Friday, November 20, 2020

It's Tricky

 Yesterday's Show:
Sasha's going to make it? Why? Unpopular opinion: We don't need her. 

Scotty and Laura. Talking about her court case from 40 years ago. 

Dante and Lulu. See, Dusty hasn't been on enough to even make him a "thing". 

Britt and Brad!! He validates the Cyrus Renault thing. 

Peter and Maxie. UGH 

"Why Britt Westborne? Everyone hates her."? Asks Carly
Jason "Everyone used to hate you too"...

Carly knows about Taggert


I can't make it again- but I will do a Sunday Surgery. See ya then! Use this space to comment 


  1. The pier:

    Cyrus and Jules: Jules has the bomb in a backpack. Cyrus has a burner phone. Gives the burner phone to Jules. Drunk Alexis is watching. Jules doesn't want anybody hurt. Cyrus says the bomb won't go off until it's time to. When Jason is alone. Like when he goes to a meeting.

    Jules and Alexis: Drunk Alexis wants to know what Jules is up to. Jules is worried about Alexis. She is getting defensive!!! She isn't going to hurt anybody! She isn't driving! She is walking. Well, you could trip someone by putting your leg out and they could fall. Jules is talking to her like he is saying goodbye. Drunk Alexis notices.

    Jasam home/intervention: Oh here we go! Hmmm. Yes Sam and Molly it's good that Krissy isn't there. She COULD push Alexis's buttons that's true. V.C. should be there!!! He could really help!!!

    Sam, Molly, Diane, V.C. and Alexis: Oh hi Alexis! Oh goodbye Alexis. Whoa! Sam is LOUD! :)

    The hospital: Britch calls Jason! She has something to tell him!!! Oh he can't leave! He is with his son. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :) He says let's talk tomorrow.. Cyrus is behind her oh oh!

    Britch and Cyrus: Britch is doing her job, and Cyrus wants to make the hospital the BEST it can beeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

    Britch and Brad: NO NO NO! Don't give him pain meds! It could be poisoned!!!

    *Brad takes the meds*

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( And the look on Britch's face. Britch is it poisoned? Do you know?!!?

    The gym:

    Dante and Sonny: Dante still wuvs Lulu, and Sonny says to tell her! Yeah that's what I said before Sonny said it, but I'm not sure now. Lulu is so confused!!! Dante is going to tell her how he feels right now!

    Laura and Sonny: Awwww family. :) Laura sees Dante and I'm surprised she didn't hug him.

    The floating rib:

    Laura and Lulu: Lulu all confused. Laura says she will always love Scotty. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Well, he is her first love. :)

    Turkey boy and Cam: Oh Cam! Don't talk to Turkey boy about the problem with your step dad! Turkey boy is NOT your friend! Oh my Turkey boy wants to tell Cam the truth of his lies! Oh wait he can't! Cheeto Danny wants to show him how well he is at playing pool! Oh wait Turkey Boy still can't tell him because Friz shows up.

    Jason and Cheeto: Awwww Jason wants to teach his son how to beat him at pool! :) Cheeto doesn't think he can do it, but Jason says someday he will. :)

    Cheeto, Cam, and Turkey boy: Oh instead of playing pool they are playing a video game! Fun fun fun! :)

    Jules and the bomb: Jules puts Mr. Bomb under the table on the floor! Jules don't you see your grandson there?!?!!

    Dev and Mr. bomb: Get closer Dev. Touch it!!! :) No no don't tell someone who works there about it!!!

    Lulu and Dusty: Oh no! Dusty no! Don't propose to her!!!! Lulu is so confused!!! This isn't the time!!!

    Jules and the burner phone: Jules goes to the contact list to tell Cyrus he won't do it, and then when he tries calling him, KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! WHY THAT SNEAKY SNAKE CYRUS! He lied to Jules!!! Dante was there and he was going to go in!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1977* Leslie, Rick and a very young Laura. David Hamilton is at the end of the video.

  2. So, you mean to tell me that now Julian has stooped so low to leave a bomb at the Floating Rib to kill innocent people including his daughter and grandson???? This makes no sense. I know he wants to save his weezly butt but this is beyond stupid

    1. "lindie says, So, you mean to tell me that now Julian has stooped so low to leave a bomb at the Floating Rib to kill innocent people including his daughter and grandson???? This makes no sense. I know he wants to save his weezly butt but this is beyond stupid"

      He was changing his mind! He was going to call Cyrus from the burner phone Cyrus gave him to tell him no! The contact list was connected to the bomb! I can't believe Julian trusted Cyrus!! I can't believe that he believed him! Oh and Sam wasn't there.

    2. I have a feeling Genie isn't comfortable hugging people. Can't blame her. Thanks Sonya! Always really enjoy your recaps :-)

    3. "Paul773 says, I have a feeling Genie isn't comfortable hugging people. Can't blame her."

      Yeah during the virus I'm sure.

      "Thanks Sonya! Always really enjoy your recaps :-)"

      You're welcome and thanks! :)

  3. I kept saying...DON'T CALL HIM! DON'T CALL HIM! Everyone knows that bombs are detonated by cell phone. Julian really is an idiot.

    And evil me kept hoping that Dev would steal the knapsack and go outside with it...muahaha

    1. "Di says, And evil me kept hoping that Dev would steal the knapsack and go outside with it...muahaha"

      Hahahahaha. Too bad he didn't. :)

  4. I'm sure no one dies. alexis and julian still have chemistry. too bad writers destroyed his character. I can handle sam when she is not with jason. carly and sonny back burner material. please kill peter and cyrus.

    1. Emme Rylan is supposed to be leaving so I wonder if they're killing Lulu off.

    2. I still don't believe that they would ever kill off Lulu. For one, they would have to get Anthony Geary back for the "funeral" (Luke would never miss his daughter`s funeral). And, Geary is not coming back from Amsterdam (especially with Covid going on). And, Lulu is a legacy character which would cause too much fallout, if she were to die.

    3. Maybe they'll use the opportunnity to get rid of Dev and Dusty. Although Dev's "father" works for Cyrus and is supposedly related to Sonny.

    4. How did you find this out? Who is he?

    5. It's Brando; notice the quotes around the word father.

    6. Thanks Shelley. That's what I meant. We know Brando's not Dev's father but Cyrus doesn't, hence the quotes.

  5. They teased us with that Holly story, and it was just dropped. Hate it when GH does that.

    1. They can't do anything on the Holly story mainly because ES is still dealing with her covid-19 leftover symptoms. From what I read on an interview with TR it will be picked up when she is well.

    2. Thanks Gary. I hope so. It really had potential.

  6. I am hoping that no one dies in the explosion. Maybe Julian will go to jail or go in hiding. Hoping that Lulu goes into hiding too instead of being killed off. That would be too cruel for Laura.

  7. Laura's sons were both "killed", they don't need to go that route again.

  8. We got news!!!! Sudden recast!!


  9. Who is being recast? Taggert? Curtis? Hope neither one

    1. "lindie says, Who is being recast? Taggert? Curtis? Hope neither one"

      It's Taggert!!!!!! :(

  10. NOOOOO. I love that actor. Might as well have him leave town again for good.

    1. I guess too many people were recognizing the old Taggart. lol

    2. "Di says, I guess too many people were recognizing the old Taggart. lol"

      ROFL! Smart ass! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...