Thursday, May 9, 2024

Where's Danny ?


Laura goes to visit Alexis. She has on a great pink shirt. She wants to talk to Alexis about HEATHER AGAIN. Can her case be revisited? Alexis pulls out some things but says it's going to be really hard. Laura asks if she would help. Alexis says as a human being she doesn't want to but maybe as an almost lawyer again, she wants to help anyone. :eyeroll: Laura leaves. 

At Laura's office, Jordan comes in as Laura is talking on the phone about Heather's case. Jordan tells Laura about congressman's money but first wants to hear about the Heather call. Laura explains the metal poison and Jordan is like: SO WHAT. LOL Laura tries to plead Heather's case. Jordan is like "have you thought about the victims families and she killed a COP"!! 

Speaking of Pink, Blaze opens her door in one too and her Mom wants to know what she's wearing to the Q Wedding because she's going too. Blaze says she's taking Kristina. Her mother doesn't think that's a good idea since it's such a public venue. Social Media and all that. Blaze says she loves her mother and she's grateful but she has to make up her own mind on this. She's going with Kristina period. Her mother accepts it but says, watch out because she's going to be right. 

Sonny is at a table with Ava and she asks about the painting he wants to donate and he says he's "moved on" and is staring at Jordan. Weirdly. Then Olivia comes over and talks about the wedding reception. Ava's acting like she's going. Then takes a call from Trina. Olivia asks if he's taking "That person" to the wedding. He says no. Ava comes back, Olivia leaves. Ava says she got a great new dress for the wedding...Sonny says "well, you're not going". Ava says she's not going to live with him either. He says FINE... I'll get you another place. Ava says she can take care of her own life and child. 

Sam runs into Jason's Warehouse and asks where Danny is. He left his phone at home on purpose and skipped school. Jason says that Sam is training Danny to lie to her by putting a tracking app on there and stuff. HUGE arguing. Sam even mentions Jason's tatts and WILL DANNY WANT THEM NOW. He says she's pushing Danny away. She says he has no idea how to be a parent. Danny was actually AT school and they didn't mark him there. Then she asks where Sonny is and what's going on. He tells her about being undercover for the FBI and now he's just working for them. She can't believe it. She asks WHY..he says he can't tell her but it's why he's been away for 2 years. He'd NEVER DO THAT WILLINGLY. Which is BULLSHIT ! lol he did do it... for CARLY 

Finn an Chase tried to talk to Greg but Greg beats him to it. He decided not to go to Coney Island. Then Finn says they need a caregiver to stay with him. Greg says no. Fin'n says it would put Chases' mind to rest and then Greg loses it because Finn didn't attend HIS rehearsal dinner with JACKIE BACK IN THE DAY. Whoa, out of the blue... and then FINN leaves. Greg tells Chase he's nervous and lashed out at Finn. 

Finn goes to Alexis' house to talk to HER about his Dad. Not Liz'...this is weird. I mean, I get they are AA buddies but ??? Finn says he needs a meeting but also wants to stay with his dad tonight. Alexis says she will. 


Alexis asks Greg to help her go over her notes before she goes to Albany

Sam leaves the warehouse

Jordan tells Laura to leave the Heather case alone. 


  1. FINALLY something I liked so I start with that:
    Olivia is SO right that Ava wouldn't be welcomed by the families from Bensonhurst ----
    ----I liked Jason telling Sam about FBI (not the whole truth though) but it is IRRITATING that we are supposed to believe that Dante NEVER told Sam that Jason and Sonny aren't friends? PLUUUUSSSSSSSSSSs-on the previews - does Dante not know EVEN AFTER Sonny listed all who betrayed him
    ------Sam is unhappy and horrible and is looking for reasons to get back at Jason...
    ------timing of Alexis helping Gregory is off, too....she couldn't go to the wedding cause she was going to Albany the day before the wedding and TODAY Gregory says "you're leaving so soon?"
    ----I THINK Ava would want Sonny to continue spiraling - so she can get custody of Avery - today was WEIRD with his behavior towards her.....but the previews show her in a doctor's office asking I dunno.....I want OLD AVA who moved in with Sonny......
    -----Laura is ---- I have no words as to what they are doing to her character.......Sasha, Dr. O are just TWO who will be livid if Heather is released......(STILL not sure WHY are they going there with this Heather thing?)
    ----hate Natalia.....'nuff said...
    ----- Laura, Sam, Sonny, and Ava are characters who have changed in a horrible way
    May sweeps-----------------------------------yeah, right...

