Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Skye--Robin Christopher is Back to GH!

Yesterday I was kidding on Twitter that Skye needed to go back to AMC. Well, looks like she's coming to Port Charles. Read all about it on Daytime Confidential. Maybe she'll be the first cross-over actress on BOTH soaps at some point?

Sorry I didn't blog the show today, the whole family is down with something, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow.


  1. Sorry to hear that! Get better soon to the family!

  2. Feel better soon! Woo Hoo! Skye! I liked her a lot. I wonder how her return will affect Jax and Carly?


  4. Skye's returning? And with her daughter too?

    I love how within an hour everyone in Port Charles knows Liz is pregnant. *lol*

  5. All the soap sites are reporting that Lila Rae will be returning with Sky :D

  6. I was dying to see what you would write about Dr. Corinthos and all of his diagnostic opininions of Liz's condition!! WTH?? Even funnier, Luke thanked him and said he would share it with Lucky "it'll really help". Too freakin' funny! Hope you all feel better soon.

  7. Of course, how old is this version of Lila Rae going to be?

  8. I hope Skye's return means more Q's, more business (ELQ, Jax Enterprises, etc.) storylines and less mob. I know Skye was connected to Lorenzo but I hope and pray she does not return in some mob related storyline.
    I want to see what Skye means for Tracy/Luke and Carly/Jax.
    If Carly/Jax split I would like to see a Skye/Jax pairing and a Skye/Carly cat fight.
    If Skye is not paired with Jax then I think they should chem test her with Nicholas. Imagine a Skye/Helena showdown!
    Or Perhaps she could mix it up with Steven Webber?
    I just pray to god she stays away from Sonny.

  9. One of my favorite characters EVER!

  10. OMG, so happy Skye's returning, she's FABULOUS!!

    I was so happy to see Robin and Patrick helping out Liz, after all the millions of times she watched Emma during Robin's breakdown. Of course, the whole town knowing Liz is PG in 5 minutes is crazy.

  11. Hope you and your family feel better Karen.I just watched a little of GH today AMC yechhhh OLTL was a little funky.

  12. oops clicked before I put glad Sky is back I really liuked her with Luke they were too funny togethor.Her baby is so pretty too I wish they would bring Lorenzo back now thats a good looking man.

  13. I remember when there were actually scenes inside the offices of ELQ Enterprises. I think that was back when Alexandria was still on the canvas. Does anyone else remember that? I think they were trying to make it kinda like Dallas. This was when David Lewis was in the role.

    I always thought of Jax paired with Holly. Mainly cause when Jax came on the scene, he was more of a corporate raider and we know Holly was a thief from the beginning. I figured they could do a scam together. Would make a great may/december cougar-type romance.

    I laughed when Lulu was concerned about her boss, Kate and what she would think. I was yelling at the tv "that character isnt even on the show anymore!"

    More ponderings: I glanced at AMC today and thought their hospital set was dingy. Is this their new digs in LA? Maybe they could save money and tape scenes at GH and share sets. We've overlooked so much in the past year in disbelief, this surely wouldnt raise an eyebrow, would it?

    I am thrilled Skye is back. Did anyone notice she was mentioned on AMC 2 days ago? Hmmm....

  14. Not to criticize, but I think Jax/Holly would be a May/SEPTEMBER romance, rather than December. I think Edward is more in the December category.

  15. I wish they would let Rebecca H. wear less makeup more often,she looks amazing without it.

    Please TPTB let this baby be Luckys.

  16. LOVE Skye with everyone even luke! So happy to hear this. Sandra I forgot about the BLAZE nickname!

  17. I didnt watch much when Sky was on. I gave up on GH for a few years and then picked it back up. Sky left town probably 6 months after I started watching and she did not have many scenes. I am excited to see what she brings to Port Charles.

    Tracey has her General Hospital connections huh? How would her connection know so fast about Liz really lol. Luke said Liz was in Shady Brook before she even left GH. The whole thing is just ridiculous, but I hope its Lucky's baby.

  18. I am getting over a nice stomach virus too. Let me watch my soaps though. OLTL is getting good. That Mitch is some villian! But, why in the heck is the FBI guy letting him taunt Charlie like that?

    GH...Thank God for Lucky/Liz. The rest is kind of boring. Sonny saying something about Liz and her infidelity? Really Sonny???
    I'm glad that Luke is feeling for Liz though. Not all nastiness. Lulu, you can take a number from this.
    What did Liz think Shadybrook was going to be like. Hasn't she already been in there to visit Lulu and Laura? and it would be nice for Lulu or Carly to have a moment with Liz, since they have both been members of the crazy party.

    Isn't Sonny also still very claustrophobic? So, him in jail would make him crazy, right?

  19. I wondered if the editing was screwed up yesterday when Luke told Sonny that Liz was carted off to Shadybrook before she had even left the hospital. I'm not sure who I would pair Skye up with. I don't like the idea of her with Nikolas at all. Jax could be interesting again. Maybe Steve. I do like the idea of them bringing Skye back, but I wonder why they keep bringing people "back" and keep bringing on new characters when they have characters already that they barely use (i.e. Kate...) Although if they'd like to get rid of Lisa, they can bring on anyone they'd like and it could not be any far as Liz and the baby, because they keep making a point of how she only slept with Lucky once and how she is convinced the baby must be Nik's, I think it is going to be Lucky's! And by the way, she should remember that she was married to Lucky and spent one night with Jason and Jake is Jason's...

  20. Yay!! Robin Christopher is fabulous and Skye has been missed. Great move, GH!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...