Monday, October 24, 2016

Snake on a Plane

Laura is talking to Anna and Griffin!! Yeah! about Valentin. Welp. thank you for that interweaving.
I need more of that. Which means, you know it won't happen. 

Laura then goes to eat lunch with Kevin. She's always at the Metro eating now ..or getting her nails done. Picking up food at Kelly's! 

Maxie "I'm the daughter of Felicia and Frisco Jones, I laugh in the face of danger"  She slips out of her duct tape. The door is locked. She finds a burner flip phone
She needs to BREAK THE WINDOW!! DERP.  Maxie calls Nathan, doesn't know where she is. The PCPD will trace but she doesn't think she can make it. 

So.. while Nate is on the phone, does Dante call PCPD to trace the call? NOPE. He stands there like a fish. I swear this is why soaps are mocked. Just stupid stuff. Oh then, literally 2 minutes later they find Maxie in the basement and save her!! LOL literally, one scene later!  

Dante gives Carly Morgan's jade necklace. No other body parts ID'd or found.  Kiki comes in to talk to Carly/Sonny. She's all guilty-- Carly badgered her about Morgan's last night. Carly made Kiki cry HARD! LOL Sonny hugs her. 

Hayden is hung over, talking to Hammy Fin.  Nothing big happening there. Speaking of more stupid stuff, Grants are usually followed or pre-approved after a LOT of paperwork. Why did they do it this way? Just to show Hammy is jelly with Greens? UGH. Come on. They kiss. 

Griffin and Anna discuss Valetin. OMG he needs to get that kid DNA tested! What is he waiting for??!!!  Claude tries to leave because Valentin is looking for Charlotte-- ?? And? Oh hell don't try to figure that out. It's horrible. 
She hits Grffin over the head with a paper weight.

END: Valentin is on the plane next to Claude. 


  1. God please Sonny slap the sheet out of Carly so she'll stfu! Kiki fake crying, bad so bad....

  2. God please Sonny slap the sheet out of Carly so she'll stfu! Kiki fake crying, bad so bad

    I know. At least she covered her face so we could pretend there were tears. But Carly was so mean to her. If Carly had not did the whole "you have to get back with Morgan to save him" with Kiki, he wouldn't have been upset that night; so it is Carly's fault.

    I know people are thinking that Charlotte is Lulu's embryo, but I think she is Claudette and Valentine's child.

    I really hope they don't write things so that Sonny is not to blame for Morgan's death. He really needs to face up to the fact that his life is a danger to his family.

  3. The bearded man never broke the gas heater he just disconnected the hose. Why didn't smart Maxie just turn off the gas. If she had enough time to go to the door and search for the burner phone, she had lots of time to turn off the gas.

  4. I know that folks here are saying that Nelle will be with Sonny, but it just CAN'T be so, she looks young enough to be his granddaughter, she looks like a child interacting with a middle age man, I don't see any sexual chemistry there. PLEASE WRITERS, don't go there!!

    1. Remember happened, the writers went there. They don't care.

    2. Remember happened, the writers went there. They don't care.

  5. Sonny was younger then, and Nelle is VERY young.

  6. Carly's home:

    Carly and Kiwi: Great scene with Carly and Kiwi!!! :) Poor Kiwi!:(

    Sonny and Kiwi: Awwwww. :(

    Kidnapped room:

    Maxie: I'm the daughter of Felicia and Frisco Jones, I laugh in the face of danger.

    Damn straight!!! Now get the hell out of there!!! Uh Maxie, there is a window!!! Oh look a phone! Oh look it's charged! ROFL! Oh look she's saved!!! Hahahaha!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna's table: I love that Anna disciplined Charlie! :) I wonder why Griffy didn't say anything to her.

    Metrocourt hotel

    Pinocchio's room: Bitch! How dare you hit my Griffy!!!! GAH!

    Hammy's room:

    Hammy: You look so beautiful I almost hate to wake you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Hammy wins the line of the day.

    Hammy: Thats what you think of men?


    Hammy: The truth is, I am interested.

