Thursday, May 19, 2016

Foster The People

Lynn H getting dolled up for the Nurses' Ball! It's about all I got left with GH right now. I can't deal people.  

Tracy's outfit looks like some smock top. It gives me chills. Don't like it. 

The DNA says it's Sabrina's baby.  It's supposedly going to long term Foster Care.  OH!! ha ha...Tracy is the Foster Mama.

Carly goes to see Morgan, tells him Jason got his memories back. Later, Ava goes to see him. She still is in total lust with him. No doubt. I so wished they'd do it right on the couch!! 

Ava wants Kiki to leave with her and Avery. Kiki says nope.  Later, Dillon runs into Kiki at the Metro. She says thank you for getting me outside with the whole flat tire thing. He's coming to Rochester, NY to "Shoot a Band" called Glamour Boys. Kiki loves them and wants to go to the concert with him.

Dr. O wants Dr Finn investigated for killing his patients.  He is going to be because 2 died within 30 days. They go into a meeting. Finn and Dr O snipe at each other.  Monica decides that Finn can continue to see patients. Dr. O rolls her eyes. Finn goes back to his place and looks up files on the old people. Maybe he's totally a Jekyll and Hyde? He might be stealing their blood serum? I don't know! I don't think it's Dr. O anymore tho. This soapy hospital bit is the BEST PART of the show..that and Tracy Q. 

Oh Tomorrow, Sabrina is on. 


  1. I think I'll be happy to see Sabby again. I think...

  2. I think I'll be happy to see Sabby again. I think...

  3. Q mansion: Hey Dillon and Ned! Quit harassing your mother!!! Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaardo should be in that house!!! Besides we need more people living in that house!!!! Monica's house! The one Alan bought her! :) Man I miss people saying that. :( Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: You know what's remarkable? I have two sons. They're both my 2nd favorite.

    ROFL! Who is your first Tracy? Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo? :) My mom asked me if she is pregnant! ROFL!

    Police station:

    Michael and social services lady: Awwwww Michael is holding Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo! :) No!!!!! Not at foster care!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    Michael and Dante: What the hell?!!?! Last time we saw Dante, he was practically on death's door with a pen sticking inside him!!! Now he is okay!?!?! We didn't even see him recover! And he got a haircut!!! When did he get a haircut? When did he get time to get a haircut? Where is the pen? Is the pen with Ava's recording? Who is with Chris Christie! Ohhh is the Pen with Chris Christie too?!!?! I thought Dante was going to die? I am so confused.

    Q mansion part 2: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Tracy is a foster mother! YAY!!!! I love how she is talking to him about investments and real estate! :) And the look on Ned's face. Awwww. :) Loved how she saw Ned and she held tight of Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo! Awwwwww! :)

    Metrocourt resturant:

    Ava and Kiwi: I would like for you two to leave Port Charles with me tonight.

    No!!! You can't go on vacation!!! Killon has to have another date sometime soon!!! ICK! Morgan calls Kiwi! UGH!

    Kiwi: Morgan?

    Morgan: Do you know who this is?

    Of course she does you idiot!!! Oh man! On second thought Kiwi go with your mother and sister on vacation!

    Killon: They literally bumped into each other! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh asking her to go see a band YAY! A date? YAY! Oh she kisses him on the cheek! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    "Karen says He's coming to Rochester, NY to "Shoot a Band" called Glamour Boys."

    Oh is he coming to Rochester NY? :) I wasn't sure if it was Rochester NY or Rochester Minnesota. And who the hell are the Glamour boys?!!?!?!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    McHamsterFinn: I'm sorry I have been neglecting you sweetheart.

    GuGu: I forgive you daddy.

    McHamsterFinn: I had a couple of things that happened at the hospital that acquired my immediate attention. And my attentions is exactly what I gave them.

    What does that mean?!!?! What kind of attention? Are you killing your patients McHamsterFinn!?!?!

    Freedman clinic:

    Morgan and Carly: Hey! Morgan is calm and isn't whining! And Laura Wright sounds like she has a cold.. So basically,

    Carly: I have some great news!!!! Jason remembers!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I got my Jason back!!!! He is my hero! He can do no wrong in my eyes! Oh and Kiki, you should totally be together. I love her!

