Monday, June 15, 2015


I periscoped today..if you have the app, look for Wubsnet and it's me, I did a bit of the show. You can see/hear my snarky vocal commentary!!

So, the Secret is OUT! Lucky's "Vanished", yah, he's been gone for ages! "Someone's taken him" says Laura.  He was supposed to meet her at the airport but didn't show. She went to his house in Ireland and it was all tipped. Someone called her to say that she had to follow instructions or Lucky would die. L&L had to convince everyone they were back together.
Luke looked like he was going to throw up. DIDN'T HE??? LOL Oh, and they couldn't tell anybody. 

Tracy walks in.

Tracy, Sabby and Sam try to figure things out.  Tracy gets her ring stuck on her finger-- she tries to give it to her. No one will take it because it's "Cursed"-- so Tracy goes to give it back to Luke. 

Jake thinks SAM is the one doing all the stuff with the shares because he found the bug in the phone.  Rosie thinks someone is on to her because her phone isn't working. 

Kiki sees Flava at Silas' place (I guess HER place too?) Boring. Silas is boring. I want Franco to move in too. That would be hyserical. 

Morgan and Kiki's combined IQ's 

Morgan tells Sonny he and Denise kissed. Why? Um...... why not? Kiki shows up for Lunch. 
Sonny gets a call about TJ. Sonny to the rescue!! 

Sloane is a back from this "getting the shares" -- he found Brooklynn taking care of "Olivia's Baby"... and put 2 and 2 together and blackmailed her. Got her shares. Nik only needs 1%.

END of the show: Denise kissed Silas. 


  1. McSilas's home: McSilas won the lines of the day!

    McSilas: Oh I understand. So instead of begging for death, and finding out your doctor saved your life, instead of euthanizing you, you had an awkward dinner moment. Oh the HORROR!!! You kissed our daughter's boyfriend?! You may not have, but that horny little bastard sure as hell did.

    ROFL! McSilas was angry today! :) And yes Morgan is a horny little bastard. :) Oh yes. The only way to forget Morgan, is to shove your tongue down McSilas's throat! Oh yeah. That will work uh huh.

    McSilas: I'm a father! I am allowed to be as hypocritical as I want, when it comes to my daughter.

    Damn straight! You tell her McSilas! You want to protect Kiwi from the horny toad!

    Metrocourt restaurant: Oh good yes. Tell your dad that you and Moochie did the tongue dance.

    Sonny: For crying out loud!


    Q home: Awww Tracy and Sabrina are new BFF's!

    Tracy's engagement ring: Nooooooo!!! I want to stay on her finger!!!! Ouch! No! Stop that Sabrina!

    Sabrina tried everything to take off the ring? Like what? Well nothing worked except lemon!!! Thank you Sam! I loved how Sabrina told Tracy all about her suspicions. :) Great scene. I was not bored at all.

    ELQ office: Oh Jake Doe found Sam's bug!!! Awesome. Oh time to put it back in!

    Wyndemere: Nik and Robot Sloan scene. Actually, that's a really good scene! Robot Sloan still looks constipated though. Sooooo teeny tiny invisible baby no name is with Brooklynn!?!?! And Robot Sloan blackmailed her for the shares? WOW!!! I love it! Too bad we didn't get to see it. :( Oh Rosie is all worried! Geez some spy you are. Stop worrying!! You remind me of Liz.

    The haunted star: AH HA! My theory was right! Or close to right. Someone wants L&L to pretend that they are a couple and not tell anybody! ROFL! Lucky vanished! Did he disappear into the Bermuda triangle? Maybe an L&L fan told L&L to pretend to get back together! Okay it was me!!! :)

    Karen says Morgan and Kiki's combined IQ's.

    ROFL! So true! And hey, during the weekend, I went back in time to check out old wub! It started in 2006 right? :) I was trying to find the first time I started posting, cus I can't remember. Can't find it yet.

  2. I couldnt help but think if you put a blue fabric around the bottom of the turnips it would look like Alexis.

    So, let me get this straight. Someone kidnapped Lucky and their only demand is for luke and laura to pretend to be a couple? OMG, was Lucky kidnapped by an 8-yr old Lulu wanting to see her parents back together? This is such a Lifetime Movie! Lets fake a kidnapping to get the parents to work together and eventually get back together.

    Now, see, if I was the kidnapper, I would have demanded that Laura show up to the Anniversary Party and pretend that she was a 5 ft 4 in rabbit. She would have to hop around on one foot and make funny faces with her teeth and chew carrots. Why? Because it is just a stupid as the kidnapper insisting that L&L pretend to be a couple.

    Oh Karen, wubqueen that you are, PLEASE tell me there is more to this ridiculous story. There has to be. Because right now the word "implausible" keeps showing up on my screen.

  3. "Delcodave says So, let me get this straight. Someone kidnapped Lucky and their only demand is for luke and laura to pretend to be a couple? OMG, was Lucky kidnapped by an 8-yr old Lulu wanting to see her parents back together? This is such a Lifetime Movie! Lets fake a kidnapping to get the parents to work together and eventually get back together."

    I know!!!! It's just so stupid! It makes no sense!!! There is just so much we could make fun of!

    "Now, see, if I was the kidnapper, I would have demanded that Laura show up to the Anniversary Party and pretend that she was a 5 ft 4 in rabbit. She would have to hop around on one foot and make funny faces with her teeth and chew carrots."

    Now I want to see that happen! :)

  4. I'm confused. Didn't TPTB stick a fork in Saliva last week? What am I missing?

  5. "SaveOurSuds said...I'm confused. Didn't TPTB stick a fork in Saliva last week?"

    Who is that? Silas and Ava?

  6. Maybe it's not so much someone wanted Luke and Laura together, as wanting Luke and Tracy apart. Maybe someone thinks they can come and console Tracy and win her heart...hmmm...Who might want Tracy?

  7. This HAS to be HELENA, right? I mean, if it's Luke's "GOODBYE" who else but Hells would be mesing with him??

  8. Didn't Helena and Luke declare their love for each other on the docks and seal it with a kiss while waiting for the bomb to go off on the HS? I know it was technically Fluke who was there but still thinking jealousy on Helena's end might be a motive for this whole convoluted story line.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...