Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree


OUR WRITERS ARE BACK! I'm so happy!! I think Chris and or Dan wrote the Aidan and Vanna scenes themselves. Truly. Just magical and hit all the right notes. 
So happy the Brennan thing was 'wrapped' in such a startling and fast way! Lordy! I barely had time to catch my breath. 
Lois, Olivia...Tracey AND MONICA were such bright lights. Spinelli moving into Maxie's!! (That was a Christmas wish of mine!!)
All in all I so enjoyed this week. Just a few photos to share as we go into Christmas Eve Tonight. Have a Holly Jolly. 
Peace and Joy from The Wubs Net. 



@NivFansgh on Threads

Aidan and Liz' scene was written perfectly....

A Cassadine Christmas Gift-- from Victor and Helena! 

Besties Conspire...

Warm... by the Fire..

A Beautiful Goodbye 

Our Story is read by Finn and The Mayor this year....


All heck broke loose and Brennan was captured and arrested and BOOM! 

Michael gave Ned 1/2 of his voting proxy to keep his mouth shut

Vanna said a heartfelt goodbye

Esme started to remember and broke into Wyndemere 

Alexis agreed to sky dive with Gregory

Krissy offered her eggs---Tolly accepted

Marshall and Stella had a 'moment'

Adam freaked out about going home---he WON'T DO IT! 

Ava told Sonny about the notes and gun

Monica came into the dining room and into our hearts! 

Charlotte isn't done being a True Cassadine just yet! 

Felicia and Spinelli work to get him paying rent at Maxie's...he's moving in! 

Finn and Laura read "A Night Before Christmas" 

Temp Joss because Eden needed some time off. 

if I'm
back home yet! 


  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE! That picture of Mr. Ed! He looks tired. Or he is angry at Spinny! ROFL!

  2. Merry Christmas! Thank you Karen and all the bloggers here for another year of GH fun!

  3. PLEASE writers you are doing so well - don't disppoint us and next December we still talkin 'bout Nina's reveal and 12 people blackmailing her.....cause I think Cyrus is gonna blackmail her - now IF he does, and she tells him things about Sonny, it WILL be over.....I just want all those secrets out and let's move on!
    ----for me, the person who is targeting Ava is intriguing - don't think Nik - and I feel that Curtis is gonna walk soon (course we haven't seen Selina in weeks NOR has Curtis mentioned the Savoy...)
    -------hope hope hope things continue fast....really gonna be confused if Anna doesn't go see HER DAUGHTER at Christmas since the immedidate danger is over......SURELY we aren't gonna have her constantly in danger........the writers may be trying to keep it alive but originally Forsythe obviously burned her house....
    THANKS KAREN for all you do!

  4. I can't remember -- did we see Julian's body when he was shot and killed on that bridge? If we didn't, I wonder if Julian may be blackmailing/"helping" Ava?

  5. On a sad note...Kamar de los Reyes (OLTL Antonio) has passed away at age 56. Too young.

    1. Oh my gosh. I liked him. What happened.

    2. The article posted by Michael Fairman on FB said cancer.


Sunday Surgery: Valentine Vivisection

                                             I'm really hoping my weekly broken-record blog musings isn't wearing on you. Maybe it...