    Morgan and Ava:

    Ava: You're just not good together. You will do the right thing and break things off with her.

    YEAH AVA! YOU TELL HIM!!! :) He will hurt her again! YES! She is best with Dillon!

    Karen says I so wished they'd do it right on the couch!!


    The hospital:

    Dr. O and Monica: Hmmmm. Dr. O must be pmsing!

    McHamsterFinn's meeting: I don't know what is going on! Maybe Dr. O is killing the patients, or McHamsterFinn is, or it could be someone else!! I do love McHamsterFinn and Dr. O scenes today! :)

    Throwback Thursday: For Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos fans, His first scene with Felix when he first showed up, and other scenes.

    Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos in his first scene with Sabrina and other scenes.

    Where is Sonny? They didn't show him today. I really want him to break Julian's legs.

  4. I was thinking the same thing about Sonny, but it was relief, yeah a Sonny free day. :) Love that Tracy is foster mom to Edward. Maybe it's just me but I so expected the baby nurse to be Sabrina LOL! I actually enjoyed today, probably cause I ff thru Ava/Kiwi/Morgan scenes. I love Michael Easton and Finn, but I wish the storyline was moving just a tad faster or let the audience know what's going on and leave the characters in the dark. LOL!

  5. Yes, I noticed Sonny was missing. My husband does not like Sonny, and makes fun of him, and it seems that, every time he walks in on me when I am watching GH, Sonny is on the screen, allowing my husband to torture me. So, yesterday, oh, Sonny-free episode, who cares if hubby walks in? Then, of course, JUST as they were showing Sonny in the promo for the next eppie at the end, hubby walked in! (He always says that Sonny looks "chronically constipated" and "smacks himself in the head a lot." He does not think he is a good actor!

    Also, Sonya, I guess I was distracted, I totally didn't notice that Dante should have been in the hospital with a pen sticking out of his shoulder, what was he doing in the scene?

    Sonya, also, there were so many good lines yesterday, I wondered which you would choose. You chose one of the ones I picked, but I thought you would choose the first one of the day: Monica saying something to Dr. O about "practicing your scowl."

    1. Hubby is right, he's not a good actor. Stammering Take a breath between sentences dude,. Just annoying. I too thought it odd about Dante...Oh well.

  6. I also felt that Monica, in the meeting scene, was speaking more slowly than usual. I hope she is OK, I LOVE Leslie C!

  7. "AntJoan said...My husband does not like Sonny, and makes fun of him, and it seems that, every time he walks in on me when I am watching GH, Sonny is on the screen, allowing my husband to torture me. So, yesterday, oh, Sonny-free episode, who cares if hubby walks in? Then, of course, JUST as they were showing Sonny in the promo for the next eppie at the end, hubby walked in! (He always says that Sonny looks "chronically constipated" and "smacks himself in the head a lot." He does not think he is a good actor!"

    Geez! Where was he during the show when there was no Sonny!? A coincidence that he shows up just as they showed a promo of Sonny for the next episode? Maybe not? ROFL!

    "Also, Sonya, I guess I was distracted, I totally didn't notice that Dante should have been in the hospital with a pen sticking out of his shoulder, what was he doing in the scene?"

    Dante was trying to help Michael find Sabrina.

    "Sonya, also, there were so many good lines yesterday, I wondered which you would choose. You chose one of the ones I picked, but I thought you would choose the first one of the day: Monica saying something to Dr. O about "practicing your scowl."

    Hahaha. Yeah Monica would have won that, but then Tracy has to say her line, so Tracy won. :)

  8. AntJoan I agree with your husband about Sonny :) That outfit on Tracy was strange, I kept expecting her to start planting tulips or something

  9. He is a GREAT actor!! The best!! C'mon, we all know that hubby is just jealous . . .

  10. " AntJoan said...He is a GREAT actor!! The best!! C'mon, we all know that hubby is just jealous . . ."

    I don't think he is a bad actor!!! And agreed. :)

  11. Okay I will put my comments of today's episode here. :)

    I just LOVE Lucy's enthusiasm!!! Always have always will! :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    RayRay and Curtis's table: Awwww another scene with them!!! :)YAY! Awwww Mr. Snails has to come in and ruin it!!!

