Tracy's going a bit nutty over this kid, no? Tracy's mad because Sabby didn't say goodbye to her before she left. Tracy's reactions made little sense. I mean, really "off".
In the end, Sabrina says she named her kid "Edwardo" ..and Tracy's all "Aww" but Sabby calls him Teddy. Tracy lets her hold him.
OMG Sonny tells Ava "She won" and to "get her sorry ass out of his house" when she comes for Avery.
Um, AVA STILL HAS LEGAL CUSTODY OF AVERY! What the hell? You can't just keep a kid because you want it!!
OMG the whole Ava/Sonny stuff has to be seen to believed. They are all yelling, posturing and in the end, Sonny lets Ava see Avery. Bizarre.
Julian finds out about Lucas. He goes to the hospital. Dr. O tells him she thinks Hammy Finn is killing patients. He tries to strangle him. Brad stops him.
By the way, he asked Molly how the Ball was. Even though she wasn't there. So...there's that.
Molly knows something is wrong with Alexis but Alexis won't tell her. Later, Alexis calls to tell Diane she's going to turn Julian in...but Julian calls her to tell her about Lucas. So you know she'll feel all badly. She goes to the hospital and hugs Julian
Jordan tries to play Ellery Queen with the cast at Wyndemere. Questions them all in the livingroom. Laura comes in, finds out Nikolas was seen on the rocks. They find his phone there
OH, Spencer was "at a sleep over'.
Um, like he'd miss the ball? LOL Ok... He's on tomorrow btw.