Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Surgery: Brought to you by Serta Mattress

Can you believe it's Sunday again? I almost dreaded writing this blog because I honestly thought this week was one of the most boring in recent memory. Then I remembered that even boring can be fun to snark about so....

I'm happy! And in  honor of my sleepy week, here are all the bed-shots from GH's last 5 days. There were a lot of them: 

20150617 1409(17)
Prison Camp at the Webber House 
20150617 1410(52)
Spy-Central at Paddy's 

20150617 1407(38)
Lante in the Loft 
It's the International Jazz Fest here in Rochester! Have some food truck noms and enjoy! My fave is MacARollin' lobster mac-n-cheese.

Should I just lump Mon-Thurs in a giant pile of snooze? Goodness. This seems to be the trend. Right before (fill in the blank) major event....nothing happens. I mean, relatively nothing.  We sit...we wait ...and....

20150616 1645(4)

 Can I rant a minute about the TJ story?
FINALLY a story that was going somewhere and had meaning.
We didn't see the beginning, which was a real misstep, imo...but we did see some riveting stuff between TJ and his mom. I thought the dynamic of she being police commissioner and he being the angry teen was going to play out great. Thought Mayor Lomax would come in to defend her position. Maybe some security footage. Racist guy testifying. Tearful Dante on the stand--or something.

20150616 1645(8)

Sonny, the  MOBSTER Crime-Lord of the city gets the guy to drop the charges
WELP. Now Jordan will 'owe' him somehow. 
:Hands in the air: 

20150616 1618(48)

And, not for nothing but the only reason Dante was even involved in this seems to be to further the lame story of he and Valerie falling into each other's arms!!!! She yells at some reporter (such a badly acted scene, imo) and she and Dante drink 9 empty cups of coffee all day. Zzzz.

WTF!! COME ON! We get months of Fake Jason, Ava-- and secrets that last years. But a timely story that could have had some depth is over in what? 3 days? 

I just can't UNDERSTAND THIS! And--the other sad note? Shawn is in JAIL. Gone. Poof. Bye!! Shaking my head. I would have liked to have TJ talk to him about being a black man in today's times.  It would have been a great bonding moment and maybe the whole "he's your dad" could have come out. know,  this is GH. So... nevermind. 

Other things this week: 


20150615 1405(23)

20150616 1415(19)

Morgan goes to lunch with Mom and Pop...then Kiki comes along and he sits there some more

20150618 1406(25)

Then, the next day, he eats with Sonny...

20150620 1025(7)

and ON THE SAME DAY... he goes back after almost-couch sex to eat with Kiki and Ava

I bet he didn't pay one bill. 

20150615 1419(29)

Kiki was her ignorant stupid self...never catching the looks or clues that were in front of her FACE. 

20150620 1018(1)

It took Lulu 2.3 seconds to get that it's Nikolas doing the stock deal.

20150615 1425(49)

Unlike these people. There was a bug, cell phones, computers--Jake trying to guess who's doing what. Michael scratching his head.  Sam listens in bed. Rosie runs all over. Cell phone--regular phone. Finally it all comes out on Friday. Sam goes to confront Nikolas. So--does this mean his plan is thwarted? Is all of this for nothing?
I know, wait and see.
I still would have loved to have Nikolas actually do a GOOD, complex company grab and walk in on a board meeting and shock the hell out of everyone.

His "PLAN" was sooooooo un-Cassadine worthy. I'm expecting Sloane to pop up with some reason he got Maya's shares but element of any surprise (or excitement) will be gone. 

20150615 1443(1)

The one saving grace was the unexpected fun of Tracy, Sabrina and Sam. Nice scenes and nice to have characters that rarely interact together. 

A piece missing? Tracy said she 'has no friends'. Well, she has Lulu and Alice. I was waiting all week for Alice to find out what Mr. Luke did to Miss Tracy. I mean, Luke tried so hard to convince everyone about his love. She should have gone to the Haunted Star and kicked his butt a good one! 

20150620 0937(24)

Maxie is a puzzle. I get she's on to keep the story going. After all, Nate and she are the "this is what's happened" characters. You listen to them and you can catch up on all of Port Charles' gossip.
And yet.....Maxie fought to see Georgie for how long? And did we see a good-bye to Spin, Ellie and Georgie?
Nope. Nothing. VERY weird. It's not like they are in Beecher's Corners or anything, they are across the country! It's like this "well, we used Spin/Ellie to put a little wrench in Naxie, now that's over..see ya".  

