Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Honeymoon and Housekeeping!

Well, looks like our two "lovebirds" are going tropical for their honeymoon! Wonder if it's just the boathouse and "Party City"!?  If you look closely, Kiki's ring is NOT on her finger. Hmmm, did wardrobe forget it!? LOOK at Morgan's CRAZY STRAW in his drink. AHAHA. He probably had to get a virgin something because he's too dang young!

I myself will be on a honeymoon of sorts, out looking for Jerry Jacks and Faison. SOMEONE has to find that cure for Luke.
I will TRY to make some posts for you to use for comments but it will be hit and miss.  I'll update the spoilers today. Can't believe I shall miss Maxie's baby-- but I shall check in with Twitter to get the lowdown on that.  You can also let me know in the comments! Sonya's great at recaps, David has promised to post and I know you regulars will help out as well. 

 Have a good one.


  1. He probably had to get a virgin something because he's too dang young!
    A virgin Mary!!! :)

    I myself will be on a honeymoon of sorts, out looking for Jerry Jacks and Faison.
    I'm going with you Karen!!! :)

    Sonya's great at recaps, David has promised to post and I know you regulars will help out as well.
    Aww thanks. :) We all are a great team!! :) Go David and go regulars! :)

  2. Have fun Karen! We'll miss you and look forward to your occasional drop-ins. I think after your previous post when you said you weren't going to blog at all, we're all just so grateful to have you in any capacity. Take care!

  3. Byron Craig will be live tweeting during the show today. You can ask him something today. Use the hashtag #askgh.

  4. oh no! my name was mentioned and now there is pressure on me to come through. UGH!

    For those of you who are not aware, the wubqieen will be celebrating a birthday this Sunday. 29 again, Karen?

    Today's episode was kinda slow and boring, in my opinion. But a lot of the storylines do have to move along and sometimes, they don't always go that fast and furious. So today, to me, was a bridge, to get some of the stories from point A to point B. And it did. Bridges are good. You dont always know what is on the other side...

    My first question to all of you: there is obviously some kind of reason why Ava has passed Franco off as Kiki's dad and has such animosity against Silas. So, what is it? There has to be some kind of backstory that should be coming up. (and we know this show loves their flashbacks!)

    A little observation on Lulu today. A few years ago, when Genie was coming back to daytime on Y&R, I started watching the show to see Genie. Genie really didnt have any chemistry with Tristan (Rogers) or Stephen (Nichols) on the show, like the way she did on GH. That's a testament to the writers and more importantly the directors of GH through the years. Marcy was on the show, and I really liked her. She played a confident young woman and had both a confidence and a vulnerability to the character. When it was announced she would be the recast for Lulu, a lot of people on many boards immediately said it wouldnt work. I wanted to give her a chance because of her performance on Y&R. It's been several months. I gave it a chance. And I dont see her as Lulu. Now, to be clear, I do like Marcy the actress and feel she has given good performances on Y&R, but I am just not seeing Lulu in this Lulu. I am all for a performer/writer/director making a character their own, but this Lulu seems like there is something 'off'. The character no longer has direction, or stability. She's is all over the page. When Julie played her, she would go up against Luke (or anyone for that matter, the girl was a dynamo) and stand her ground. Now, it looks like she is ready to back down and run away any minute. To me, that's not Lulu. Any comments?

    PS. I loved how Felicia was breathing in sync with Maxie's breathing. That is definitely something that a mother would do for her daughter without even thinking about it. I bet that wasnt scripted and just the chemistry of 2 actresses working together all these years.

  5. To some people not liking Emme as Lulu means you hate the actress. I can't into her as Lulu either. I don't feel her and Dom have any chem either. I understand Julie wanted to leave, but they could have found a better actress to play Lulu too. I just want old schoolLulu back. I liked today's show.

