Monday, May 9, 2016

Jason's Memories

MY FAVE Jason Memory? 
Here you go: 


At least she showed up! 

NEW DANNY!! He and Jake appear to be the same age now. 

Geesh, if you're a Liason lover, don't watch today. If you are a JaSammer, it's for you! 

There's also a SaSon love scene too. So...


  1. Way too much Sam in this episode for me. They seem to be saying that Carly, Sonny and Sam are going to be front and center with Jason now. It was enough to make me turn off. Where were his memories with all the other important people in his life? And to make it work the keep interspersing his hallucinations with even more Sam.

    And I was wondering what the heck was going on with that lever. At one point I thought maybe they should have Cam or Spencer or some other grade school child pop in to show him how a lever works. Sitting on the fulcrum trying to move the load arm with your shoulder just won't cut it. I was glad to see he finally figured it out by the end.

  2. I was following you and GHH Shirley on Twitter during the show. At first it sounded excellent--with Robin and Hells making cameos, and I thought "Finally, I'll watch an episode" (I haven't watched in about 2 weeks due to vacation and being busy) but then it sounds like it just went totally SOUTH! So, I'll probably skip this episode too.

  3. The most boring episode, evah.....

  4. Weirdest episode ever! It had an odd feeling to it, maybe it was because of the score music. But Sam seemed weird, I kept expecting her to say she had a weird feeling or something, but nope!

    1. She did act weird...she kept looking out the window, I guess she's creeper out that daddy is a loser haha.

  5. I didn't care for it. It didn't even look like Dante was stuck underneath the police van.

    1. Exactly! I knew Jason was hurt himself but I kept thinking just pull him out! And where was Nathan, oh wait...he's not Sonny's son, I get it haha!

  6. It was a Jason centric day today!!!! So boring!!!!!!!

    Q bedroom: I think it was the Q bedroom! I was thinking why are they showing Michael and Sam in a Jason centric day?!!?! Oh wait it's because so they can talk about him! Hey! They named the puppy Annabelle Jr?!!?!?! YAY! Now I hope they show him again, and more often!!! :) So basically,

    Sam: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason. He is the bestest Saint Jason! Jason Jason. Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos. Julian. Jason Jason. Jason.

    Michael: Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos. Julian. Jason is the best.

    Recast toddler Cheeto: Daddy! Where is daddy?! The puppy! Daddy! Daddy! I want daddy here!! Daddy is the bestest!

    Sam and Cheeto: Awwwwwww! :) Love their scene. Singing to him in bed. Awwwwww! :)

    Crash site: So boring! The only thing that wasn't boring was seeing Helena!!!!! :)So basically,

    Robin: Come on Jason you can save Dante! You are superman!!!!! You can do it!

    Carly: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JASON! You can save Dante! You are superman! You are saint Jason!!!!

    Sonny: Jason I love you!

    Dante: *Gurgle gurgle gurgle*

    I can see Dante breathing!

    Helena: Die die die Jason! Die!!! Your memories are going to be wiped clean! Die die die! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jason: I am superman!!! I can do it!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dead driver: Hmmmm how the hell did he die when the airbags deployed? Was the airbag defective?!!?!


    Hmmm where is Nathan? Is he chasing after Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos?!!!?! But why didn't Nathan see if Dante was okay first?!!!?! Why wasn't Monica, Alan, or any other Q's around to pop up?! Is he only going to remember Carly and Sonny?! UGH!

    Preview: What the hell?!?!! Nathan go back to the van idiot! Why didn't you stay with Dante?!?!!? Why didn't you call 911?!!?! What the hell?!

    Sidenote: When I said the other day about the look on Alexis's face in the bedroom, I meant after the sex.. That look on her face!

    1. I guess that is Danny's bedroom in Monica's house. I knew it was going to be Jason filled, but didn't know Sam and Michael scenes would be added in, speaking of....HOW is Michael Danny's uncle? Jason is Michael's uncle and so that would make them cousins, because AJ is Michael's dad. Hey writers wake up. I did think nuDanny is cute and he actually talks.

  7. lol Thanks Sonya. You've basically covered it.

    And I also don't understand why Nathan didn't help Dante. You don't leave a brother officer helpless and trapped like that. I thought maybe Dante had been thrown clear and was unconscious until I saw the previews and then I basically said WTH!!

  8. "Di Thanks Sonya."

    Hahaha. You're welcome! :)

    "You've basically covered it."

    Basically. :)

    "And I also don't understand why Nathan didn't help Dante."

    And why didn't Nathan help Jason too!!! WHAT THE HELL!

  9. I loved this episode, with its juxtaposition of scenes. I thought Billy Miller did a fine job. Sam with Danny was lovely, singing to him. He is cute!

    I did question where Nathan was and how he could possibly have left Dante. The only okay explanation that I could think of was that Carlos took Nathan as a hostage, but the previews showed Nathan talking on a phone.

    Good point, Michelle Latta, about Michael not being Uncle Mikey to Danny. Maybe some families use Uncle when the age difference is so extreme? Is it a NY thing? ;)

  10. I didn't watch yet, just finished working, but now I am not looking forward to this. In NYC, people call people cousin, nephew, etc., to denote closeness when the name isn't accurate, like in the Sopranos when Tony Soprano called Christopher his nephew when he really was his second cousin or something, just to give him a place of honor in the family.