Now It's time for... Queen of Queens: Denise DEMOOCHIO: 

20150616 1415(16)

STOP THIS NOW.  I don't care how you do it. Let Ava be "posthumously"  found innocent because the tape was inadmissible. Have someone pardon her; I DON'T CARE. The entire town has had their charges dropped, so just DO IT. This Denise stuff is horrible.  Just horrible. Add that to the fact that they are back to a Morgan-Kiki-Ava Triangle and it's enough to make me turn off the set.  Her going to visit Avery every chance she gets? ughhhhhhhh.

20150618 1448(22)

20150620 0938(5)

 First she declares feelings for Silas and 2 seconds later she's with Morgan on the couch at ELQ! Sonny seems to the be only one with a clue. It's not 'funny', it's not 'inventive''s one of the reasons soaps get  mocked.
So cut it out. Thanks. 

20150620 0946(14)

Luke and Laura.  I'm really trying. I really am. Friday's show got me a bit with the talk of Luke's past.  His being terrified of family life; him thinking he didn't 'deserve' Laura. Genie is carrying this story so well. Tony is really being cold and flat (I guess to show the changes in Luke? Who knows). The Triple L Diner was a nice touch. We all thought it blew up! It got me to watch the video from back then. Memories are a tricky thing, no? Watching the video really got me sad for what was. Tony was just so fun--and twinkly and spontaneous. Now he acts just---tired of it all. And yes, he probably is. 

20150620 0953(2)

This is my opinion and yes I'm happy for Genie back and the send off. I kind of wish it would have happened during the whole Fluke mess and he would have left at the end of that but this way we get JJ back as too.
I love the way this photo is framed..sort of eerie, isn't it? 

20150616 1640(25)

They told Dillon and Lulu the truth...who then hid it from Tracy and Dante. Hey, Geesh, but NuDillon is so front and center it's amazing! You know it's only to push he and Lulu together. Still-- very fast and very forced.  He's just everywhere. 

I still don't understand what the deal is about 'keeping the secret'. I know in soaps secrets are everything and drive stories but it's so overdone. OVER-DONE. They already spilled to Lulu and Dillon but not Tracy and Dante? Whatevvvv. 

20150617 1427(9)

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Maxie defending and looking out for Lulu. I love her ripping into Valerie. Plus she looked adorable. 

20150620 0943(25)

PROP OF THE WEEK: Iconic LnL image--first at Lulu's then at the Triple L Diner. 

20150615 1403(28)

FACES of the WEEK:  Sabrina and Tracy trying to the the ring off.  Luckily, Sam knew just how to do it from her con-woman days. 

20150620 0956(21)

RUNNER UP: Rosie, seeing MoMo half naked. hee hee --and hey, remember when we didn't have all that ad garbage at the bottom of our screen? Geesh. 

That's about all I have for you! It was a week of--well, "stuff". Who do you think is at the door of the LnL Diner? I'm thinking Jennifer Smith? Didn't sound like Helena! Didn't sound like Holly? We shall see!!
Oh, and did you note that Julian is like GONE? LOL...the actor tweeted out that he's on vacation and we'd see him "next month".
Um...typical GH. Ava's back..her brother is gone. I also would have liked to have seen Alexis with Molly during the TJ micro-story. 

Of Course it seems like the Brad and Lucas story is moving at a choppy pace. (the other story I was enjoying, 'natch). Bobbie disappeared.
Oh well.
Can't have everything! 


  1. Haven't read the blog yet because I was too busy laughing at the captions on those bed photos!!! Terrific.. Loved them.

  2. I agree Pat, esp. "prison camp at the Weber house." Thanks for the Sunday chuckle, Karen.
    Did it bother anyone else that LuLu sold her brother out in a nanosecond? Man, I hate that character so much since Julie Marie Bergman left. I know this plot point has to do with writing, not with the actress, but this new one is a lousy actress. And having Val overhear LuLu talking with Dillon, and watching them hug. PHONY.
    Luke and Laura got interesting Friday.
    At this rate, I may have to consider napping between two and three.

  3. The person at the door at the Triple L Diner did NOT have a British accent, so it couldn't be Holly, unless I didn't hear right? I think that Nulu is a fine actress, I just think that the original Lulu (well, the original grown-up Lulu), was so great, and so burned into our minds as Lulu, that it is hard to accept ANYONE else in that role.

  4. Rylan is WAY better than JMB- she was solid for 2-3 years then snoozed thru the role.

  5. I also prefer Rylan as Lulu. I see real chemistry with Dillon and her. (Happy marriages are boring. )

    With TJ's mother being police commissioner and a black mayor, that storyline seemed phony. I like my soap as an escape from bad things going on in the world.

    Love Ava, but hate Denise, and let Jake finally remember being Jason.

  6. I really enjoyed this week. I like camp in my soaps. And I'll take love in the afternoon everyday.

  7. kd said... It's like this "well, we used Spin/Ellie to put a little wrench in Naxie, now that's over..see ya".

