Monday, January 20, 2014

Kim McCollough is Leaving GH AGAIN

Read her interview at Daytime Confidential 

Revolving door! After months and months of "Robin is Back"--this is happening!! You know what? I love Scrubs and I love Kim but kill of Robin. I can't see HOW they'll ever explain how she'd leave Emma.   AND KILL THE CHARACTER OFF...chop  her head  off in front of me. Make sure there's no mask on. Robin could have come back with radiation poisoning from all her research and died in Patrick's arms.  

I get soaps have comings/goings and people popping in and out. That would work for Bobbie or other characters that aren't "core" --but Robin? She's been made to be a CORE. What a waste this time has been, and yep, I think it was a WASTE.  Sue me.

This pisses me off. And I guess, in that regard, KMc got that right in her interview. So, belly up for Sabrina and Patrick and THEIR "baby reveal".


 DC: Have you filmed your final episode for this go around?
KM: No.  I’ve got a couple weeks left.


  1. Wow. We all knew KM would leave but this soon. That's cold. Really disrespectful to fans

  2. Stay tuned for more choppy, out of character writing and production to happen!

    I'm with you Karen. Just kill off the character of Robin and be done with it. Her character cannot just come and go at a whim. I'm not even a Scrubs fan I'm just an anti-SAP fan, but I do feel bad for that fan base because they just got royally screwed. Again.

    Ron NEVER should have shown Robin alive after the lab explosion. Soap mistake 101.

    I also feel bad for Jason Thompson who always looks so uncomfortable in his scenes with Teresa. There is zero chem there and he knows it, and it's sad to watch him just phone in his lines.

    We can only hope SAP will come to a quick end after Robin leaves. Hate saying this, but I also hope they get rid of the baby too. Patrick and the fans don't need another pointless baby story.

    Move on and pair him with someone he has chemistry with already!

    What a complete mess this whole Robin/Patrick thing has become. Shameful really as it could've been played out 100 different ways with far better results.

    That's my two cents for what it's worth.

  3. In the interview she says she is leaving because of another character she loves, but it is not Patrick.
    Her going in search of Jason makes no sense as Sam would do that.
    Robert is leaving the show. If he went missing Anna would join the search for him, not just Robin.
    Perhaps Robert's cancer is back and is terminal. His final episode of GH cqn be Robin reading his test results, telling him he is dying and then leaving with him so he can die in peace. Robin leaves to go care for her father in his final months?
    I do find it hard to imagine Robin leaving Emma again. Perhaps we find out Fiason is still alive, has escaped custody and is threatening Robin and Emma. Anna and Robert arrange for Robin and Emma to go into hiding, perhaps even fake their deaths?

  4. I am also a pissed off fan.. what was the point?? and these choppy story lines will only get choppier.. I fast forwarded thru the entire week.. only stopping here and there.. i didnt even watch Friday's ahow yet..i understand KMC has a life and wants more.. that's awesome.. then seriously move on whats with the back and forth.. hate it..

  5. Put Patrick with Liz or even Carly. Anyone but Sabrina. hell, he even has more chemistry with Anna or Epiphany.

  6. frisco..that would be plausible. I guess, But leaving Emma..and why couldn't Robert stay in PC? LOL. We suspend disbelief for so long and then.. ugh
    The show is choppy/frustrating enough. I was hoping she'd stay another year at least, until something could be figured out or Robin really dies.
    Really Dies.

  7. frisco..that would be plausible. I guess, But leaving Emma..and why couldn't Robert stay in PC? LOL. We suspend disbelief for so long and then.. ugh
    The show is choppy/frustrating enough. I was hoping she'd stay another year at least, until something could be figured out or Robin really dies.
    Really Dies.

  8. frisco..that would be plausible. I guess, But leaving Emma..and why couldn't Robert stay in PC? LOL. We suspend disbelief for so long and then.. ugh
    The show is choppy/frustrating enough. I was hoping she'd stay another year at least, until something could be figured out or Robin really dies.
    Really Dies.

  9. Unfortunately GH has become more like evening dramas where the "wow factor" has become more important than continuity.

    Let's put AJ on trial for murder!.....And then not show him for weeks. Huh?

    Don't know if any of yourwatch "American Horror Story: Coven", but one week the lead witch was saying we have to protect the coven from outside predators and the next she was plotting to kill all the young witches in the coven. Huh?

    It's like "what can we do to shock or excite people for sweeps?" and then leave loose ends for weeks.

    So this is disheartening news about KMc

  10. I am really disappointed, too. I thought she would have a storyline about her medical miracle find. I would rather have her back sporadically than have Patrick with Sabrina. Her character is a lot more important to me than Luke, who also has a revolving door but no storyline. I hope JT stays on since he is a really fine actor and deserves a stronger co-star than Teresa C.

  11. I agree that Patrick and Sabrina are BOOOORRRRINNNNG. He is much too fine an actor to be saddled with her storyline. She is probably better than her part allows her to be (it could be true). Have Robin leave to save Robert, who they have taken waiting in exchange for Robin making more radiation cure. But tell Patrick this time, sheesh. That whole not telling even in secret all those weeks was pointless. I hate that she's leaving. I hate that she came back just to leave. I am pissed that we are stuck with a pregnant Sabrina, and God how I wish Carlos really DID sleep with her that night and just lied to her, they can leave TOGETHER. Sorry, KM was right, a pissed off fan here.

  12. Not hating on Kimmie here. She's been a stalwart all these years and grew up on the show...She's earned the benefit of the doubt with the decisions that she makes in the biz, IMO.

    It would make sense for her to leave town with Robert, but with Tristan's abrupt departure, not sure that they could get that all syched up.


  13. I said it a few months ago mostly in jest...but could they really pull off a Stone didn't really die story??

  14. TPTB had to have known that KM was not staying. So they either should have not brought her back at all, or did the story that she was dying, Patrick found her on her death bed etc.

    What is Robin going to get kidnapped again? assumed dead? go off and leave her husband and daughter to go help someone ( a dying Robert)?

    It is a slap in the face to scrubs fans, how they did this story. AND AJ's story got pushed and shoved to the back burner because of it. I'm sure so they would be able to pay KM.

    If an actor is not willing to give a solid 2-3 year commitment, they should no be brought on for a major storyline. Twice they brought Brenda back to have this big story and poof after a few months she is gone again. 'm tired of Luke doing the same thing. LET THEM GO! MOVE ON!

    I think sweeps periods ruin the show. 3 weeks of Guest Stars and Explosions and big reveals and then nothing forever.

  15. I think Patrick has more chemistry with Felix than Sabrina. I know other people disagree but I think she is the worst of the adult actors on the show. With Robin gone I assume we'll have even more Sabrina shoved down our throats.

  16. I'm right there with you. This whole thing is ridiculous. We all knew that she would be leaving, but i don't think anyone realized she would be leaving so soon.

    My biggest question is who she is leaving with because both Jason and Stone are dead--and the only person i could see her leaving Patrick for is Stone.

    Is she just taking off or is Emma going with her?

  17. I knew Kimberly was leaving GH again but had no idea it would be this soon. I cannot stand Patrick with Sabrina ....I would rather watch Carly and Franco. I have lost my admiration for Kimberly who I have loved thru the years. What were you thinking, Kim.....or rather.....what were you NOT thinking??????

  18. I LOVE Patrick with Sabrina, always have but i'm gonna miss KM..sorry to see her go

  19. Ridiculous to believe that Robin would leave her husband and baby girl for ANY reason, even Jason. They need to write her out permanently as this is not a believable storyline and I'm with everyone else...pissed.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...