    Lucy and Curtis: I can't wait to see Curtis shirtless and singing at the nurses ball! :)

    Lucy and Nik: Hmmmm Nik? Are you poor?!

    Mr. and Mrs. Snails: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Dillon, Kiwi and Lucy: Uh Lucy? Kiwi isn't Dillon's girlfriend! ROFL! At least not yet. :) Lucy wins the line of the day!

    Lucy: I appreciate you answering my email, because a lot of people didn't even bother. You know, if more people would just respond to my correspondence, I can save so many beautiful trees.

    ROFL! The actress who plays Kiwi, it looked like she tried not to laugh hahaha!

    The Jewelry selling place: WOW!!!!! Nik you ARE poor!!!! :0

    The hospital:

    Brucus: Yeah I am not very sure that getting married at the nurses ball is very appropriate. I mean the nurses ball is for AIDS research and getting money for that. Love the scene with Brucus and Lucy!!! :)

    Carson home:

    Carly and Michael: Michael your father should NOT help you find Sabrina!!!! He should be with Julian breaking his legs! Great scene with Carly and Michael by the way. :)


    Carly: You are a shameless manipulator.

    Yeah he is!!!! A sexy shameless manipulator. :)

    Ava and Carly: Oh just have an old fashioned girl fight! :)

    Freeman clinic:

    Ava and Morgan: Oh just have sex on the floor already! You can hear Ava Jr and Morgan Jr clear as day!

    Ava Jr: I want you badly!

    Morgan Jr: I want you badly too!

    Dumb and dumber: Dumber looks like a hippie! Oh man you could have said this all along to her! It's okay you are saying it now. Now she can go be with Dillon! :) And then what? Is he going to change his mind and not listen to Ava, and want to be with Dumber? But Dumber will already be with Dillon? She is less dumber when she is will Dillon!

    San Juan Puerto Rico hiding place: SABRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :) Good to see you again!!!! :)

    Sabrina: My little boy will never know his father.

    :'( You will have to tell him all about his daddy! :( Hmmm I thought Sabrina would have a lot more tears for Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! I found out how old Caaaaaaaaarlos was when Sabrina dated him! She said she was 16 right? And she is 30 now. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos before he died, the EMT said he was in his mid 30's.. So He was 20/21 when she was 16. Okay so Maaaaaaaaaaaaarcus. That woman is Sabrina's aunt, and Maaaaaaaaaaaaarcus is Sabrina's cousin! Wow no loyalty for family eh? Wait a minute! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos and Maaaaaaaaaaaaaarcus were friends?!?!!?! Well then Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos would NOT like it if he kills her!!!!!!! What the hell?!!?!?! No loyalty to friends either!!! Well hopefully superman Michael will save her!!!! Man they need to bring in more Spanish/Spanish American people on the show! It's fun saying their names. ROFL!

    Flashback Friday: Since they showed the campus disco this week, here is a video of that! March 18th 1981

  12. I was really happy to see Sabrina! I didn't even knew I missed her - ha. I am not a Carly fan, but in this Ava/Carly war - I am Team Carly all the way.

  13. Is it me, or was that totally MEH for a Friday episode? I guess I'm struggling to stay interested in this mishegas.

  14. You said it so well PM61! I do love Lucy and she looks fabulous. Happy to see Sabrina, too.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How can Sabrina's aunt's son not be her cousin? She said clearly that "They grew up together, they are LIKE family"!! How can they be LIKE family when they ARE family? My only thought is that Sabrina's tia is not her actual tia? You know I am AntJoan--so many people call me Aunt Joan who are not my actual nephews--friends' kids, younger friends, etc. Maybe it is like that? . . .

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. "AntJoan said...How can Sabrina's aunt's son not be her cousin? She said clearly that "They grew up together, they are LIKE family"!! How can they be LIKE family when they ARE family? My only thought is that Sabrina's tia is not her actual tia? You know I am AntJoan--so many people call me Aunt Joan who are not my actual nephews--friends' kids, younger friends, etc. Maybe it is like that? . . ."

    ROFL! Yeah she did say that! But we still have Maaaaaaaaaaaaaarcus as Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos's friend!!! And Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos would hate it if his friend killed Sabrina!


Sunday Surgery: Cryptic

 No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One l...