Oh. MY GOD!!
Please keep it civil in the dang comment section, ok? PLEASE?????? I don't want to have to monitor every freekin' comment that comes in. Whether you love or hate a character/couple, please keep it civil. Geesh
OLTL today: yeah!! eeee! Hey, when Mitch Lawrence calls you evil, you be in trouble!! Poor Stacey. heh. Ditching her out in the snow!? brilliant. PLUS they got route 217 correct. It is a bad road down there. How neat that it lined up with a REAL snowstorm hitting PA this weekend! It was SO GOOD TODAY! I am going to watch it again on SoapNet. HOLY SHEEZE! Is Mitch REALLY REALLY GOING TO GO there with Jessica?!!!!!!!!! Wow! They sure make it seem like it! And Stacey's labor, Roxy found out about the baby---!! eeeee! I can't WAIT until next week. I didn't think I could be shocked anymore. wowza. SOAPTACULAR!!
GH: Scott Reeves (Steven Lars) just went on contract. I'm hoping he and Dr. Matt hook up so that boy gets some AIRTIME!
Stuart Damon is going to Days on CBS. Read all about it on Daytime Confidential.
CarJax implosion Here goes Carly walks out AGAIN. I like CarJax but I'm tired of the back and forth. Get Kate back for Jax. POOR MORGAN.
DANTE LIES FOR SONNY Wow...there's a and you know Livvy isn't saying anything.
Loved Liz' mini-breakdown at the hospital heh...a bit off self-guilt
NEW Sonny angst Mantra? "I SHOT MY SON"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhhhhhhh!
I don't know what to do about this lying for SONNY SHEEZE. I really REALLY think it sucks. I'm so tired of it. SO tired of it.
You know what? I've lost what little respect I've had for GH and Guza. I knew it was coming he was going to lie..but he SHOT himself? GOD FORBID you take a chance and actually WRITE a story that would put Sonny square in the hot-seat. And the Claudia murder thing? LIKE YAH...he'll REALLY go to jail for that. yep. hahahahhahhaaa. Dante decides Sonny should go to jail for Claudia's murder-- NOT shooting him. Because mobulars always get convicted. :throws up hands:
LAZY LAZY writing. Just like the stupid Franco crap.
AT LEAST LukeSon's on. Love those two together, you know that. Now they both have coppers for kids. heheheee I'm so glad they are friends again.
Jason: "This whole thing is one big headache"...you GOT it bucko!
Keifer going in for a booty-call with Krissy. heh. Lexi did a fabu job today! that was a big smack!
WOW! did NOT see that Michael punches JAX coming! woo....
I'm liking Lulu's sanity.
Geesh, I'm supposed to do a podcast with DC this weekend. I hope I calm down. I'll be such a bitch when it comes to GH! LOL This could have been a whole turning point for the show but it's same ol' same ol....right down to Sonny getting off and Liz having a WTD storyline. It's just a giant circle.
WHATEVER. New Spoilers are up. A few anyway. Guza was spouting off some stuff in SID about JaSam getting married. He said "what would MAKE them get married"--which to me, means either she gets PG or it's a Marriage of Convenice.
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I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...

Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
I floundered for a title this week because, well... not a hell of a lot happened besides narrative and people yelling about custody. As yo...
I was thinking it was Marriage of Convenience. He didn't marry Liz because of pregnancy...
ReplyDeleteDays is on NBC
ReplyDeleteSo- hubby home Friday afternoons now. Mostly watching The Flintstones and This Old House. I went to other room for a few minutes of GH. Saw the end and a bit of the middle. Did I really hear right? Jason said "Maybe I'm going to get arrested after all." and Sam replied with a muttered "I'll arrest you."? That's what I think I heard & it made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise from what little I saw & what you wrote K, Stupid, Stupid and Stupider. Heh- I keep wanting Sonny to start singing "I Shot the Sheriff"...then I got a flashback to that old Suzanne Sommers show! ROFL!
I am going to say it again today. GH... Put.Diane.on.the.show.Every.Single. Day!!! She rocks.
ReplyDeleteSee a few more characters sailing off to the Island of Unwanted Soap Opera Characters.
liked the dante /morgan scene best today
ReplyDeleteI guess, sonny, jason and sam are supposed to be the heroes on GH, whether the fans like it or not.Its too late to redeem any of them. I think they are trying to be the sopranos but not doing a very good job of it.
ReplyDeleteIf jason marries that hoe I'm done (not really but I will have to say goodbye to Jason by FF thru ALL of his scenes).
ReplyDeleteJust as I thought:
ReplyDeleteJason is there for Elizabeth when she breaks down
On Soapcentral. Also on Soap zone.
Shocking Carly went to Jasons when she is part owner of Metro Court.Loved the bonding of Dante and Morgan.FF thru Liz and Nik stuff.OLTL rocks on cliffhangers and even everyday stuff.Poor Stacy NOT
ReplyDeletesoapcentral not soapzone, my bad.
