Friday, October 18, 2013

"May I Have Some Warm Nuts"??

Liz' kids are visiting HER SISTER!???????? Hell. I hope Cam is behaving!!    Liz  and Paddy should have been a couple.

OMG Faison speaking some crazy foreign language!! WOOT!!  Eeeeeeeeeeeee And Big Ben  loves him! ;)  "You may call me Papa"!! 
Obrect with the BRA OUT LMAO!! She's so desperate!!  
"Happiness is for Dogs and Americans'
AND HE WANTS HER TO PUT THE MASK ON!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit!! OMG!! YES! Oh, this is sick.  SO sick.  I LOVE IT!!!
Obrect is SCORNED out!  OMG Brit knocks her out!

Jerry is going to shoot Robin? You know he reminds me of Gordon Ramsey more and more each day!

Luke: "Can  I have Warm Nuts"?? To the flight attendant!! LMAO-- "I want the Sky Mall magazine"... heh

damn it PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT STOP IT!! NONONONO.......... 

GREAT SHOW!! Stupid Sabrina though--BUZZ KILL
And the door opens and Nik sees Robin!! I'm so glad he found her, they do have such a history!!


  1. Today would have been perfect if not Sabrina and her rolling r's. Do the writers realize that there is not a snowballs chance in hell that Patrick would choose Sabrina over Robin? Patrick and Liz would have been brillant.

  2. I was so excited when I realized Nik would be the one to find Robin. They do have such a long history as friends, and of course she was the innocent woman, as he mentioned to Britt, whom he once watched Jerry shoot. Really good editing of the scenes together at the end there, but I can't really believe Patrick would pivot so quickly from seriously believing he heard Robin's voice to proposing to Sabrina. He is a mess.

  3. Was Luke on American Airlines, in first class? Because they really do warm the nuts. Hubby slept through his warm nuts a few weeks ago, so I totally enjoyed them. Divine.

    I need someone to go to The Floating Rib and order a Beef on Weck or some Genessee Light.

  4. Oh, and I need Sabrina to pull her face off and reveal herself as Jocelyn.

  5. HELP WANTED: ONE caretaker for massive privately owned island. Only qualification is the competence to verify guests status with the owner of the island. Seriously. That's your only job qualification. Apparently the last person in the position couldn't do that.

    so, Cesar, Leisl (back to her natural weight, not her slimmed down Anna imposter weight) and baby Ben are living on Cassadine Island? Along with Jerry Jax and Robin. And Nikolas had no idea? Doesnt he check receipts for food bills and extra cleaning supplies? What about the requisitions for beakers and baby carriages? Isnt there any staff on the island who checks these things? We are really led to believe that Nikolas has let the inmates run the asylum?

    Nikolas is not a very good island owner, is he? He is really looking like a fool.

    epic fail, in my opinion.

    yes, Karen, please please please bring back Tonja Walker as Olivia Jerome. She rocked. I would like to see her go up against Ava.

    Sabrina and Carlos look good together. They really make a hot couple. Can they PLEASE reunite and head off together to a soap on telemundo? Soon?

    I love seeing Dr. O. get her comeuppance. Seeing her lose her dignity by being asked to wear a mask to bed just totally destroyed her, and I could not be happier. What goes around...

    oh, and today's episode was good, but the previews were even better!!!

  6. Really Patrick can you say rebound. Is Sabrina really this stupid. I FF thru all af the Sabrina/Carlos scenes.
    They are really forcing this Sabrina Patrick thing.

    Love Nik finding Robin.

    I felt sorry for Dr.O. At least Faison is not leading her on.

    Spixie and Robert next week.

  7. Apologies to Sonya, but Dr. O has the line of the day. Faison: I have a request. Dr. O: Oh, you want ze clamps?

    FINALLY Robin is found, I can exhale . . .

  8. Actually, I think it was the line of the year--Dr. O is the BEST VILLAIN EVEH!!

  9. What a great Friday. ( I ignored Sabrina)

    I laughed when Dr. O told Faison to put the Anna mask on and look in the mirror. I was fully expecting the next line to be "And go play with yourself!!" ROFL

    I would have felt sorry for her had she not treated her daughter like an unwanted insignificant nobody her whole life. I was happy to see Britt finally fight back.

    I also cracked up at Tracy's line about Luke's warm nuts.

    I loved the cliff hanger!! It was great that Nicholas was the one to find Robin, but I guess that made it easier o explain his just walking onto the island and into the house.

    Can't wait till Monday. Hope we're not back to Starski and Crotch.

  10. Good fun today - they could have chopped the Sabrina/Carlos scenes and given us a few scenes with Anna and Scorpio en route to Cassadine Island though.

