Friday, May 8, 2015

Flashback Friday: When Laura Came Back

That's right...I go, but I come back! 

Dave gave me a great idea to bring clips of the times Genie came back to GH.  She appeared on GH 
first from 1976 to 1982, from 1993 to 2002, and again since 2013 (with brief appearances in 1983, 1984, 2006, and 2008)

Here we go: 

Of course..there's the BEST "Holy Crap" Laura is back moment EVER--we sat in our dorms waiting an waiting..Laruuuuuuuuuuuaraaaaaaa of my faves, happened in 1993-- filmed in?? Rochester NY!  (and Palmyra and Letchworth)

Yes, Laura's dead (again) this time Stavvy has his Greek flashbacks right before she returns 

Laura wakes up from that ungodly whatever she was in: 

Back for the 50th year, found Lulu in the frozen chamber:

 What NOW? 


  1. I think everybody misses Julie

  2. Yeah that was the best return!!!!!! Luke was the mayor!!!!! Come on Luke! Turn around!!! See Laura! COME ON LUKE TURN AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luke: Lauuuuuuuuuuuaraaaaaaa!!!!


  3. Lauraaaaaaaaa--I called in sick for two days for that!!
    Didn't have a beta or vcr.

  4. wow. that Dave. what a great guy!

  5. Dave you are the best!! :) thanks

  6. Great idea Dave and thanks Karen. I miss JMB so much. She was so believable as Laura's daughter. I wish Lucky could come back for the send off.

  7. I was spinning through the channels looking for something to watch and there was Genie Francis on QVC selling Nutrisystem. She looks great. She didn't talk about GH much only to say she is returning.

  8. Thank you so much, Karen, for giving us these clips and photos.

    Those who didn't experience the L&L romance--well, they can watch these clips and get a hint of the phenomenon it was and how deep that L&L love was and how believable. (Maybe you can understand why I NEVER believed Luke would love Tracy or even be with her.)

    These two magnificent actors convinced us that they were practically born to act together. And that L&L were irrevocably in love and should be together. To see it again--well, it was so touching, so completely involving, so rich with feeling and character and emotion. And all the other characters in PC--Blackie, Holly, Lesley, Tiffany, Ruby, Robert, Slick Jones, the whole town.

    I agree, JMB was marvelous as Lulu, so like Laura, so perfectly cast. Guza did awful things with her, but when she was with Tony or Genie she was so right.

    And to see the very young Jonathan Jackson as Lucky...heartwarming. Another great casting.

    Thank you, Dave--thank you, Karen. I hope that the readers who hadn't seen anything but wedding clips can now appreciate what the most stupendously popular couple on TV were all about. It was an amazing time. Kids, high school and college, cutting class to watch, restaurants with TVs tuned in and customers coming in just to watch, crowds around the TV sales area in stores at 2 PM, a friend who put off surgery til after 2 so she wouldn't miss it--it was remarkable indeed.

    I was absolutely hooked, but looking back realize it was Tony and Genie together that made it work so well because even though there was about 9 years age difference between them, they seemed to fit perfectly. Genie was so young, but what a fine talent. And the writer, Pat Falkin Smith (?) developed each with a thorough knowledge of the psychology of the characters.

    In the scene where Laura comes out of the coma--look at Luke's face. I found myself being pulled right back in--and I hardly feel a twinge watching GH stories these day.

    Well, we are all older and maybe the time for feeling such overwhelming TV excitement is over.
    But what happy and thrilling memories to have...



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...