Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection


I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it's our never ending winter here (77" of snow and counting) or the fact I've watched for so long but things just seem less dramatic than usual.  

Well, let's get into it--  I'm already on my 2nd cup!


Monday's Show: Solid B  Decent movement, good dialog 

Tuesday:  C  just boring and bland "Valentine's" convos 

Wed:  A because of Becky and Jeff''s scenes which were off the charts perfection (rest of it? C)

Thursday: Only saw the end 

Friday:  B due to movement in stories 

VALETINE'S ROUND UP: Let's see. Lulu brought Rocco cupcakes but he was ice skating. We met Tobias but then he and Aiden went ice skating.  Sonny stopped by for some cookies and cards from his girls. Carly got flowers from Brennan and he fixed her sink. Kai found out Curtis owned The Savoy. Lucas didn't mesh with his model date. Spinelli told us Maxi was sick. Chase stripped to his boxers while Brook Lyn wore her wool coat and leggings. Drew got kicked out of The Savoy and presented Willow with a house that looked like the one her tormentor, Shilo rented out. I really could have used a zexy RaVa scene in there!

THE END OF CYRUS:  Well, Jeff Kober is gone and I will miss him. I won't miss all the bible quoting but he's a fine actor and always did great with his scenes. The biggest problem with the whole Cyrus story is two-fold: The build up to the 'mysterious deaths' stretched out so long, so much happened off camera, it just never jelled together. Cyrus wasn't even ON that much for the past few months. We all figured it out anyway, we saw him inject Michael and then it took weeks for the conclusion. Yes, his explanations made some sense (Mission From God) but in the end, they used Austin's cabin (a character gone so long Anna even seemed to forget him) and Josslyn of all people to kill him. 

@DejaQ99 on Twitter--bahahahaha! 

NANCY DREW:  How can we talk about all of this without mentioning the messy Josslyn situation? I could tell awhile ago that Brennan was trying to see how good of an 'agent" Joss would make. Um, okay. When CM was in the role, he delivered his lines in a charming aplomb and we bought it. I'll never forget when Anna handcuffed him what could have been a very dumb scene turned sexy and fun.  When he said lines, they made some sense. Now? Good lord. NOPE. The "playful' banter at the sink he and Carly had? OOFFFF. Then he's talking to Joss and telling her he basically left her out there to find Cyrus' cabin, break in and 'find clues'.  Is this how they do an internship at the WSB? Hell, I'd run straight to Anna. I don't care who I shot!! In the end, Joss is faced with joining the agency. Carly is going to sh*t a brick when this all comes out. After all, St. Jaysus warned her!!!! 

BY THE WAY:  Temp Lucky was in pivotal scenes and I know JJ couldn't be there and yada yada. But how ironic the best two days he's out, then he's back laying in a damn coma.  That coma equipment gets HUGE use, doesn't it??  Did ANYONE think he was going to die?? Anyone?? I had absolutely no tension or angst during any of that nonsense. Becky and Jeff were sublime with their scenes and it should have just been that...she saves herself, he runs out and don't even bother with Lucky in a Coma. 
KUDOS MENTION to the Liz/Cyrus scenes. I really felt they should have been a long-take scene for us and not much else going on. They were so good and played off each other SO well, it was amazing. We all jumped a bit when Temp Lucky came in --such a letdown. Even REAL Lucky would have been a letdown. *sigh* . That was an Emmy reel right there. Daytime OR Primetime. 

BABIES BABIES: In the middle of all this is Sasha's baby saga and the never-ending Brook Lyn was pregnant at Summer camp story. The redoing of Jason and Carly wasn't really on my 2025 GH Bingo Card. The ONE good thing? Tracey and Jason scenes. Brook Lyn's story MIGHT have been compelling if it hadn't stretched out over months and months of little hints and stupid glances by Lois. I almost wish Gio had come on and been introduced as her long lost son in the first few weeks. Gio hasn't been on that much anyway and when he has, it's been painful. I'm liking him and Emma together (even if the story is lame) but too little too late. Meh. Spoilers say it's Lulu that digs up the truth and I can tell you, my ears are not looking forward to that! 

MAC FACTOR: One of the more fun parts of everyone seeing Sasha kiss Jason was Mac's reaction. Poor man got a migraine!!! 

WARDROBE SHOUT OUT:  Brooke Kerr's dress. I couldn't get a whole photo of it but she looked AMAZZZZZZZING. Dapper Curtis looked fabulous as well. :clapping: 

MISSING: I'll make another case in point when it comes to this show. Last Friday we ended with Sidwell and Natalia in the parking lot. Then? NOTHING. I mean, seriously... stop doing this. I know a soap is like a wheel and stories are shifted but damn it, you lose all momentum with this. It happened throughout the Cyrus story. It ALWAYS happens. They did talk about minerals this week during the Deception scenes but it dissolved into a Lulu jealousy tour instead of dovetailing into Sidwell's business. Sonny's heart stuff? The thrill of anything happening there is just gone. And then we come to....

THE TRADGETY OF TJ:  Tajh Bellow had a cryptic IG about GH and then he was off rotation in the introduction. I think he's off contract. I can't even begin to go into how under used this character was. Shameful. There was just no reason to shelve him so much and for so many years. We'd get bursts of scenes, then nothing. Molly's now on rooftops with a pantless Cody of all people. Def downgrade. 

KEVIN: Another character that's missing is Kevin Collins. We last saw him during the Heather Hip adventure in December. Not even a mention lately. Come to find out, Jon Linstrom booked himself on the new CBS soap, Beyond the Gates. While I'm happy for him and I think he may do a bit of double duty, I'm sad he'll be on even less than before. 

That's the end!! I hope you enjoyed this week. I'm out Monday due to work. Next week is super busy for me and if I don't get sick again, I will try to watch live!! 


  1. "Chase stripped to his boxers while Brook Lyn wore her wool coat and leggings. " ROFL

    I basically agree with all you wrote. So, can Jon Lindstrom do double duty like Wally Kurth does with "GH" and "DOOL?" I sure hope so. I love him.

    I think at this point, we can assume Cyrus killed Austin, but I really wish they would have spelled it out.

  2. Great SS! I like Amanda Setton but it’s about time they replaced her with someone one else. She tends to always have the same expression any way. They need someone to make Chase and BLQ the hot young coupons they should be.

  3. Thanks for a great SS!
    Elizabeth and Cyrus were the stars of the week!
    NuJack is just kind of creepy. We already have a resident creep in Drew. I can actually see Joss as a police officer following in the footsteps of Dex. But not WSB.
    Portia did look amazing and she's become more likable as well.
    Just a mention: NLG is on the east coast with KV and KM and she is posting some very sweet and funny short clips on FB.

  4. The storylines are done so poorly that no one cares. When they did a GOOD story in the past they would show it day after day and make it so intriguing that you'd want to keep watching. I watched an old storyline with little Robin from like the Asian quarter storyline or something on Youtube. They just kept so consistent and you'd just want to keep tuning in the next day. Now, I don't even care because when you get invested in something (like VAnna) then they pull the rug out from under you. Or, just never finish the story, or never show the actor again for months. It is SO SAD


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

                                             I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it...