Saturday, February 13, 2010

WubQueen/DConfidential ABC Soaps PODCAST up!

I was invited to Daytime Confidential's PODCAST again last Monday to dish about the ABC soaps with Luke and Regan. We had a blast. It's so fun to actually TALK about the soaps and not just write about them!! We discuss AMC's HD conversion (and Susan Lucci's face), OLTL's evil Mitch Story and of course, all the GH mayhem!

Hey, just found out that Stephen Martines aka  Coltin Scott aka Nik Cassadine is going to be on the "Vampire Diaries"! I know a lot of you are fans, so look for the x-GHer!!


  1. geesh, I totally call Marissa MIRANDA on the damn thing! LOL

  2. Stephen Martines!!! I LOVED him as Nik- actually I liked him as Nik better than TC :X Theres just something about him that makes him seem more...prince-like? Idk lol
    thanks for the heads up!! Will def look for him on the Vampire Diaries :)

  3. Yup Kayla. I like TC, he is great. I agree that Stephen Martines had much more of a prince thing going. I miss him and that Gia "princess sparky". That was cute.

  4. I personally hated Gia and that Nik wasn't dark enough. JMO

  5. Dear Wub Queen,

    Love your Wubby Blog, read it every day. Been a fan of GH since 1978. Totally get it....

    One of my job responsibilities is to administer all employee benefits. My broker believe it or not is the first cousin of none other than my favorite gal of all time, Genie Francis. Conversations with him are hysterical! He gave me a signed CD this Christmas, very cool.

    Also wanted to tell you that around Thanksgiving 2008, you mentioned "Gus" in your blog, said "he was the best dog in the world". You tagged a link and I followed it. 4 weeks later I was the new Mama of a beautiful black/white/gold boy from the Salishan line.

    I must tell you I was on the fence about getting another dog. I had put my 12 year old Golden, "Lucky" down about two years earlier. Prior to that my "Nikalas" was 13. Needless to say I was hesitant due to the heartbreak.

    I clicked the link, and I was a gonner! Friar Tuck "Tucker is just too much. A tad fresh, but that's OK, he's my only boy, and left handed (pawed) at that. Did I mention I have a daughter named "Audrey"?

    Well that's all for now Wub Queen, I just wanted to thank you for the daily entertainment, but most of all for the tip on the TT's.

    PS People approach us all the time to ask about Tucker. You should see the facial expressions when I tell them where I first heard about the breed.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...