  6. David! Two good questions!

    Lulu-I like her. I'm glad there's a Lulu there and I think the actress is just fine. Her chem with Dom isn't the best, but it is GREAT with Kristen Storms. And Lulu's kinda always been all over the place. She's never been a very well-defined character. She always hovers in that weird area between Luke's adventurous daughter, and Laura's compassionate/homebody daughter. This was even addressed some when she went through her "am I an alcoholic" phase. Is this actress gonna win an Emmy for playing Lulu? Not with the current stories. But she's decent and I can't imagine the show without at least one of L&L's kids on....It's actually still heartbreaking to me that Lucky isn't on regularly.

    Ava/Franco/Silas--I think when Luke approached Ava about Kiki being Ava's daughyer she ran with it to help get access to ELQ and therefore help her "family business". She also admitted to pushing Morgan and Kiki together for the same reason. I imagine that she never told Silas about Kiki because she knew he'd stick around and want to be a dad, and then Ava would have to tell the truth about being in the mob, and most likely feared Silas would (rightfully) take Kiki away. I also assume that after she figured out Franco was crazy, and they broke up, Franco must have found out about "Lauren" and assumed she was his (maybe not knowing her age or anything) and Ava felt that was OK because Franco clearly was not going to give up his "art" and want to raise a family. It's not a very soapy plot, but it's all I can think of right now that would make sense. Basically, it's Ava just looking out for Ava.... Or maybe her family threatened to kill Silas or something? That's more likely and more soapy, I guess.

  7. I can't make Emme Lulu, I keep trying but I just can't. I am thinking about blowing up a picture of JMB and placing over Emme during any Lulu scenes.

    The other thing I don't get is why they hired Emme without her even testing with Dom or Kirsten. To me, that reeks of desperation and sets up failure for the character.

  8. Julie did a interview with Micheal Fairman about Lulu not doing much for the last year and how the show did not know what to do with Lulu. I miss the edge and spunk that Lulu had. Lulu is too wishy washy these days. I liked the show today.

  9. See I like the new Lulu, maybe because I could not stand the old Lulu. Never saw what Dante would see in the old Lulu she bullied him most of the time.

    Ava always has an agenda, though who knows what this one is, Franco always thought, he had a daughter with Ava, so she lied to Franco from the beginning. Was she dating Franco and Silas at the same time?

    Am supposed to feel bad for Franco?, because I don't. Although I love RH. The character of Franco has run its course. Nice Franco is boring and superfluous So he is a Q, but do we need another self destructive Q brother. He can't even save Danny now, is he going to move into the mansion and mope and try to kill himself?
    I hat the old Franco, but at least I cared, nowI wish he was off my screen.

    Loved Flea and Maxie together, Maxie is just dropping hints all over the place . hope when Olivia sees the baby we get a great "vision".

    How long before Kiki and Michael are doing the Horizontal Mambo behind Moron's back? A week? Maybe 2?
    He can't say he hasn't been warned. Please God, no who is the daddy story?

    I like Liz and Tracy as nemesis's. Now I want Liz to marry AJ and have Monica give her the mansion as a wedding gift just to get Tracy's goat. Then Liz and Tracy can have verbal sparring matches over coffee everyday.

  10. I want Liz and the kids to move in the Q mansion. Most of all, I want Monica to kick Tracy, Ava, Morgan and Kiki out of her house.

  11. Q office: Tracy wins the line of the day!!

    Tracy: AJ left with his SpongeBob pencil eraser.

    ROFL! And then in comes Connie later whining about Sonny! UGH!

    The floating rib: Hmmm Ava and AJ should have a fling! :) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ava is slithering like a lion on AJ and is manipulating him to hurt or kill Connie!!!! :) There goes AJ drinking!! :( Love how worried Liz is!!

