Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Killer Scenes


This winter! PHEW! It's like the late 70's and early 80s!! Just not giving up. Makes cabin fever real. I guess it's good to hunker down and watch GH. 

Carly and Brennan kiss in the kitchen. Kid interrupts them. Brennan talks to Donna about why people dream. :eyeroll: 

Gio and Emma come in to talk to Joss at Bobbie's. Emma wants Joss to go to her fundraiser for the bunnies. Joss is too busy. Emma's not happy. Joss gives her $100 and leaves. Gio likes Emma's "Passion" on issues. 

Dante sees Chase. They talk about his song. Chase tells him he can't make a baby. Dante says that he's sad but other ways to make a family. 

Lulu and Brook are in Deception working on an "Emergency". They solve it but Lulu is in trouble for answering the phone. Weird. I guess Lulu was mean to the guy selling the rare minerals and Brook wasn't happy. They fight. Yada yada. Then Dante walks in.

Savoy: Willow and Drew walk in. Curtis isn't happy. Willow makes a remark about Lucas sitting with Brad.  Curtis then tells Drew he doesn't want him there!! Drew and Willow leave. Drew takes her to show her the new house. 

Cyrus is at Liz' and won't leave. He finally gets her to ask "Why did you try to kill Lulu"? He says it was to be a gift and goes on about souls being released. OMG Becky and JEFF ARE AMAZING. You have to watch this!!!! He killed Sam because she saved Lulu and got in the way of his plans. Then he realized how good digitalis was and continued his work. Liz asks about Dex. He says Dex tried to kill him and also saw him outside of Sam's room. Flashback to Dex's body and Cyrus cutting off his morgue bracelet. Liz says she 'understands' why he's doing this to 'heal' people. He says that's why he tried with Michael, he was suffering. Then he says he has to kill her because she'll mess up his work. FAKE LUCKY breaks in the door and says: TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HER ahahahhaa.  Then Liz runs and Lucky and Cy fight over the needle. 


Cyrus stabs Lucky in the leg with the syringe

Joss goes into Cyrus' cabin

Drew asks Willow to move in with him


  1. ---Frank V baffles me - his tweet on X was about LULU and BROOK LYNN - are you kidding?
    ----EMMY reels today for Becky and Jeff - amazing - I didn't move when he I TRULY didn't think we would get all the answers today, but we did.....
    -----Liz - get a RING CAMERA in your room - but also your CELL PHONE was upstairs? NO NO NO - that is so bizarre - and calling 911 is smart but pick up something to throw.
    -----so Cyrus runs away to AUstin/his house and Liz saves Lucky - and then Joss is there. either Brennan got a text that Joss was at house or Cyrus was at Liz' house - I think it's about Joss..
    -----SO who kills Cyrus? IF the WSB is watching the house, wouldn't they intervene? Or Collette?
    -----Lucky is supposed to be this incredible taking care of himself - remember he fought FOUR guys? So he shoulda been able to handle Cyrus......
    ----waste of time: Brad Lucas Portia Curtis
    -----insulting my time: Lulu and Brook Lynn acting like high schoolers and then DREW who has already furnished the house (WHICH is the Dawn of Day house) asking Willow to move in with OUR kids............when was the last time you saw your daughter?? OUR kids, Drew? disgusting.
    ----great show of Liz and Cyrus

    1. I missed Cyrus getting away. Thought he was laying on the floor. As I said below...scenes were dark. And my TV is too.

    2. they didn't show him - but we now he escapes and Liz is helping lucky

    3. Frank's Tweets don't baffle me. Remember this is the EP who pushed the "Ford Bros" on OLTL. He's lacking in substance a lot of the time.

    4. I hope its Dante that kills Cyrus. Tired of it being Jason or Sonny.

    5. I don't tweet or X or whatever the heck it is. Please what did FV 'say'?

    6. Lulu and Brook Lynn are still at odds. But is it real or just deception?

  2. It's still Valentine's Day???
    Maybe Cyrus won't die but go back to jail. They did a great job. Some hard to see because it's so dark. FakeLucky will be fine. The article I read said JJ was back to work. Joss and the empty cabin and gun.
    I would have written BLQ popping Lulu in the mouth. From intolerable to hateful. Lulu is there and I do hate her.
    Doesn't Lucas see that Brad has developed some morals. They are very cute together.
    Willow is a supreme idiot.

  3. oh crap - I HATE EMMA - she can't even act - but her 'cause' seems suspicious too - NO chemistry with her and Gio.....

