Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Knife

Brad and Lucas are STILL in bed....and they said 48 hours. 

Felix is counting cotton balls and in walks Sabrina. First thing he tells her is he almost had a 3way. LOL. Then tells her about Milo and Epiphany. 

Nina daydreams about stabbing Silas with a giant butcher's knife.  Silas wakes up and they talk about how good sex was. He gives it a 13 out of 10! They do it again.

Maxie and Lulu are in another cabin, tied up.  Pevi (Peter/Levi) got a haircut!  He says "This Operation is Personal"!  He goes off on Felicia, talks about what a bitch she is.  Geesh, HE sounds like Peter Harrell himself!  maybe de-aged? Naw, that's even too much for GH 

Anna figures out Peter Sr. could still be "out there". Hmmm is HE Fluke? Why would he hate Sonny then? Plus, he's pretty obscure. 
Pevi drops his phone when he knocks the soda out of Maxie's hands.  Maxie kicks it to Lulu. Lulu calls Dante (then the show ends) 

Adorable Rocco has on a Fronkey shirt!! 

Liz comes over to watch Rocco so Dante can go back out to look for Maxie.  She also brings some of Aiden's old toys for him. Including a SOCK FRONKEY.  Nik comes over later and they discuss his 'CHOICE'. (Or lack thereof) 

Britt is going to tell Nina if she can have babies or not. 


  1. Pevi was obviously indoctrinated by his father, Peter Sr., regarding Felicia, and from a very young age.
    Little Rocco is one of the cutest babies to come down the pike in a while. And with that block on his head, irresistible.
    I don't care about Nina, or Britt, or Lucas and Brad. Nina is whacko, and now Heather is coming back. Maybe Nina will poison Heather, and Heather will stab Nina to death before she croaks from the poison. Aw, even if that happened, no one ever REALLY dies in a soap.

  2. Brad and Britch's home: Brad and Lucas are so cute together! And so hot! :) So glad they got back together! :)They have been in bed for 2 days haha. Britch wins the line of the day!

    Britch: So, how was the big threesome? Woah!

    ROFL! Be careful next time Britch! And geez they have a small apartment. You open the door and there is just a bed!

    Lante home: Little Rocco sleeping on Nik's lap and almost fell off! :) That made me laugh! Rocco is just adorable! The little guy is so tired! Nik can't believe Britch would "accidentally" tell Liz that they almost slept together. Haha come on Nik really! Rocco with his daddy and that loud laugh hahaha that wins laugh of the day! :)

    Cabin: Maxie is a Jones and Lulu is a Spencer! They are strong and can fight! :) Love the little banter they did with Petey Jr! Speaking of Petey Jr, woah he got his haircut!!!! HOT HOT HOT! Looks so much better than the long hair! All he needs to do now, is to work on getting rid of those huge muscley muscles. The ladies are giving him a headache! ROFL! Who are you waiting for Petey Jr? Your daddy?!

    McSilas's home: They had sex twice! HA! On a score from 1 to 10? Really Nina? Really?! You did so well yesterday. Don't ruin it. Nina's dream of stabbing McSilas! Gee Nina did you watch basic instant recently? ROFL!

    Felix and Sabrina: Love the scene! :) Hey where is Piffy and Milo? Are they on a date yet? If so, I'm glad they are not showing it. Someone on another board gave an idea of a squish name for them. Magic Johnson. Hahaha. Get it? From Magic Milo and Piffy's last name. Hehehe. Love the squish name but don't like them as a couple.

    Jail: So Sabrina went to visit someone. I thought it was Heather, but the commercial for tomorrow, will be Caaaaaaaaaaarlos! YAY WE GET TO SEE HIM! :)

    Police station: Oh Anna has Peter Sr's picture! Petey looks just like his dad. :)

  3. Sonya, I thought the same thing about how small their apartment is, opent he door and almost bang into the bed. Yet we are suppose to believe Brad and Britt live there together? Do they sleep together?

    I find the whole DOCTOR Britt not being able to afford a place herself as laughable. Hell, Maxie is unemployed and has a place. And when Sam and Patrick were talking about making pool bets Sam said perhaps not money as Patrick is unemployed and he said "I'm fine, I'm a doctor". So, if an unemployed doctor (Patrick) is financial sound, can afford a house and raise a child, why is an employed, single doctor unable to afford a room?

  4. I think that Brad's apt is like Felix and Sabrina's..with 88 bedrooms "in the back"

  5. "friscogh said...Sonya, I thought the same thing about how small their apartment is, opent he door and almost bang into the bed. Yet we are suppose to believe Brad and Britt live there together? Do they sleep together?"

    I think Britch has her own bedroom.

    "I find the whole DOCTOR Britt not being able to afford a place herself as laughable."

    I know!!!!! Maybe Britch is a spender, and spends a lot of her money. So much so, that she can't afford her own place right now.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...