Monday, August 26, 2013

Finally A Wubqueen Blog

I watched Friday's before I saw today-- poor Dante and Lulu. Kudos to Bradford Anderson WOWza   His face was so priceless. 
Poor Maxie too--
and I SAW THE VODKA BOTTLE! lol... I am so glad Michael is upset aout and standing up for AJ. 
Stupid Derek--just BE Julian already, will ya? 

TODAY'S BLOG IS DEDICATED to my friend, Betts who passed away yesterday. She was a HUGE GH fan and I met her on the old AOL boards. She was a dynamo.  I had no idea she was 30 years older than I--and she had no idea I was "so young"!! Cyberspace is wonderful that way. Anyway, Betty loved Luke Spencer more than anything else. So here's a pic for you -- and I know you'll be watching. xxoo 

Awwwwwwwww,  It was so wonderful!! He was so happy!!  

How great for Connie to have on a pristine white dress to show off the blood better!! 


Sean K plays a GREAT drunk or what! wow... I didn't know he's had experience in that IRL--until twitter told me. WOW. He just knocked it out.

Olivia sees blood and Connie--  and then Sonny sees Connie.   You know AJ didn't do it, right?  Too easy. 
Kelly Sullivan did a FANTASTIC JOB with her "shock' at being shot--it was so realistic, imo. People react so surreal to trauma. It was very well done.  AJ and Ava start with "A".  and  AJ and Ava Jerome!
Oh Maurice stumbling through that 911 call? Brills.  The death was done really well, imo.

Someone on twitter called Ava "Jason in a dress" LOL!! Yes!!

Even Lisa LoCicero makes her "ESP visions" tolerable. It could be SO campy. 

Julian realizing he's Sam's Daddy. NOW TELL ALEXIS!!

Spin was great too--- wow. Just give everyone an Emmy. EMMYS FOR ALL! 




  1. Karen, didn't see today's show yet--just finished working.

    So sorry for the loss of your beloved friend.

  2. Another great show today. Performances great across the board.

    I think Lulu will figure out that the baby is Maxie and Spin's.

    BA did another great job today, but I have to say Ellie voice squeaking and cracking for an hour was getting on my nerves.

  3. The hospital: More Spinny and Ellie scene! Fantastic!! Come on Spinny! Tell Lante that the baby is your daughter!!!! Oh Sam is so happy that she hugs McSilas! He really hates hugs ROFL! Olivia sees blood!!! Oh shoot Julian so close in telling Alexis who he is! But then Olivia freaks out! No Ava! Don't tell your brother not to tell Alexis who he is!!!!

    Crimson: Sonny and Connie scene was strange. When she opened her eyes, she acted like she just woke up from a nap and that Sonny woke her up. Oh and she was able to bring her head up all on her own!! Hey if she is strong enough to bring her head up, then she should be able to walk. :) Come on Connie! Walk. You can do it!!! :) Sonny can't even call 911! ROFL! Sonny! It's 9 1 1!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the killer in blood!!! At first I thought it was a symbol haha! No Sonny! That doesn't say AJ! That would be too easy! It's Ava's initials!! AVA JEROME!!! :) Connie is dead! Bye bye Connie. You are with your son now!!! :) And with the cake you murdered. Gee it is taking forever for Alexis and Olivia to show up. Oh there they are!

    Q home: Oh look! It's Ava running in and she has her purse with her. Oh Ava? Where were you? Busy shooting Connie? AJ and Michael's scene was great!! Michael wins the line of the day!

    Michael: I'm with you dad.

    Awwwwwwwwwww! :) Oh oh Sonny shows up! Quick Michael come back into the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Karen I'm sorry about your friend passing away. :(

  5. So sorry and sad to hear about Betty's death. The Penguins fan - I remember her from the AOL boards.

  6. BA was stunning. All were- even Mac daddy. Heartbreaking story. I don't even miss the prince yet the stories and acting is so good. Kelly Sullivan will be missed much.
    Maurice was awesome too.

    I think she was going to write A Jerome

  7. JasonRoks, I think you're right about A Jerome. The name next to Connie Really harkens back to when Heather wrote Anne in Diana's blood.

  8. ZI love the fact that AJ can stand for 2 different people.

    1. How long will it take for someone to realize this? (on the show)

    2. Who will solve it? It's my guess that Anna will be talking to Duke about the case and Duke will be the one who puts the initials with Ava.

    And yes, Love4dogs, when I saw the initials I IMMEDIATELY thought back to Diana's murder. The very FIRST episode of GH I ever watched was Diana's murder and I remember Anne's name in blood very vividly because of that!

    The past few episodes really have been good.

  9. So Ava was the one who took AJ back home?
    And why did Silas clean his hands after Sam hugged him?

  10. Sonya--Ava won the line of the day. After Julian said all Alexis could remember from their one night stand was the song on the radio and his name, Ava said, "That's not very flattering." or something to that affect, which made me laugh out loud--which I needed because between Olivia's crying, Spinelli's crying, and poor Michael and drunk AJ, I needed a laugh. Great show today.

    It's been the "daughter-you-never-knew-you-had" month. Silas with Kiki, then Julian with Sam, now Spin with baby Georgie.

  11. CareyN said...Sonya--Ava won the line of the day. After Julian said all Alexis could remember from their one night stand was the song on the radio and his name, Ava said, "That's not very flattering." or something to that affect, which made me laugh out loud--which I needed because between Olivia's crying, Spinelli's crying, and poor Michael and drunk AJ, I needed a laugh. Great show today.
    Oh! You poor thing! Yeah it has been very emotional! Spinny's face when he found out he has a daughter!! Awwww! :(

    It's been the "daughter-you-never-knew-you-had" month. Silas with Kiki, then Julian with Sam, now Spin with baby Georgie.
    Yeah that is a good way to put it!! :)

  12. Saw that scene on youtube Eille was so good I can`t wait to learn more about Elile.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...