Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bradford Anderson twitpiced a photo of his cast....it's giant! He hurt it playing b-ball. ;(

Get this: FRANCO is going to be in a movie with Amber Tamblyn (Emily Q)!! Read about "127 Hours" on Soap Opera Network.  (He's following me).

OLTL was hot again today! Loved it. Gigi to Stacey: "If it weren't for me, you'd be a MOMCICLE by now"! HEH 

GH CELEBRATING IT'S 12,000th eppy on Feb. 23rd

See Connie Towers in that photo!!? 

Liz today was a harlot and Luke was a pilgrim judge. Ha pretty funny. 
I thought that Luke was in his old office at his CLUB today--dang, I miss that set. It was too fun. He had more crap in there than I can even remember.  Liz was pathetic...and Luke trying to talk Lucky into pulling an international scam with a fake passport. Ahahahahaha. 

SoapNet is saying that GH's opening will be ALL NEW on Feb. 23rd. Hmmmmmm. Whatever. It's beyond stupid now. I think they shot the new one with the "Fruit of the Loom" guys. heh.
Sonny is actually talking to Carly and saying the SAME things he said the other day! Exactly! He said that about Olivia-- about Dante being such a great cop, he almost gave him "da biz".  How sad...And Carly? I just don't get why she helps Sonny through something like this. I know, they have a bond.
Morgan was priceless again today-- And Jax does have a POINT. He can be a prick, yes--but come on. :throws up hands: If Carly wasn't so wishy washy on the whole thing, didn't she forbid Sonny to see the kids for awhile?
PAULETTI...do you get it? Do you GET WHAT IS COMING PEOPLE? See, Dante has hated Sonny on the basis he had Pauletti killed. ERGO, when it comes out SONNY DIDN'T DO IT...well, there ya go. That's why Ronnie mentioned it AGAIN today. Just sayin. Who really had him shot? Ronnie? Could be!

Dante..he needs no police guard outside his door-- he's got LULU! 


  1. Yep, I bet Ronnie will be Guza's fall guy. What other point does that character have?

    I liked how subtle Lucky's reaction was to Luke's scheme. He's just such a good actor. Their scenes were so good they made me forget Luke's hair.

  2. OLTL was so good today I was shouting at the tv shoot him shoot him.Wish Gh would have a good day instead of just on Fridays.

  3. Roxie had the funniest lines today: "what, are you going to sue me for defecation of character?" and, "it was a hypothermical" I love her relationship with Kyle. Oh such soapy suspense on OLTL. Love it! I thought GH was just more of yesterday, they really need to make their stories move faster.(Mostly so we can get past "poor Sonny" aargh.

  4. I watched today's episode and the most interesting thing that caught my eye was the commercial for AMC. Someone named GreenLee is really alive at a wedding. What a sorry state of affairs that a promo for another soap can be more interesting to me than an entire hour of the one I have been watching since 1977.

    New opening? Hmmmm.... A scene with Carly and Sonny and Jason. Then a scene with just Carly and Sonny. Then Jason and Carly. They just Sonny and Jason. Then the 3 of them in a montage. Then a big car explosion and the words "General Hospital". Ok, thats my guess.

    Q: (Lucky to Johnny) Do you still think all the police officers in Port Charles are idiots?

    A: Yes.

  5. CONNIE!!!! Great to see her in that cast pic. My fingers are crossed that my power stays on for Hellz return tomorrow. Another blizzard in VA...

  6. Good Luck Red Sox Fan. I am in Philly. We got 30 inches of snow on Saturday and are getting another 24 overnight/tomorrow.

    Everyone stay safe if you are on the East Coast.

  7. Thanks, Dave! Sounds like you're just as snowed in as I am. I didn't know Philly had gotten so much. Snowmageddon Part II is in progress...

  8. Can anyone actually rationalize why sam took the gun for ssonny? i mean really rationalize it?

  9. RedSoxFan and DelcoDave hang in there with the snow. I know it is a total drag especially for those of you who aren't used to it! Here in Syracuse it's par for the course. 10 inches won't close down the city schools!! Keep warm, don't drive!

  10. I hope they keep Ronnie around! I also think they need to cast someone as his wife...and have her be a Cerullo!! Could be funny!

  11. Mitch is so creepy - he is so good it almost makes me not want to watch. CampusDisco - you are right, Roxi had the funniest lines today. GH can take lessons from OLTL and move their stories along. OLTL is fresh and new every single day. Lulu is getting to be just a tad over protective of Dante, doncha think??

  12. you know they will make Sonny out to be squeaky clean on the Pulletti thing. All Sonny's other crimes brushed under the rug.
    Carly is an idiot. I love her when she actually uses her brain.
    But when it comes to Sonny and jason she is an idiot.

    Liz needs to get her life together. This is some good stuff for RH but geez....cry about it,be angry,have that guilt but fricken move on,you have children. NO MAN comes before your kids! She made that mistake with Jason and did it again with Nik.

    Can we just have more Dante/Lulu...they are awesome!

  13. OLTL saved the day yesterday since GH wasn't that great.
    Was it my TV or did Olivia look really yellow compared to Johnny? I can't believe he forgave her that quickly.
    Still can't believe that Mac calls Lucky his best detective...Way to pull a gun on a citizen in public.
    If he is an addict, shouldn't there be some kind of law saying he must stay sober to stay a cop?
    Carly really ticks me off. I can't stand to hear her talk when she is defending Sonny and Jason.
    Sam can keep her trap shut too.

  14. anonymous-- sam took the gun to please jason. she is his lap dog. things never change with this character.

  15. What is up with Jason trying to talk Sonny into taking Dante out?Maybe Jason needs to realize this might happen to him one day. Would he allow someone to take Jake out if Jake turns out to be a cop and tries to stop their corrupt organization?



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...