ReplyDeleteKaren, i have to laugh that you say to behave yet you write about a possible Jasam wedding. Way to calm things down, lol. That's our girl!
Guza made some lame comments about JaSam in SID.
ReplyDeleteYes, Jason DOES 'COMFORT LIZ'!! WOW. The way the spoiler read, it wasn't anything very much at all. SID really plays it to the hilt though. "Balancing the JaSam Liason news'..they're so FOX!
The most funny scenes was Carly entering Jason's PH couldn't stop laughing , and it was like the old days of JaSam, Carly interrupting them LOL
ReplyDeleteI don't think it will last because the PH is to small for her and the kids and Spinlli and Sam, and she was very upset with Jax..
But it was funny scenes
Ps I hope there will be JaSam wedding I know it will probably not soon but it will , and it will be amazing
Jasam probably has to marry since he saw her take the gun. If they're married, he can't testify (ala Carly and Sonny years ago). I do think if Jason rescues Liz Sam will be fine with it.
ReplyDeleteyes, as fine as Sam was when she found out Jake was Jason's kid...Better keep your kids locked up Liz. Who knows when a gunman will come after you again, to scare you away from Jason!
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm a huge Jason fan, and I like He and Sam together. I do have a problem though with every guy on GH feeling so bad for Liz (except for Lucky, that it.) If I were Sam, I would not take kindly to my man comforting the woman he cheated on me with, and had a baby with none the less.
ReplyDeleteUm- Jason did not cheat on Sam with Liz. They were broken up and Jason slept with Liz only AFTER he caught Sam with Ric. Also, wasn't Guza just spouting some crap about a Liason reunion in the fall? I think Carly went to Jason's only because Jax assumed she'd be at the MetroCourt I also liked the LukeSon talk to today- hated the topic, but it reminded me of the old days with the two of them. But my favorite scene was Dante and Morgan. It was a nice brotherly moment!
ReplyDeleteDante and Morgan today were the highlight of the show for me! Those scenes and the way that baby girl smiled at Jax when Carly was getting ready to leave with her? Did anyone else catch that? That baby looked like she truly likes Ingo. Very sweet.
ReplyDeleteI doubt its a marriage of convenience since they've reswapped the I love you's. Guza will do whatever he can to keep KEMO front and center. As long as he branches her out with her family vs more of Jasam, I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteI too am I'm disgusted with Spin, Carly, and Nik. Should we remind carly of her breakdown? I think they should have someone out of the blue help Liz like carly or sam. Would make good soap suds. Can't wait to see when Lucky finds Liz next week as he will make great tv once again.
What is next? Dante confessing to Claudia's murder?
ReplyDeleteI love GH, really I do. I also like mob-centric shows and movies just as much as the next person and I think it's great when it portrays those characters in the gray area but I think it's high time for Guza to re-watch those movies/shows that he is so obviously infatuated with 'cause the end result is mostly facing the consequences of one's actions. Those movies/shows have characters who do horrific things but it either ends with them being killed, sent to jail, testifying against someone else and put in witness protection. Michael Corleone kills his brother; later, his daughter gets shot IN THE CHEST and dies in front of him. He ends up the pariah of the family and is alone when he dies an old man, with only his dog to keep him company. Sonny shoots A COP in the chest, who turns out to be his son, and he gets out on bail? No. Said son then says he shot himself by accident while the mother lies about the situation to the cops, one of which her son grew up with and she cared for, in order to protect the man that shot HER KID? NO! People left in right are defending Sonny after he's admitted to them what he's done because he didn't know who he shot was his son? NOOOOO!
ReplyDeleteGuza's painted himself into a corner; hope he can figure a way out of it. I get you're supposed to suspend your disbelief 'cause this is a soap but C'MON!
Not even bothering to watch GH anymore. I'll console myself with fanfic. GH is GAG-worthy at the moment.
ReplyDeleteSam and Jason--married?? HOW unrealistic is that? Jason would not ever let the woman that stood by watching as his son was kidnapped, then hired gunmen to scare his son and his son's mother back in his life. It's so unrealistic it's laughable.
I won't even comment on Jason and sam getting married as we're supposed to behave.
ReplyDeleteI loved the Morgan/Dante moments today. We need to see more of that.
And my second favourite moment was also baby J. How sweet is that child! The perfect baby actor.She just looked so puzzled and cute when they were yelling at each other. She must have such a calm sweet spirit. And then when jax finished his last sentence off with I love you, the dear little thing smiled at him. That made my day.
I also ff'd through the Liz/Nic scenes and I'm starting to FF rthrough the Patrick triangle all the time now too. He is being so ridiculous. They are really overplaying the ego bit. Robin is being ridiculous again and Lisa is just pathetic. Sorry, but who would drool over that man without a shirt?
Totally hate that Dante says he shot himself in the chest. That is just stupid.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone would catch on to Keifer and have Sonny, Jason or Dante put some fear into that boy.
I agree OLTL rocks. Also, just had to mention that I just did an internet survey on OLTL. Asking did you like certain characters/story lines. Also if you thought OLTL is better than a few months ago. I wish I could find a survey like this on GH. Of course we all know Guza doesn't care what we think.