    It's because the writers aren't invested in these characters like we are. We've followed Maxie since she was a baby. Her character has grown up on GH. But to these writers she's fill in and that's so sad because KS is such a dynamic actor. She always brings some fun to the show. They need to get her back to work so that we get her on screen more often. ( These writers do understand the concept of "jobs", don't they?)

    I agree about the Denise stuff. It turns my stomach. I FF through all of it. Same with the rest of the "Village of the Jobless." You think they could throw us a carrot once in a while and have someone come try to get Morgan to pay a lunch bill and have another waitress come explain within his hearing range that it's ok. That's the owner's son, the unemployed moocher."

    I enjoyed the scenes with Tracy, Sabrina and Sam too. No camp in sight. What a relief. And an actual story line that's interesting. I also like seeing characters that rarely interact together.

    That's why I liked the Laura, Lulu and Dillon scenes too. They interacted so well. NuDillon is indeed a gem. His scenes with Nicholas were great too. They had me hanging on every word. Too many scenes these days are played in twos, usually in bed, or in a scene that's played for laughs. It's a relief to see dynamic acting that is actually moving a plot forward. We need more of this and less of the bed scenes for sure.

    I agree with you about Maxie defending and looking out for Lulu. I love her ripping into Valerie too. And she did look adorable.

    And how great was it to see that iconic LnL picture--first at Lulu's then at the Triple L Diner.

    Sabrina has really improved as a character and her scenes with Tracy were great. I'm so glad they didn't go the "in bed with Michael talking all day" route.

    Thanks for the great Sunday morning read once again.

  8. Karen I think you should put Cartini on your mailing list.....maybe they might get a clue???

  9. "Prison Camp at the Webber House"

    ROFL! I wish Liz would stop whining and feeling guilty!

    "Can I rant a minute about the TJ story?
    FINALLY a story that was going somewhere and had meaning.
    We didn't see the beginning, which was a real misstep, imo...but we did see some riveting stuff between TJ and his mom. I thought the dynamic of she being police commissioner and he being the angry teen was going to play out great. Thought Mayor Lomax would come in to defend her position. Maybe some security footage. Racist guy testifying. Tearful Dante on the stand--or something."

    I know!!!! That SHOULD have happened! I am so disappointed in this storyline!!! If you blink you missed it! Lazy writing!!

  10. If TG was just going to phone it in then he should've quit last year. I mean, I can't even imagine a career like his, playing such a dynamic and fun character all these years, and then not wanting to end the character he will be remembered for in history with such a whimper. That being said, maybe there's a method to this less-than-stellar madness.

    JMB was great. She's gone. Marcy Ryland (is it Marcy? Was it something else??) is great and has wonderful chemistry with her "husband" and "family." She's more than a substitute here. I wish they could use Lulu/Dylan flashbacks but that's all I'll miss.

    Yes, the TJ thing was a joke. It's like, "Let's take on this, let's not." Changing up in the middle of story is always a crime. Using a current topic so serious and controversial and not following through to make the viewer actually THINK is worse. It's like they said, " Hey, we have African American characters again. Let's reflect real life! Except, only lets not actually delve into it for fear of making someone mad."

  11. Some of the stuff they are doing is so cringe worthy. Morgan and Kiki doing nothing but eat at the MC all the time is just ridiculous. I did see a spark of something from TG in the Luke and Laura scenes. I really do love seeing Genie back and the characters reminiscing a bit. I like NuDillon but he tends to smile a lot at the wrong times. He is a good recast though. Valerie and Dante holding those obviously empty coffee cups - couldn't they fill them with water? And now that she has the job Valerie does nothing but talk to Dante all the time. I still miss JMB.

  12. Best part of last week was certainly Friday but there were other moments, too. The actress who plays Rosalie is doing a great job. Tracy's scenes have been priceless, too. Luke & Laura at the diner... I felt the old vibe surfacing. I'm hopeful! Sometimes I think we expect too much. We hold these characters so dear to our hearts that we're hyper-critical almost to a fault. I remember some pretty dumb storylines from the past that still had us riveted. Remember Heather hiding a gun in co-patient Sarah's doll's head while she plotted to do in Diana Taylor? Slipping out in a nurse's uniform? Dumb but still I never missed it! Genie's doing a great job and I think Tony will bring it... at least to his current level of abilities. We just can't expect him to have the same wiliness and body fluidity he did back in the '80s. He must be pushing 70!

  13. "Tony will bring it... at least to his current level of abilities. We just can't expect him to have the same wiliness and body fluidity he did back in the '80s. He must be pushing 70!"

    Close!!! He's 68! :) He just turned it in May.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...