Tuesday, June 24, 2014

And the Daytime Emmy Goes To...

Geesh, WHOLE LOTTA HOOPLA over the award show!! LOL. I thought I'd give you my take. I seriously wasn't going to watch, then saw Twitter and JUST HAD to. My feed on my laptop was crummy as all hell, and I'm sure a lot of people experienced the same thing. 

On to the "Red Carpet Show". It was mayhem. I'm not even going to talk about the Vine Chicks doing the interviews yet. The place was crowded, loud and the "social pit" or whatever they called it was a mess. The actors and interviewers were yelling. With microphones. Oy. And the girls they hired?
Well. Yes, you put people in there that have no clue about soaps and you get... stupid questions and boring pauses. I heard one of them ask some poor guy from YR how it "was to be a black man on soaps today"...

Yes, she said that. Then they laughed about raping some of the male hottie stars--and flubbed MANY names. Finola gave that face up there-- and that's how we ALL looked.  I actually DO Vine and have seen some of these girls both there and on You Tube. Not their fault they got hired to do this. It was a good gig for them. Terrible Choice for us!

On to the show.  Well--you either love Kathy or hate her. I love her. I had seen some of her bits on last year's Daytime Emmy show and think they are hilarious. She was like, look, "it's not on TV, it's on twitter, calm down"! SO TRUE.. get bombed like Sharon Osbourne did. She said "I feel like I've been here five F**King HOURS....and I just got here". This after the (drunken) lady from Entertainment Tonight thanked everyone on the planet and her dog. 
Good things: NO commercials. NO weird dancing, or plugs for Vegas or Robin Mead's country album. Speeches were heartfelt. The tweet and instagram feeds from the actors were HILARIOUS. So fun. So fun to watch in real time with friends, just bitching and dishing. 

The most spectacular thing happened when Kathy basically kicked JFP off stage "time's up lady" aaaahhh. Look at her face. And if you know Jill, and how she's viewed by some in the industry, well, it was priceless. LOOK at the crew/cast faces behind her. They were dying laughing!! 

Hey, we know that the Emmys for us are not huge anymore. The bigger guns like Oprah and Ellen don't even bother anymore. I'm glad they have them for the people that work so hard on these shows. Maybe this mess will create buzz so the show is back on TV next year. Who knows?  I did have a very enjoyable and well...uber 'interesting" evening. Even if GH wasn't chosen. (they did win for make up and casting the night before at the technical awards).  So it goes.  All I can say is they are lucky the fans keep plugging along with all the shennanigans that go on! 

1 comment:

  1. Looking at pics from the event, Maura West (Ava) looked so pretty. Michelle Stafford (Nina) had on way too much eye make-up. And Haley (Molly) looked all grown up!!!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...