Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I don't know where I am


Anna asks Jason about the Sonny/Dex fight. She tells him he's not pressing charges. Jason is glad Anna wants to hear the whole story from Jason. He tells her that Sonny said he'd empty guns into his and Dex's head. Anna can't figure out why he'd do that in public. They talk more and more about that night and Kristina and Jason says he called Carly. "Carly to the rescue again" says Anna. He's like what? 

Sam visits Spinelli and wonders if he's going to help her with the FBI situation. I don't get this. Even if they find out WHY--what is she going to DO ABOUT IT? Go to the CIA? What???? It makes ZERO sense. She says she's doing it for Danny because he might lose Jason again. I ask; HOW CAN YOU HELP THAT SITUATION by finding anything out???? OH! When Spinelli brings up the danger, Sam says 'it's worth it"  Maxie barges in and Sam leaves. Maxie wants to know what they are talking about. Spin tells her everything. She says it's insane to hack into the server and it's a FEDERAL CRIME. Spin basically wants her to tell him not to. Oh, Maxie says OK!! Go ahead!! 

Carly is visiting Brennan and says "I see you stabbed yourself for me". More flirty banter.  Then he basically says he's a spy and lies and gives her what spies do in their "code". Smoke and Mirrors and he's not been on trial because they are afraid of the truth. Then he talks about Anna and his spy days. This is STUPID. 

Chase and Brook Lyn are at their apartment and a knock comes at the door. Tracey brings them some nice Italian wine. She's sad they didn't get to their honeymoon. Tracey and Chase talk about Greg's death and how much he meant to her. Chase says it's his fault he died because he pushed him too hard to do the wedding. She leaves. Brook and Chase drink the wine. Chase says he feels badly he got on Finn's case for drinking and here he is, drinking. Brook says it's not the same. 

Alexis is at a cafe and Fergus sits down. Yada yada. I guess I so don't care. He talks about Ava signing the affidavit and then about his brothers dying. They argue, then he leaves. He didn't even have a coffee or soda or ANYTHING! 


Alexis calls Greg's phone to talk to him and Chase tells her he's dead. She handles the medal he gave hr. 


  1. So we saw Alexis find out about Gregory but not Tracy???

    1. We did see Cody tell Tracy about Gregory.

    2. Sorry u r right just remember thinking Ned or Brook should have told her

    3. kd said: " I don't get this. Even if they find out WHY--what is she going to DO ABOUT IT? "

      The info that he has on Jason is digital. Recordings from the past. If Spinelli can locate those recordings He's skilled enough to permanently destroy them.

      And you missed the best part of the conversation between Tracy and Chase. After he said Gregory's death was all his fault, she explained how it wasn't, and how happy Gregory had been after the wedding, and how he would have died happy and satisfied that his family was safe and happy.

  2. I'm in a bad mood - and GH put me there today with
    ------Sam wanted Dante to quit being a cop and yet she is risking going to jail for DANNY (does he have his phone back?) and when she finds out that it's CARLY/not Jason -
    -------I liked Spinelli telling Maxie but she WILL blab it.....probably to Dante.
    ------I didn't like Anna crying all the time BUT NOW she is all over the place! IS Sonny's one time shipment from Pikeman the end goal OR finding and shutting down Pikeman? And she continually forgets Sonny protected her............Just tell me what the end goal is and I will accept it.....But jeez.......
    ------and the stupidest statement today from Jason: "There was a time that Sonny was smart - he knew not to hurt a cop or come after me - I just hope he is still smart."
    here's a thought ---SAY THE WORDS - SOMETHING IS OFf with Sonny.....sigh.....
    ------Love Tracy - will she stay on GH or go to Europe for a time?
    ------I think Brennan likes Carly - and of course Anna didn't tell the guard NOT to let Carly in to see Brennan------I thought he was trying to get Carly not to trust Brennan.
    ----at LEAST Carly stated why she was there: "don't hurt my friend Jason".
    ------SO Alexis says 'You tracked down Ava and forced her to sign the papers?' WHEN was that mentioned? and then Fergie answered, "Ava didn't have a problem signing those papers'.......so did HE track down Ava????? (I think there will be more than just the brothers disagreed over their father's estate." Maybe a woman?)
    ------it's all over the place and Nurses Ball ----- it was June last year and it wasn't good/not many musical acts-------I don't even want it this year if I gotta see Lucy daily.

    1. The fact that Jane Elliott was included in the recent photo shoot has me hopeful she will be hanging around for a while.

  3. Sam hasn't had a job in a long time so she wants to take down the FBI to protect Danny?
    Judging by what Anna said again about waiting to take Sonny down, I guess they are waiting until he kills someone.
    Tracy, as always, perfect. How come they write everything she says and does so well when so much other content is so blah.
    Chase and BLQ talked about Finn's troubles with alcohol. Really? Rewrite the whole darn show why don't you.

  4. Jason's home:

    Jason and Anna:

    Mr. Tattoo: It's late.

    Oh? So it's the middle of the night? You couldn't talk to him tomorrow morning Anna? This scene could have waited Anna!

    The hospital/Brennan hospital room:

    Carly and Brennan: I'm sure the visiting hours are over, but of course Carly doesn't care. ROFL! I love their flirtation and banter. :) I need to see some kissing and some shirtless scenes from Brennan!!!! :) Carly wins the lines of the day.

    Carly: I understand that I am good company. Maybe if you talk real slow I can try to sound out the big words, I might be able to keep up.


    Brennan: You shouldn't. You should stay far away from me.

    Oh don't say that to her. Then she is going to want to see you again! :)

    Brase home:

    Brase and Tracy: Awww great scene!!! Tracy wine? No Tribbles? :)

    Chase and Tracy: Awww Chase no!!!!! It's not your fault your dad died!!!! :( I want to hug him!!!

    Spinelli's home:

    Sam and Spinny: I still want to know what this room is. Sam! Don't drag Spinny into your stupid plan!!! Just let it go!!!!!

    Spixie: Maxie looks great!!! No Maxie don't encourage him!!! Don't get caught you say, that means he will be! UGH!

    Albany NY cafe:

    Alexis and Fergy: Dammit Fergy! How many times do I have to tell you! You are Cameron Lewis! You have amnesia!!! Fergy hates Alexis, that means he will fall for her eventually. :)

    1. Oops forgot one thing.

      Alexis on the phone with Chase: Great scene!! Made me cry! :( I want to give Alexis a hug!! :(

  5. Johnny Wactor keeps making the ABC news. Hope they catch the men who shot him.

    1. "lindie says, Johnny Wactor keeps making the ABC news."

      Yup and ET too. :(

      "Hope they catch the men who shot him."

      Yeah I hope so too!!!!

  6. Why are we hearing so much about Dex... I don't think the majority of fans even care about that story due to the way it has been handled. Let's see he should be running in the park again soon while Joss is swooning in her running outfit.

    Carly= fast forward button.

    Tracey= pure gold as always. No matter what scene she is in and no matter who she shares it with. Kind of like Maura but now that they are trying to ruin Ava its hard to remember that Ava does have a soul. Please revive her and fast.

  7. Meant to also say I was so sad to hear about Johnny Wactor. Just senseless.

  8. Got rid of the Herpes,.

    Opportunity of a lifetime,

    You can win back Ex with his help..

    Thanks (( robinsonbuckler11@)) gmail. com


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...