    The hospital: Oh oh baby Georgie is in distress!! Don't just stand there doc! Give Maxie a c-section!!! Awww FranJasTodd, you are NOT the father!!!! Need proof? Oh Maury!!! Where are you? :)

    Michael's home: Poor Michael. Has to take out his sexual frustration out on the punching bag. Oh Carly talks about Karma! Love it! :)

    Phoneymoon: Not sure where they are. At the boathouse? Or the Q home? Awww what's wrong 19 year old Morgan? Can't afford a honeymoon? You can't even drink either!!! Phoneymoon. That is appropriate. Oh Morgan is trying to give StarKi an out again!! She isn't taking it! TAKE IT DUMMY!

  12. David said:
    My first question to all of you: there is obviously some kind of reason why Ava has passed Franco off as Kiki's dad and has such animosity against Silas. So, what is it?

    Most spoilers online say that Silas was abusive to wome, and this is why Ava kept Kiki from him, not knowing Franco was a killer, and worse. Supposedly Silas is to make a 'dark turn' soon Hope not, as we have had way too many psychos in the last decade.
    And I dont see her as Lulu. Now, to be clear, I do like Marcy the actress and feel she has given good performances on Y&R, but I am just not seeing Lulu in this Lulu. I am all for a performer/writer/director making a character their own, but this Lulu seems like there is something 'off'. The character no longer has direction, or stability. She's is all over the page. When Julie played her, she would go up against Luke (or anyone for that matter, the girl was a dynamo) and stand her ground. Now, it looks like she is ready to back down and run away any minute. To me, that's not Lulu. Any comments?
    You're watching a diff show, or on crack. JMB was sleepwalking the last 5 years. Her acting skill set consisted of a smirk and head turn with an open mouth. She was bored and boring to watch. Nulu has made Lulu bearable, even watchable, and actually has more than just two facial expressions. A REALLY good recast.

  13. O.k. Im gonna weigh in here...
    Absolute Lunatic, I couldn't agree more, it's time to clean the Q house and I'm not talking about dusting!
    Sonya, "A virgin Mary!!! :)" That was bad, lol. Time for me to hit the drums there, bah dum bum ;)
    David, The whole Silas thing with Ava and Ava passing Kiki off as Francos to me just seems like a woman scorned. Ava is a lying gold digging b!*#h. Silas probably found out her true nature and kicked her to the curb. Sure she may not have known that Franco was a Q with money but, he was an "artist" with much promise and the money was sure to come. I honestly don't think it will amount to much more than that but, its a soap so who knows right? Cosmetica says online spoilers say Silas will take a dark turn. To me, every time he's in Avas presence he leans toward the dark side so to speak. It seems Sam's presence has the opposite effect on Dr. Clay. I'm hoping we will see more of this to be honest! And besides, Silas is growing on me.
    In regard to Lulu, I've never been in love with the character. JMB, I enjoyed early on when she was introduced I preferred her scheming and the whole Dillan thing. I even liked her with Johnnnnny and the early Dante courtship. Once they settled down they got very boring. As far as I was concerned, Lulu should have died at the hands of the Cassadines. For once let a character go and let us fans really mourn!!! These constant recasts drive me nuts. Sometimes its good but, not in this case! We could have seen many really good stories play out if Lulu had died. Dante and Maxie could have gone down the romantic path and bonded over the baby with Spin getting jealous causing trouble for him and Ellie and the baby reveal bombshell blowing everyone's world apart. Dante lost his wife and then to lose his baby and Maxie ,and so on and so forth.
    I don't know Emme Rylan so I can't say I don't like her. She's never gossiped about me to my friends or anything so I have no reason to not like her. Her version of Lulu... I waited and gave her a chance but, I'm not feeling it. I've never watched Y&R only her Lulu on GH and again, not feeling it.

  14. I think Emme is a good actress and a decent Lulu but she really hasn't made the character her own, which could be the writers fault. I happened to like Julie and thought she was a good actress and had the spunkiness of the character down pat. I think KW has improved tremendously since her return and I love the Maxie/Felicia scenes so much. Franco (RH) needs to be gone - no purpose for him anymore.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...