Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Danny Boy....

Ryan's BAR@@!! A little bigger and more "Sanitized" but still the bar!! And Delia!!  Delia Reed Ryan Ryan Colridge....and she "recognizes McSilas" hah..wonder why! 
Delia was the first character I remember that was pushed down the stairs on a soap when she was PG..Pat did it in a drugged haze.
She knows all about Victor Jerome...and Ava? Hhmmmmmm.  Her mama!

Maxie should remind Patrick no one dies in Port Charles!!  The whole Robin/Patrick split screen was so good.

Stupid Sabby and Carlos. ugh. whatever.  Sabrina can exit stage right.

Robin and Nikolas just sitting around--damn, man...get busy, think of a plan!! 

Derek and Alexis, she looked good today!  Did you note that Danny is the same size as Baby Connie and Big Ben?!

Morgan and Ava get all hot again!  

Sonny's taking a AGE to clean that place up!! 



  1. Have not seen today's episoce yet but looking forward to it. Loved last week. Been watching GH since 1981. I did however read some interesting rumours...and they are:

    Stefan is alive.

    Sabrina is Sonny's daughter with Lilly.

    Lilly is alive and runs her father's previous business.

    We shall see..

  2. Not about today's show, but about Britt's baby? Anyone think is possible (probably) that even she and Brad don't know who the real parents are? She was just trying to get pregnant to fool Patrick. Obviously she asked Brad to find her an embryo, but then told everyone he was the father so they wouldn't have to admit to STEALING an embryo....but maybe Brad never told her it was Lante's? Or maybe he doesn't even know himself? Like it was just Embryo #814 or something?

    At first I thought Britt -had- to know. But her redemption story is unfolding nicely so I'm sort of hoping she doesn't know and it will be a shock when she finds out and then has to do the right thing and give Rocco to his bio parents. (Ahem, cough cough, Lulu get a hint here!)

    Anyone else have comments on this?

  3. Karen, yes, I noticed that baby Danny look about the same age as the 2 giant babies, in fact, at first I thought he was one of them . . .

    So that is Ava's Mama? As much as I've watched GH for DECADES, I missed years when there were no VCRs/DVRs, as I've always worked, gone to school, or both, so I don't know any of this latest "Ryan" stuff.

  4. Since Carlos is a Rivera could it be that he is related Lily?

  5. Since Carlos is a Rivera could it be that he is related to Lily?

  6. Ok - I am thinking that Kimberly M is preggers. That looked really like a baby bump today, yes? I could be totally off-base, but I'm thinking I am right (which would conveniently tie in to a rumored, eventual reunion round the world trip with Patrick and being off-screen for a little bit.

    Loved the Ryan's bar scenes day. Would love Maeve Ryan to pop out from the back and give the patrons some Irishness, but it was so good to see Deliah back in action. She is a piece of work!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Delia's restaurant: Oh look it's the set from AMC and it's Roxie! I mean Delia! Oh I mean Roxie. No it's Delia! :) Delia is sooooo lying!!!

    Julian Jerome's office: OH! Alexis was just about to tell him he has a son!!! :) Baby Cheeto awww! Grandpapa Jerome gave Baby Cheeto a toy car awww! :) Sabrina and Caaaaaaaarlosss scene! Listen to him Sabrina! He is right!!! Carlos wins the line of the day!

    Carlos: I know you Sabrina. Shiny diamond don't mean a thing if there ain't no love behind it.

    You tell her Caaaaaaaarlosssss!

    Wyndemere: Oh don't worry Robin if Patrick marries Sabrina! They aren't going to be legally married! You and Patrick are still married!!!! :)

    Ava and Morgan's home: Blah blah blah. Stop talking and kiss and have sex already! OH THEY DO YAY! :)

    Sonny's warehouse: Sonny! Clean up!!! Oh Olivia won't take no for an answer!!! :) Go Olivia! Now she knows the truth! :)

    Patrick and Maxie: Awwww! :) Great scene! And love how she is buying baby stuff and is excited. :)

  9. Loved the Ryan's Hope stuff. She mentioned Roger! You think they could have gotten one of the 15 actors who played Frank Ryan on RH to show up.

    It is a sad thing when Carlos is the voice of reason.

    I know Robin "has to" get the cure for Jerry, but couldn't she just pop in to see Patrick and her daughter for a second?

    Maxie was so happy buying stuff for the baby!

  10. Loved the Ryan's Hope stuff. She mentioned Roger! You think they could have gotten one of the 15 actors who played Frank Ryan on RH to show up.

    It is a sad thing when Carlos is the voice of reason.

    I know Robin "has to" get the cure for Jerry, but couldn't she just pop in to see Patrick and her daughter for a second?

    Maxie was so happy buying stuff for the baby!

  11. @CareyN...i was thinking the same thing but instead of Brad i think her mother got the embryo and didn't tell Britt where she got it from..

  12. I wish they would get rid of Sabrina already. I mean is there any GH viewer that actually enjoys watching her. And strangely enough, not only do I not understand why her and Patrick would be a good match but I don't understand why her and Carlos would be either. I mean other than the accent, what do her and Carlos even have in common. The whole character is so forced.

  13. Had to ffwd. all of Sabrina - waste of airtime. Wish there was some chemistry between Derek and Alexis and sure don't want him with Snarly, but her best match has always been Ned. Nice that Michael Saucedo is coming back when his lovely wife has no air time at all. Sorry but I don't get the appeal of Morgan to Ava. Nice to see Delia!!!

  14. @CareyN, I am with you.

    There has to be more to Sabrina storyline. The writers must know that she doesn't hold a candle to Robin. They aren't setting up a Felicia, Frisco, Colton dilemma. Even if let's say she's pregnant, that still wouldn't keep Robin and Patrick apart.

  15. I don't know how i missed the Ryan's Hope connection. My grandmother, my dad, and all of his siblings watched that show at some point. Once I realized what was going on I had to let him know.

    As an aside, I am taping an episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire tomorrow (10/30), so please wish me luck!

  16. Ohhh! Good luck Elizabeth!

    Face of the week should go to both Connie and Dante when Lulu said they should go on the run and started packing things. Dante looked at her like she was losing it, and the baby had basically the same expression. It was adorable...and probably reflects how a lot of viewers felt at that moment!

  17. Good luck Elizabeth!! Wish I had checked in earlier so I could have taped it. And Karen, hope all goes well with Gus! Hated Lulu even more yesterday. I don't know how this would play out IRL, but wouldn't Maxie and Spinelli at least be allowed to see their child? If Lulu drags Maxie through the dirt, couldn't Spinelli get custody? Was there even a formal legal contract with Maxie?

  18. Hey LindaV, they did have a contract but it was for a bio Lante baby, not a bio Spixie baby, so the contract is null and void.

    However, if Lulu's gonna throw the "unfit parent" card, I honestly think that Maxie can beat her at her own game. Remember all the reasons why Lante couldn't adopt? Criminal parents on both sides, Lulu's mental instability, etc. I honestly can't imagine Lulu winning that argument and I hope that Maxie grows a pair and comes right back at her to prove Lulu and Dante are unfit.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...