    1. Ditto...What a self absorbed little snot. Me me cause cause. And I didn't mean to interrupt you at work...but she did it twice. There are millions of great causes in this world and even millionaires couldn't contribute to all of them. But these fanatics with their causes drive me crazy. They wont take no for an answer....not even in real life. Makes me hate her even more. And Gio just fell a few steps in my estimation too because he was also trying to persuade Joss when she had said no. And don't laugh but when the door opened when Joss was in that house I was half expecting a grown up boy scout giving how the writers have been hashing up old plots lately. lol

    2. Jury is still out for me. I like her spunk, but it was such a change in character that the audience should have been eased into it to make it genuine. I find Joss just as bratty and entitled at times but Eden can do almost anything. This new gal has yet to show us. I will give her more time. ☺

  4. Carly's kitchen:

    Carly and Brennan: Oooooo kissy kissy! :D

    Carly, Brennan, and Donna: Donna is so adorable and wins the line of the day!

    Donna: You look tired. You should go to bed.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love you Donna!!!!! You are a sweetheart. :) Wow Brennan took psychology classes? I like that we are getting to know him. :)

    The Savoy:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: I really wanted Curtis to kick him out! I kept telling Curtis to kick him out! :) Willow I can't believe you would judge Brad about his past, when you don't like it when people judge you! SHUT UP HYPOCRITE!!!

    Purtis: Mmmmm Curtis looks so yummy. Take off your shirt. :)

    Neketa and Curtis: YES YES! KICK HIM OUT YES! :D

    Curtis and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: You heard Curtis!!! GET OUT!!!

    Brad and Lucas: #Brucas!!

    Brad and Portia: I thought Portia was going to say something rude to him again. Glad she didn't. The other day with her telling him not to drink too much, was she afraid he was going to get so drunk he would be talking about what Portia did with Heather's test results? :) Get drunk Brad! *Snicker*


    Chase and Dante: Awwwww great scene!!! He is right Chase! There are other ways to have a baby.

    Joss, Gio and Emma: What the hell is Emma saying? I thought it was Zaac. I guess it's Saac? I'm confused. Emma is so annoying.

    Gio and Emma: Oh please don't have them fall in love! UGH!

    Deception office:

    Lulu and Brooky: Oh was this scene really necessary?!!?!?! SHUT UP LULU! UGH!

    Dante and Lulu: I'm glad Dante told Lulu about Brooky. Now shut up Lulu!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's new house:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Hey! That's Portia's old house. :) Say no Willow! Say no!!!

    Cyrus's cabin: Hmmmm. Joss what are you planning?

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Cyrus: Cyrus made me nervous! Yes good idea to humor him Liz!! I hope she was taping his confession!! Jeff Kober is such a great actor!!! THE NEEDLE!!!! I was sitting down and I was jumping! It's like I had jumping beans in my pocket! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! LEAVE LIZ ALONE!!!! I loved Fake Lucky's yell! :)

    Cyrus and Lucky: LUCKY! TURN THE NEEDLE ON CYRUS!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What a scene! It gripped me!!! That's what I call soapy goodness! :) Got me all excited and nervous! OH NO! THE NEEDLE ON LUCKY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    1. So disappointed that they couldn't hold off on these scenes to star JJ. Becky was amazing as always.

    2. Liz and Cyrus were incredible. Kudos to them both! Can't believe Cyrus blabbed the entire plot. HA! I'm with Linda, we really needed JJ for the kiss and the brawl. Ugh!

      Lulu....I hate her. She is totally self absorbed and I was ready to backhand her. Brooklyn is her boss and the nasty things Lulu said to her? I would have fired her on the spot. Now she's going to go and apologize, (again! she does that a lot because of her big fat mouth) bring up the fact that BLQ/Chase can't have kids and Brooklynn will absolutely lose it. Which she should.
      I was cheering Curtis (even with his shirt on!) when he booted Drew out of the Savoy. You just know Willow will move in with Drew because she is so dang stupid, lol!

    3. "Linda says, So disappointed that they couldn't hold off on these scenes to star JJ."

      Yeah me too. :(

      "Becky was amazing as always."

      She was!!!! So was Jeff Kober!!! :)

      "Julie H says Liz and Cyrus were incredible. Kudos to them both!"

      WOOT WOOT! They better win emmys!!!

      "Can't believe Cyrus blabbed the entire plot. HA!"


      "I'm with Linda, we really needed JJ for the kiss and the brawl. Ugh!"

      We did! Damn!