Great job on calling out this childish comments going on here!
ReplyDeleteOMG,that spoiler pic of Lulu in that red dress,WOW! She looks amazing! Can't wait to see that episode! Oh please GH gods,don't ruin Lulu and Dante.
I just don't get it. Why would Carly try to move in with Jason? It makes no sense. She owns a hotel. She should of kicked Jax to the guesthouse to maintain some stability for the kids - jeez!
ReplyDeleteI am just catching up on last weeks eppys. Thought Sam looked amazing at the christening FINALLY wearing something other than all black. Her face lit up and her banter with jason (expressions too) were darling. THIS is the Sam I like. Not following Jason like a pup in heat.
ReplyDeleteThought Carly was ridiculous. I hope Jax takes her to court for custody. Any outsider would see Jax tries to keep his family safe form criminals. However, allowing carly to name jason godfather kinda misses the point ey?
Thought Olivia did amazing in her scenes. So sick of sonny its hard for me to praise him. I have to also comment that I think Partick is smokin hot. From head to foot... he's a bit thin for my taste but I adore the actor and love scrubs, too. At least they're giving him a story. I dislike Lisa too but not seeing the Sonny show for a bit gives me some sanity. Now that Steve Webber signed a contract maybe he can steal Maxie from stupid Spin.
Jaime, u posted it b4 I could . . . I also think the marriage will be one of convenience if Jason marries Sam. and yes, bc he saw her take the gun at the PCPD. that's obstruction ofjustice and sam could be facing charges.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about this marriage thing with Jasam. With Guza, who knows what he is thinking. Jason did not marry Liz, but he did propose to her and she said no. What are the odds that Sam would say "no" to anything Jason asked? It could also be a "ploy" marriage for a case and not even have anything to do with a marriage ceremony. If it is a "real" marriage, I am with everyone else- it sucks!
ReplyDeleteI thought of the gun-swiping angle for the reason Jason would "need" to marry Sam, but since he saw that happen before their supposed upcoming marriage would that be exempt from his not having to testify? I live a pretty above board life and don't have to worry about the little nuances of the law like 99% of Port Charles. LOL! Anyone a legal eagle here?
Anyone else realize that baby josselyn would have never been baptized in a catholic church in real life? Carly is divorced so her marriage to Jax and any children created outside of her marriage to Sonny would not be recognized in a catholic church. I know this because it is the reason I had 1st my marriage annuled. I met my 2nd husband and we talked of marriage and children and I wanted the church to be part of any kids we would have together. Yes I know this isn't real life & its soapland, but I found it down right appalling that they made the ceremony so religious. I was however, happy to see Bobbie!
ReplyDeleteJason and Sam, married or not are the worst part of GH right now. BORING!!!! Everything else is fun and fantastic although I too am disappointed with Sonny seemingly getting away with shooting Dante scott free.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous who completed the OLTL internet survey...could you please share the OLTL link with me so I can put in my opinion on this totally rocking awesome show. Many thanks!!
ReplyDeleteJen, if memory serves...the church they "go" to is Episcopal...similar robes and services...I've often believed the writers use this because the characters lead such "interesting" lives, lol. But perhaps I am wrong.
ReplyDeletethat wasn't a Catholic Church, it was Episcopalian I believe?
ReplyDeleteIf Jason and Sam get married, it would be great if Brenda came back...and it ends up that she and Jason are still married.
ReplyDeleteLove Robin's purse at the christening! Anyone know what kind it is???
ReplyDeleteI know folks get tired of the mob stories, but my husband loves them and it keeps him watching which make it so much nicer for me. Everyone always talks about the lack of love stories but men really enjoy watching the action. How many husbands, sons and boyfriends watch
ReplyDeleteGH whether they admit it or not?
I know folks get tired of the mob stories, but my husband loves them and it keeps him watching which make it so much nicer for me. Everyone always talks about the lack of love stories but men really enjoy watching the action. How many husbands, sons and boyfriends watch
ReplyDeleteGH whether they admit it or not?
It's really nice to see most people using full character names instead of the silly nicknames. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy son watches GH with me sometimes. He could not believe that Sonny is walking around free after shooting a cop. He actually walked away saying you need to stop watching that soap. My son will not miss an episode of One Life to Live. He loves to hate Mitch. And he cannot wait for the next days episode. By the way my son is 17.
ReplyDeleteB, I think that is a good idea. I would love for Carly to help Liz. Carly has been in her place before. How long was she in Shadybrook? Lulu has also been in there, so I wouldn't mind her helping, though I don't see that happening.
ReplyDeleteSam, not so much. They have no connection and I don't want them to ever have one.
Show was not good on Friday. Why would Dante help Sonny now and all of a sudden, Olivia wants to help Sonny.
If Lucky is such a great detective, why didn't he order the gun residue test for Dante instead of warning him about it?
I just can't beleive Dante would risk his job to help a man that killed a cop and tried to kill another one...just sad the direction this is going...