  11. Karen, I just looked at yesterday's blog, THANKS SO MUCH, it was NOT this Olivia who caused Anna to lose her baby, it was Olivia Jerome, who I never saw, as I wasn't watching then. THANKS SO MUCH for explaining, I thought I was losing my mind!

  12. Julie Langley said... Maybe some families use Uncle when the age difference is so extreme?

    My husband went to stay with his Aunt and Uncle when his mom passed. He was in his late teens. His little cousins always called him Uncle Bill rather than just Bill. I think it was to show respect as he was older. (French Canadian culture) Also in Newfoundland, elders in the outports acquire the Aunt and Uncle as honorifics. Anybody over fifty is Uncle this and Aunt that. The same goes for some native American cultures. My son calls many of the elders "Uncle" or "Auntie"

  13. OMG, didn't finish the episode yet, but it is AWFUL, worst yet!! Maybe I am missing something, but I can't see how Dante is stuck under the van, he is lying under it and it looks like there is plenty of room between him and the van to just slide him out, am I missing something?

  14. "AntJoan said.. Maybe I am missing something, but I can't see how Dante is stuck under the van, he is lying under it and it looks like there is plenty of room between him and the van to just slide him out, am I missing something?"

    That is what I saw too! I don't get it either!!!

  15. lol Seriously ladies. Did you expect them to actually lower the van on top of poor Dominic Z? We're supposed to use our imagination. Maybe the chassis beneath the van is lower than the sides. There is an exhaust system under there you know. I just suspend belief for such things.

  16. I was just NO BUENO! The whole episode was confusing. Are they wiping out his whole Q side? I feel bad for Billy Miller. He doesn't even get to play Jason Morgan. He's playing Steve Burton playing Jason Morgan. And Dante didn't even remotely look trapped under that van. Good God Nathan! Help out the wounded. Where the hell were the cell phones and police radios?!

  17. Sweet mother of all things good and pure! That was the WORST episode of GH EVER. Wasted cameos from Hels and Robin, of course Sonny and Carly had to be there, and one giant Samapolooza.Everyone looked uncomfortable with the pointless dialog and the whole lever fiasco was ridiculous.

    NuDanny was the only shiny spot on this dull stinker.

  18. Today's episode was a snoozefest. I do not think I've seen a GH show so boring in quite some time. It's sad because while I'm happy they brought back Robin and Helena, it was a wasted effort. Maybe it's about time for people to really rally around the idea that Jason-centric episodes (or a show centered primarily around Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam) is really not in the best interest of the fans and the show. I understand that there should be leads who drive story, but how many more stories need to be rehashed by the same characters the same way?? GMAFB.

  19. I'm glad I wasn't the only one disappointed. I guess I just expected more. I mean where were the flashbacks??? Sure he's got a new face but we all know he had surgery cause of the LAST accident, so they could have shown that. Just fell flat. Not only that but someone on Facebook mentioned Monica, where was she??? It's always gotta be about Sonny and company. I'll shut up now haha!

  20. New promo!!!!

    Anna kicking Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! ROFL!

  21. Liason always and forever
    (My favorite Jason memory)

    1. This made me so sad! I miss these days.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. My favorite Jason memory was when he was dating Karen Wexler!!! :) LOVED them together. I remember when they were on a boat. I can't find any clips about them.

    1. I remember Karen! Man I miss the good old days of GH!

  23. Some of these comments should be put on GH's official twitter page. That seems to be the only thing the writers and producers care about. The Jasam group has taken over the page. They need to see the opposite side of the coin too so that we get something besides Sam, Jason,Sonny and Carly.

    Sonya, I loved the shot of anna whipping carlos' butt. lol

  24. "Di said...Sonya, I loved the shot of anna whipping carlos' butt. lol"

    Me too!!! Hahahaha.

  25. The episode was really bad. Poorly put together. Gimmicky. The acting wasn't very good for the most part either. The dialog was gag worthy. Fans should be upset that TIIC thought that this was what we wanted.

  26. Sonya you're gonna be soooo happy!! Lookie lookie

  27. "Michelle Latta said... Sonya you're gonna be soooo happy!! Lookie lookie"

    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you Michelle!!!!! :) They were so cute together! He was so young!! I remember his big ears. :) It was funny that they had a prom in February! Proms are not in February! ROFL!

    1. They had a few, saw some of her and Jagger too.

  28. Worst sweeps episode ever. It was painful to watch and all of the conversations were beyond awkward. I'm not up for the fab four being on all day every day again. I can't even take the amount we get of Sonny now...blah

  29. "Michelle Latta said...They had a few, saw some of her and Jagger too."

    Oh I loved her with Jagger too!!! Brenda and Jagger, no ick!

  30. They need to bring back Anna the super spy. She knows martial arts and used to kick everyone's butt. I LOVE watching FinOla Hughes in action with the bad guys

  31. They need to bring back Anna the super spy. She knows martial arts and used to kick everyone's butt. I LOVE watching FinOla Hughes in action with the bad guys

  32. My cousin's kids sometimes call me Auntie. It's kind of more than "Karen"...I'm almost their aunt LOL


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

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