      "Lulu....I hate her. She is totally self absorbed and I was ready to backhand her. Brooklyn is her boss and the nasty things Lulu said to her? I would have fired her on the spot."

      Yeah shut up Lulu!!! She is too much!!!

      "I was cheering Curtis (even with his shirt on!)"


      "You just know Willow will move in with Drew because she is so dang stupid, lol!"

      Hahaha. I bet she will!!!

  5. Everything w lulu is so contrived to make her seem incredibly self absorbed and out of touch. She's incredibly unlikable.

    1. It seems like the writers are making every character we used to like/love now to be unlikeable/hateable: Lulu, Drew, Emma, Willow, Anna, Kristina.

      And the new characters they are introducing are just so bland, boring or unlikeable: Kai, Gio, Natalia, Cody.

    2. Can't decide if this is because of the marketing department, Frank, or because of the writers. I say bring back Shelly Altman. The writing with her and Chris was much better than with Chris and Elizabeth Korte (who was a breakdown writer then).

    3. So agree about Lulu and what Zac said. Emma is totally unrecognizable and I don't like it at all.

    4. I don't know, Lulu was always a bit self-absorbed and shrill but not tot his extent. I wish they would have directed it to be more jealousy and given Lulu a little edge that way. But it came off as bitter and mean.

  6. So, after months of waiting, the reunion kiss between Lucky and Elizabeth is with a temporary recast. And then the showdown and fight with Cyrus is also with the temporary recast. That is just... so "GH."

    1. Very poor planning. But I guess with their production schedules these days, there is no margin for error if someone can't be available.

  7. JJ wouldn't come to LA during the fires. That was it. He would NOT come --so... they had to. Everything was set and schedules up

    1. Awww! Poor JJ and his family. I don't blame him. :(

  8. Okay I watched GH last night on Freevee. November 12th and 13th 2019. 2 Episodes.. Actually an episode and a half. The first one was when Cassandra's boat exploded. Thanks to V.C.! :) Here is my comments from back then! Then I'll make new comments.

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Idiot savant Nik: Jax is having a melt down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jax: I DON'T NEED IT!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard!!!! Then when Carly shows up, Jax puts on a fake smile! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! Jax would have won the line of the day, but little Charlie wins it. Damn too bad. I really wanted Jax to win it. Great scene.

    Jax, Carly and Idiot savant Nik: Man when Idiot savant Nik shows himself to Carly, my jaw hit the floor!!!! Yeah his explanation makes sense, so you really can't tell anybody. I mean if they did, then V.C. will hurt Laura and Spencer. I believe it.

    Jax and Carly: Jax you just had to bring up when you kept Spencer as your own!!! I remember Jax. :( You were in so much pain when Kung foo barbie died. You loved her so much. :(


    Jason, Nina, and V.C.: Nina was giving superhero cop Jason an SOS code through her eyes! ROFL!

    Nina and V.C.: Oh Nina! You are not buying V.C.'s Soliloquy are you? In fact, since you "forgave" him have you been sleeping with him?

    The pier: Anna why are you at the pier in the first place? Why aren't you home to go see Finchy? Or why didn't you call him? Man that is so annoying.

    Cassie, Charlie, and Anna: Wow! Cassie has got a really good hold on Charlie!!! I wonder if it bothered the little actress or it scared her. I hope not. Love that Charlie bit Cassie's hand hahaha.

    Bad guy and superhero cop Jason: Superhero cop Jason swoops in and FIGHT FIIIIIIIIGHT! ROFL!

    Cassie, superhero cop Jason, Anna, Cassie's goons, and Charlie: Oh look. Superhero cop Jason swoops in to fight, and that gave Anna permission to fight the bad guy. She couldn't do it on her own? ROFL! And there is Charlie's line of the day.

    Charlie: Take that loser!!

    ROFL! Oh she wasn't supposed to be there! Superhero cop Jason told her to stay where she was! HAHAHAHAHHAAHA!

    Cassie on the phone with V.C.: OH MY!!!!! GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!! I wonder if Cassie jumped out of the boat before it exploded. I hope so!!!!

    Chandler Mansion:

    RayRay and Finchy: Oh kiss already!!! Get back together already!!! Tell little munchkin during breakfast in the morning that he is her daddy? Why don't you wake her up now and tell her.

    Police station:

    Robert and Hiney:


    ROFL! Love it!!!! You tell him Robert!!! Shut up Maxie!

    Today's comments: Awww Charlie was so little!!! :) Idiot savant Nik! ROFL!

