Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday: Turning In Day


So first we got the princess Catherine update with the stomach cancer diagnosis. Now I guess we give privacy. 


I GOT THIS FROM THE CANADIANS who POST! Donna's touring the PCPD. 

Olivia brought Cody some food at his Horse House because she needed to do something. He invites her to dinner. They talk a lot about Dante. 

Sasha quits Deception. Lucy tries to talk her back into it but she doesn't want to be a model anymore. Lucy says if she quits, she'll lose her shares and her position on the board too.  Maxie is so mad at Lucy and tells her she's a terrible partner and to LEAVE HER OFFICE. 

Brook talks to Chase and says she is about done at Deception too because she hates Lucy. 

Diane and Robert are talking about Alexis and getting her law license back. 

Jason won't let Michael get him a jet to get out of the country. Jason says it's too risky. He calls Diane.  Well, hell, he turns himself in . Chase, Brook Lyn and the cops in the station are all open-mouthed LOL. Chase arrests him. He's very angry. 


  1. ----I have to say right off that I don't like David Muir so I may be biased.....but interrupting about Kate - I don't get it - BUT what irritated me was the 7 times he said "As we told you in January---------right David EVERYONE told us - ABC did NOT have breaking info back then. UGH
    -------okay - Lucy is another character destroyed - I don't even want her doing the Nurses Ball..........I DO NOT understand that she and Maxie are partners and yet Maxie didn't speak up with 'I don't agree' or whatever words - FINALLY at the end Maxie at least kicked her out but WHY do people let Lucy be in charge?
    -------Sasha will probably work for Nina at Crimson-----I really hoped she and Cody would move....LOL
    ------REALLY like Cody and Olivia
    -----LOVE Diane ------
    -----Chase was mad-------------
    -----today I COMPLETELY changed my mind - John Jag (STILL calling him that sorrynotsorry) must be a good guy and Jason IS working for him undercover cause Jason said, "I won't be here long" knowing John Jag will get him out.....and previews he is mad Jason is there _ SOOOOOOO If he is a good guy I don't mind him with Anna LOL
    ------the leverage has to be about Carly or Michael - WHEN will Jason find out Britt died?

    1. "mufasa says, I have to say right off that I don't like David Muir"

      Awww why don't you like my David? :)

      "BUT what irritated me was the 7 times he said "As we told you in January"

      I'm sure he is reading from the teleprompter! ROFL!

      "okay - Lucy is another character destroyed"

      UGH UGH! Why are the writers doing this?!

      "WHEN will Jason find out Britt died?"

      Great question!! I didn't think about that.. Yes when?!

    2. Didn't John Jag let Jason have access to the internet? Wouldn't Jason have kept tabs on what was going on in Port Charles?

    3. I woulda thought so but remember he didn't know about Bobbie.

  2. Maybe Sonny will wind up with another kid that's a cop; Donna. lol

    1. It is funny because the little actress does look like Sonny; good casting there

  3. completely forgot something that I think is BIG - Diane is trying to find out WHO was on the board that didn't give her a chance to defend herself - I first thought it was Robert - but it's gotta mean something that she said 'I'm going to find out WHO is responsible.'

  4. Cafe Cherie:

    Rian: I think waiting for 2 years is so dumb.. Who was sitting at the committee? Was it Mr. Hat man's bad doctor? Or was this person related to the bad doctor? Hmmmm. :)

    Maxie's office:

    Maxie, Brooky, Lucy, and Sasha: Sasha has that beauty mark behind her ear or whatever it's called. :) I noticed that yesterday. I think I noticed that before. Anyway, why is Lucy acting like Alexis Carrington? Writers stop it! Lucy does not act this way! UGH!

    Maxie and Lucy: Lucy just stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maxie looks fantastic! :)

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and horsy: Awwww. :) Bonding.. Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: Because I kinda tune her out.


    Mama Q and Cowboy Cody: Oh there she is!!! Mmmm manicotti!!!! I want! Gimmie!!! :D When Cowboy Cody grabbed her hand, I thought he was going to kiss her.. I like their scene today. It was nice and wholesome awwwwww! :)

    Q boathouse:

    Jason and Michael: Dammit with Steve Burton and his blue eyes!! They are killing me!

    Police station:

    Chase and the little kids: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Great scene!!!! Awww Chase getting a little emotional talking about Dante! Donna hug him!!! Probably in a year they will all be teenagers! ROFL!

    Brase: Great scene!!! When are they getting married?!

    Brase, Diane, and Jason: Brooky's shocked face and Chase's angry face! ROFL! Chase needs a hug! Dammit I will do it!!! *BEARHUGS* Chase!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Kelly's* Jake comes to Kelly's and Bobbie isn't happy.

    1. Dante is Donna's half brother

    2. "lindie says, Dante is Donna's half brother"

      Yeah I know. :)

  5. I like David Muir. He doesn't run the show. What I don't like is that some things can't remain private. All of the speculation and attacks were horrid. Whether in the public eye or not, everyone deserves to have privacy if they want it.
    IMO the GH has shown improvement this week. There is some craziness but it is better. Scenes are longer for one thing.
    Chase is too angry. Innocent until not.
    Donna is a beautiful young girl.

  6. Enough already. Cody and Sasha need to go.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...