  11. I wish Sabrina had never come along, I am glad Robin is alive and coming back, but I would have loved to have seen him with Robin. Maybe they think they played it safe with the fans by placing him with someone "safe" should KMc come back?
    The warm nuts thing was hilarious and the 2nd time I heard it today, my sister flew out first class and mentioned 'deez' warm nuts. LOL!!

  12. OMG that may have been the best show ever. Can we just keep watching this crew and none of the others!? I almost puked when LuLu was in the previews.

    The clamp remark about bowled me over after Doc O was all hot and bothered- about Faison being stymied and she'd unclog him- but then the MASK!! TOO FUNNY. I was howling. The family didn't know what to think.

    Was Big Ben in their room that whole time? Papa better feed him soon - he cries every time he hold him.
    You go Britt!

    Nik was great with all his guns and orders too (although it's crazy their is no security). Glad they are at least using him and not having him fawn over Liz.

    Great use of history. Somehow he's going to have to leave Robin there...

    Can't wait for Monday!

  13. Derick Wells's office: Oh Sabrina shut up!!!! Do you know how you sound?! Carlos doesn't even know Robin!!! He wouldn't know what she sounds like! I doubt 40 something year old Carlos would do something so immature! Are you afraid of Robin's ghost?! Listen to Carlos! He is right!!!

    Patrick's home: Liz and Patrick scene. :'( Patrick watches Robin's dvd! Patrick purposes to Sabrina!!! Oh come on Patrick! You are not ready for this!!!!

    Cassadine Island: Jerry and Robin scene! Love it! He wants to go home to be with his mother and brother before he dies. :( Robin won the line of the day!

    Robin: He made a break for it to the air vent. I tried to stop him, but he overpowered me.

    ROFL! Damn Ben how could he?! :) Meanwhile Nik and Britch show up and that guy who works for the Cassadines, pointed a gun at them! ROFL! Faison and Dr O scene! Dr O is trying to seduce him hahahaha! Faison would only have sex with her, if she wears the Anna mask! ROFL ROFL! That won the scene of the day! Brilliant Faison hahahaha! Faison and baby Ben awwwwwwwww! Call me papa! Awwwww! :) Mams O gets knocked out by Britch hahaha! Nik finds Robin YAY!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The plane: Tracy and Luke scene is so pathetic! Luke looks great now. He no longer looks like death warmed over! Which is great, but now Luke is flirting with the flight attendant and forgetting all about what he told Tracy when he was dying!!! Tracy hasn't forgotten about what he said! About giving her the whole enchilada. Forget Luke and don't lose your self respect!!! Dr O hasn't! :)

  14. AntJoan said...Apologies to Sonya, but Dr. O has the line of the day. Faison: I have a request. Dr. O: Oh, you want ze clamps?
    No apologies needed. Dr O is a pretty funny person! :)

    Di says Can't wait till Monday. Hope we're not back to Starski and Crotch.
    Who? Do you mean StarKi and Michael? :) Michael fell in the hole in the meadow when he forgot to tie his shoes. StarKi is still trying to get him out.

  15. Oh and Karen, when she said "Happiness is for Dogs and Americans' I thought she said Ducks and Americans! :)

  16. Am I the only one who's noticed Robin doesn't have a bathroom in her lab/cage? Where does this woman pee?

    This week was pretty solid except for the filler day with all the couples. Can't wait for Monday!

  17. My mom and I were discussing if Faison or Dr. O was worse because they were both obsessed with someone else. I said it was Dr. O hands down because she was obsessed with a psychopath while Faison obsessed over a spy/cop.

    I loved today's ending. The look on their faces when they saw each other was priceless. Nikolas was like 0_o. Total shock. I can't wait until Monday's episode.

  18. >>>>Am I the only one who's noticed Robin doesn't have a bathroom in her lab/cage? Where does this woman pee?

    What do you think all those beakers were for?

  19. david said...What do you think all those beakers were for?
    ROFL! And then what? Gives the beaker to Jerry? :)

  20. Hahaha Thanks for clearing it up David!

  21. Sonya said: Who? Do you mean StarKi and Michael?

    I was thinking Michael but it could apply to Morgan too as we only see him in scenes where he's acting with that part of his anatomy too. I don't want to see any of them. I love all the vets being back!1

    And I'd forgotten that line about ben and the air vent. I laughed out loud at that. Too funny!


  22. Di says I was thinking Michael but it could apply to Morgan too as we only see him in scenes where he's acting with that part of his anatomy too.
    Haha Morgan is always horny. Especially in the morning. :)

    I love all the vets being back!
    Me too!!!!!!!!! :)

    And I'd forgotten that line about ben and the air vent. I laughed out loud at that. Too funny!
    ROFL! That was a great line. :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...