    1. I'm struck watching these how Ingo had chemistry with basically everyone and Rebecca Budig was a lot more appealing than I remembered and also had a screen presence. I don't think it has played yet but Nina eventually does one of those turns that Cynthia Watros is known so well for when she lets on to Jax that she's fully aware of Valentine's duplicity.

    2. "Diana Taylor says, I'm struck watching these how Ingo had chemistry with basically everyone"

      He really did!

      "and Rebecca Budig was a lot more appealing than I remembered and also had a screen presence."

      She really was appealing and I loved her with Finchy!!! Hopefully she came back to be with her daughter and Finchy! And now they are together. :)

      "I don't think it has played yet but Nina eventually does one of those turns that Cynthia Watros is known so well for when she lets on to Jax that she's fully aware of Valentine's duplicity."

      Nina was so smart!!!! :)

    3. I AGREE --- and I love those old shows!!!

    4. "mufasa says, I AGREE --- and I love those old shows!!!"

      Me too!!!! I even wrote them thanking them for it and asking if they will have other years. :)

  9. can't wait to start commenting on today's show!!!!!!!!

    1. Me too but i think we should say nothing till everyone's seen it all. I will only confess to cheering out loud and I hope no one spoils it for everyone else.

    2. Yeah I think I will wait Di! :)

  10. Well while we are waiting for Karen's new blog post, I will share my comments from last night's second episode of GH from Freevee. I will copy and paste what I said back then.

    November 14th 2019.

    Jax's home:

    Jax and Nik: Jax is so ANGRY! HAHAHAHAAHA! His anger is so comical!! He keeps grabbing Nik! It's like he learned from Sonny! HAHAHAHAHA! Jax FINALLY wins the line of the day!



    Jax and Jordan: Oh oh! Jordan has to talk to him about his stolen van! ROFL!

    The police station:

    Charlie and V.C.: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Great scene!! I can feel the love between them.

    V.C. and Anna: Hmmm. They are being nice to each other. He is thanking her for saving little Charlie's life. V.C. kissing Anna's bruise on her face!! ROFL! With his fingers.

    V.C., Nina, Charlie, Lulu, and Jordan: Oh dear Charlie doesn't want to live with Lulu. She is lying to Lulu about why she left Kelly's!! At the time I was wondering why. So anyway she wants to live with her papa and Nina.

    Robert and Anna: Awwww! They need to get back together!!! They just work. :) Robert asks Anna if she has called Finn. She says no. See? I hate how she treats Finchy!!! I want them to break up so that Robert and Anna can get back together. So he is trying to tell her that Finchy has a daughter, but she won't listen.

    Robert and Chase: Yes Chase!!! A SHOCKER heard around the world. Or really the police station. You have a niece, and she is adorable!!! I can't wait for you to meet her!!!!!


    Laura, Lulu, Charlie, V.C. and Nina: Oh my!!! Charlie knows that Lulu and V.C. despise each other.. Lulu, V.C. and Nina know they have to do better!!

    Nina, V.C. and Charlie: Ohhhh that's why Charlie lied to Lulu about why she left Kelly's!!!! She wants to protect Nina!!! Nina told her she never wants her to protect her!!! Great scene!!!!

    Chandler Mansion:

    RayFinn: Well good morning you two.. Uh RayRay why aren't you wearing pants? So inappropriate!!!

    RayFinn and little Violet: They made breakfast!! Finchy telling her that he is her dad.

    Finchy: We were so inlove we made a baby, and that baby is you, and I'm your dad.

    Violet: So does that mean you love me?

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    RayFinn: Uh don't you think you should start getting dressed? Oh hi Anna!!!! Ooops.


    Sonny, Avery and Ava: WOW! Sonny really impressed me!! He let Avery see Ava. He has been very understanding. Did Ava get a new haircut? Or is it just not combed?

    Trina and Ava: Oh oh! Ava calling Trina, Kiki!

    Carson home:

    Carson: Yeah Carly you know what? You can't keep things from Sonny. He will see right through you. Carly telling Sonny he should be nice to Jax.

    Carly and Joss: Yeah Joss really really wants to live with her father. Careful Carly. Joss is going to start being suspicious.

    Today's comments: Violet was so wittle!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :) I still do like how nice Sonny was to Ava. I'm glad Avery was able to see her mama!


Internet Blow-Out

  Chase and Brook Lyn are in the bedroom. Chase has on red boxers and Brook lyn? Her winter coat.  Lulu and Dante talk about Chase's fer...