobTodd! :)

    Sam and Amy: WOW SAM WOW! First BobTodd and now Amy!!!! Who next? You are so rude Sam! SHUT UP!

    Sam and Griffy: Yes Sam. Griffy is Duke's son! I am surprised you didn't hear about this!!!

    Locker room:

    Griffy and Nathan: Griffy is so in wuv with Nathan!!! :) Boy side by side of these two with no shirts on, Griffy is so pale compared to Nathan! ROFL! In walks Maxie.

    Griffy's pecs: You are pretty Maxie. Wanna have sex?

    Nathan's pecs: In your dreams skinny noob! She will have sex with me!

    Maxie and Nathan: What?!!?!? She doesn't want to investigate Griffy? Since when? That is what she lives for! To investigate people! Hahahaha! :)

    Police station:

    Interrogation room:

    Julian's big hair whispering: Wow Julian! Anna is crazy!

    Julian whispering: I know.

    Outside Interrogation room:

    Awwwww Anna lost.. Julian and his big hair won again.

    Julexis's home:

    Molly and Krissy: Their conversation about love and sex about their mother was strange and gross. Never do that again writers!!!!

    Aaron and Molly: Wow! Forget Aaron and Krissy! Molly and Aaron should date! They are so cute together!

    Alexis and Julian:

    Alexis: Did you order that witness murdered?


    Julian's big hair: OH OH!

    After Alexis asked Julian that question, there was actually the dun dun dun sound! Did anybody here it? :) It was very deep.

    1. I didn't hear it, dang, erased it already. I was engrossed in my yummy salad. :)

  2. didnt jason sign away his parental rights to lucky?

    1. That's true! Take that Jason, come on writers!

  3. "deckermoss said...didnt jason sign away his parental rights to lucky?"


  4. i can understand jason forgetting. but the writers?...but they forgot who shot sonny so.....

    1. Nah they didn't forget they just rewrote it and thought WE'D forget.

    2. Nah they didn't forget they just rewrote it and thought WE'D forget.

  5. GH promo!


  6. I was a fan of old and new Jason with Liz, but right now he's ticking me off. He threw Liz away and if Franco is actually getting thru to Jake then father or not he needs to stay out of it. I enjoyed the talk between BobTodd and Liz. Love my Friz! Had to LOL when Sam and Griffy found out who each other's father's were. Ready for some Finn, where is he? Haha!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "Michelle Latta said...I didn't hear it, dang, erased it already. I was engrossed in my yummy salad. :)"

    ROFL! You can hear it here.

  8. I think our main character leaving is Jason, the Cassidine curse will take him. Especially now that Michael Easton is back, he and Kelly have always sizzled together. I don't think Billy ever felt Jason, or maybe the writing for him. Just a thought......

  9. What's up with Julian's hair??

  10. I would not be surprised if Julian is the one to go.

  11. After looking at the promo, I wonder if the main character leaving is Dante... He and Nathan are both in the car with Carlos during the transfer. And I think Karen put in the spoilers that Sonny hurts one of his children again. Could it be that Sonny orders someone to run Carlos off the road and in so doing kills Dante? This would be a way to end the Lante story which is so boring... On the Emmy awards, while receiving the Best Drama award, it was said that they had a wonderful cast "led by Laura Wright and Maurice Benard"... So I guess if we had any question as to who was the "Star" of General Hospital, we know now...

  12. "Pat..... Sun..... said... After looking at the promo, I wonder if the main character leaving is Dante... He and Nathan are both in the car with Carlos during the transfer. And I think Karen put in the spoilers that Sonny hurts one of his children again. Could it be that Sonny orders someone to run Carlos off the road and in so doing kills Dante?"

    I was thinking it was Caaaaaaaaarlos! I was so worried about that, I didn't think about Dante. Oh no! Dante! :(

  13. Poor Sonya was worrying about the criminal getting killed but maybe it's just a policeman. lol

    Maybe it's Dante but I'm thinking it could be someone in another car or a pedestrian and they got smart this time and didn't show all the possibilities in the preview.

  14. "Di said...Poor Sonya was worrying about the criminal getting killed but maybe it's just a policeman. lol"

    ROFL! Good one. :)

  15. I've always thought this blind item of Jamey Gidden's:

    "I hear a popular duo — who respectively play the children of core characters — could be shown the door."

    could be GH's Lulu and Dante. The writers just don't know what to do with them. The only hint is that the soap referred to isn't Days.

  16. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of Nathan. RP just can't act and his character is a snoozer. I don't care about Claudette. I didn't care about his mommy switch. He's just dull.

    I'm ready for Maxie and Griffen.

  17. I'm not a big Dante fan but if the show kills off a law enforcement character and keeps yet another criminal by having him escape (Carlos) I'm not going to be happy. The right side of the law NEVER wins on GH. Poor Anna trying to get justice (OK I know Duke was a mobster but his killer still shouldn't go free). She'll be made to look a fool and the criminals will triumph once again. If Dante is killed, how much you wanna bet Valerie will become a detective in record time.

    Wanda Woman, I agree about Nathan. RP sounded like he was reading his lines from his script during the hospital scenes. I give him props for acting on a show, I'm sure it's not easy. But I don't feel like he has a knack for it and his character for me falls very flat. I feel like he brings down the scene. It's very contrived how he ends up shirtless all the time. I like good guys but his character isn't compelling enough to make me interested in a story involving newbies and a character we've never even seen before. Like the old saying about a tree falling in a forest and no one is around, does it make a sound. This is like the Nina Clay story. It's hard to capture interest in something not connected to history of the show. Although I must admit I am dying to find out what Griffin's deal is, only because it involves other aspects like Anna and this whole "is he/was he a priest" thing. He's intriguing me enough where they didn't have to involve Nathan who is a "snoozer."

  18. I thought the whole scene between Griffy and Nathan was odd. Why did they both have to have their shirts off. Griffy's cute but he's smaller and paler than Nathan. If they were in a gym maybe it would have made sense.

    Glad Becky's back. I know her character has a lot of haters but she has chemistry with everyone.


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...