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :) And then he just grabs her!!! HOT HOT HOT! AND THE KISS! HOT HOT HOT! :)

    Hammy: You ain't seen nothing yet.

    OH YEAH! :) That's true! When it comes to ME, you haven't seen nothing yet! :)

    The plane: So Pinocchio, you really thought going on the plane was safe huh? You are the next dumb dumb! You were a lot safer with Anna!!!! GAH! How many dumb dumbs are in Port Chuckles?! :)

    1. Loved the hot hot kiss. ❤
      As for the discipline of Charlotte, I can see why Griffin didn't discipline her, he's been a dad all of 5 minutes but Anna is a mom and a grandma, so it comes easier. I'm sure once he becomes used to the idea he'll discipline her.
      As for Valentin, ugh......

  7. "screamingeagle said...The bearded man never broke the gas heater he just disconnected the hose. Why didn't smart Maxie just turn off the gas. If she had enough time to go to the door and search for the burner phone, she had lots of time to turn off the gas."

    That was what I was thinking, but then she said the guy broke it, so too late.. Unless she turned into Macgyver, which I wish she did. :)

  8. Sonya, I love your name for Claudette. I won't ever be able to look at her now without thinking of her nose growing.

    Of course, Anna disciplined Charlotte; she wouldn't let Emma do that stuff. Emma has more class :-)

  9. Hayley Erin got praise from both MBA and LW on Twitter for her scenes with them. LW said she gave Hayley a big hug after they finished.

  10. Gary Johnson said...

    I know people are thinking that Charlotte is Lulu's embryo, but I think she is Claudette and Valentine's child.

    ** I'd been leaning towards him being the father. And if not, it being Lulu's embryo. After the end of today's show, I have no doubt whatsoever now, that Valentin is her father. Primarily, if the child was from Lulu's embryo with Stavros, I can't see why Valentin would be hell bent on finding where Claudette hid Charlotte. He want's absolutely nothing to do with the Cassadines. I can't see him hunting her down just because she was his niece.

    screamingeagle said...

    The bearded man never broke the gas heater he just disconnected the hose. Why didn't smart Maxie just turn off the gas. If she had enough time to go to the door and search for the burner phone, she had lots of time to turn off the gas.

    Michelle Latta said...

    My go to answer, blame the writers lol!

    ** I really should setup a macro that types that out. It would save me a LOT of time, every day!

    AntJoan said...

    Sonny was younger then, and Nelle is VERY young.

    ** Yes, but Nelle is just about the age Carly was when she went after Tony. So, I can definitely see it happening. Also kids these days (and yes I consider someone in their mid-20s a "kid" stll.) look a LOT younger for their age, than how it was 20 years ago.

    sonya said...

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Kiwi: Great scene with Carly and Kiwi!!! :) Poor Kiwi!:(

    ** Is it so wrong, that I was hoping someone would stuff a gag in her mouth? Also, after Dante showed the necklace to Sonny and Carly, he made it sound like they hadn't found any actual trace of Morgan. I could have sworn, when he, Jason, and Sonny were at the site, Dante said they had found remains, which they could test to see if it was Morgan or not. I thought it sounded like they maybe found some bit of Morgan, just enough at least to confirm if it was him, or not.

    Anna's table: I love that Anna disciplined Charlie! :) I wonder why Griffy didn't say anything to her.

    ** I figured it's probably because Griffin is still trying to wrap his head around the idea that he's got a kid. He's got zero experience with them. Unless you count playing with Emma for a bit. He's just too new to the whole parent thing. (even though he actually isn't one.) Not to mention, Anna is a mother and a grandmother, she's done this sort of thing before. Remember the stuff she had to deal with when Robin started to become a teenager?


  11. I forgot to add: Anna gave the sex ed talk to an alien, her keeping Charlotte in line, wouldn't even cause her to break a sweat!

  12. I liked it when there was a two post maximum per person. This is starting to turn into an IM board between a few people.

  13. "Gary Johnson said...Sonya, I love your name for Claudette."

    Thanks! :)

    "I won't ever be able to look at her now without thinking of her nose growing."

    Hahaha. She is a lying liar that lies! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...