    1. Hate Natalia too. Glad Blaze sood her ground. Jason was right about Sam. Stalking Danny and then finding out he did nothing wrong was a great twist. Why doesn't she go home and actually look after the kids that are supposed to be there. We missed the last 6 or 7 minutes. Here. Anything interesting happen.

  2. Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Chase: Chase seems scared to talk to his father hahaha.

    Gregory, Finchy, and Chase: Hmmm at first I'm wondering if Gregory heard Finchy and Chase talking about him. I guess not. Well good I'm glad Gregory isn't going to the rehearsal, but damn that was a low blow Gregory ouch!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Laura: Where is Laura going with all this? Hmmm I do want Heather free, but not be absolved from her crimes. I want her to be free with an ankle monitor. :)

    Alexis and Finchy: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: Whoa! That wasn't the turn I expected this to take.


    "Karen says, Finn goes to Alexis' house to talk to HER about his Dad. Not Liz'...this is weird. I mean, I get they are AA buddies but ???"

    I'm glad Finchy went to see Alexis instead of Liz!

    Blaze's hotel room:

    Blaze and mami: Come on Mami you need to accept your daughter being gay and has a girlfriend. I don't know how many times we are going to have this conversation.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Sonny: The way Sonny is looking at Jordan it looks like he wants to jump her bones and devour her.

    Ava and Sonny: I wonder if what Olivia said made Sonny change his mind on taking Ava to the wedding. He does have a good point though. They do have LONG memories.

    Natalia and Sonny: Man the flirting and her huge smile at Sonny bugs me. I don't like the way Sonny has been treating Ava lately. Ever since Natalia went to his house for a drink. Enough is enough.

    Corinthos coffee warehouse:

    Sam and Jason: Training him to lie? SHUT UP JASON! She is a worried mother!!!! I'm surprised she didn't bring up his huge tattoo yet. I'm glad Danny Cheeto is safe! Whew!

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Jordan: Laura what is your plan?!!?!?!?!!?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the Q home.* Paul and Tracy's engagement party: I don't think they have a couple name. Hmmm. Pracy. :)

  3. why oh why oh why
    giovanniviolin will arrive just in time for Brook Lynn’s romantic wedding.

    1. Oh interesting. So he is going to play at the wedding? Handsome. :) Well, Brooky has a big family! :) So of course her family is going to be at the wedding! :)

    2. They're getting rid of all the old stars and bringing in new people. Young people for all the teenage fans they don't have. Let me interest for Trina or Danny?

  4. Shut up Sam. And go away.
    Did I miss something? Did Sonny invite Natalia to the wedding? She should shut up too.
    I really hoped that all the character changes would end with the new writers. At least Anna is back, so far.
    Never heard of "giovanniviolin". I am old.

  5. okay help me out here - wasn't the MOB guy that was after Brook Lynn's grandmother ----didn't he make a deal with Brook Lynn about his grandson that played the violin?
    there was something there - IS THIS the guy? and why?

  6. Chloe Lanier was on Law and Order tonight.

  7. did Cyrus or Selina give the video of Carly to the FBI?

    1. Inquiring minds, and I agree. HOW did the FBI get Carly on tape??

  8. Wow, Sam is just running all over the place acting like an idiot. I did enjoy the fight with Jason, but they're making her look nuts and totally different with these Danny/Dante situations. Whatever happened to ride or die, lol! The entire tattoo conversation had me laughing and rolling my eyes.
    Yup, to those who said Natalia needs to shut up...I'm with you.
    The writers need to stop right now, with what they're doing to Ava. I'm not having it. But she has no business being at the wedding.
    Same with Laura. Stop it writers, because I do not need another Portia tirade.

    1. "Julie H says, I do not need another Portia tirade."

      Yeah I don't either!!! Please writers don't do it!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...