Friday, October 27, 2023



TJ goes in to see Mason. Mason wants "MORE DAMN DRUGS". TJ figures out that Mason is one of the guys that held him hostage for days. Mason's like SO WHAT. Then Austin comes in. They jabber. Mason is a pain in the ass. Tells Austin that he's taking him down with him.

TJ goes to tell Jordan Mason is the one that kidnapped him. I don't even remember why he did that. LOL Need a flashback. Jordan says they can't prosecute Mason. He gets mad and leaves. 

Oh it's going to be a MASON MURDER MYSTERY. 

Cyrus visits Trina at the Art Gallery. He apologizes. She yells at him. Spencer comes in and Cyrus says "Hey, there's my boy--call me Uncle". Then he tries to apologize to Trina again and wants Spencer to tell her what a changed man he is. Oh! He sees the turtle dove that he gave to Spencer to give to Trina LOL. Whoops. She tells him to stay away from her forever. 

Joss is studying with Adam for organic chem in her dorm room. They blab on about taking hand written notes to 'retain the information". Looks like Adam's parents are controlling. Then they study more and Joss wants to break to get something to eat. Then Dex knocks on the door and Adam is sad. SO SAD. Joss says she's done studying. They leave to take Sonny's boat to put in dry dock. 

Laura goes to see Alexis at her office. They talk about Esme and Ace and yada yada. Laura tells her that Nikolas is alive but doesn't want to be found. They drink tea. Alexis says that Esme doesn't remember Nikolas kidnapping her and the DA would have to decide to do something about it so Nikolas probably wouldn't face charges. Then they talk about Cyrus. 

Liz and Finn are in the Vermont cabin. Finn grabs a hammer and stake. She wonders if they'll be hunting "vampires" HAHAHA. They are maple syrup hunting? Tapping WHAT? Um.. that's in Feb. Yep, they are trying. :eyeroll: He shows Liz how to hammer it in the trunk. He licks HER FINGER OFF and then they kiss. 
I'm dying here. THEN THEY GO IN and SOAP UP at the sink and make out. I am OUT with this. So bad. ugh. 


Esme tells Alexis she's starting to have feelings for Spencer and wants to move into her own place. 

Austin smothers Mason with a pillow and TJ is looking through the window (blinds are shut) will he tell? 


  1. Thank you, Karen. I was wondering what kind of tree they were tapping because maple syrup is collected between Feb. and April...and April is the very latest. How ignorant are these writers.

    I was hoping that Austin would be sensible enought to use air in a syringe or an overdose of insulin which would be untraceable in his system. And now they had TJ see Austin do the deed. I also think having him be found dead and us trying to guess who killed him would make for a much better story. Now we have TJ, a great character, ruined if he doesn't trn Austin in. Not good. Not good at all.

    And once again...why haven't Cyrus's victims been notified that he's out on parole?

    I'm also one who thinks Liz deserves much better. No chemistry there at all.

    1. Am I the only one that hates the wimpy sounding lonely Cyrus? I like his to be mean and angry yet soft with Laura.

  2. okay I was mad that Mason is still alive BUT if there is a murder whodunit I am all in!
    Austin, TJ, Ava, Sonny, Cyrus and Selina could be suspects but the end was weird - so TJ must stop it????? I still think Mason is gonna get killed.
    -----Painful watching Finn and Liz.....
    ------I am screaming at Laura - give it up - your son is NOT a saint and you can't save him!
    ------Esme looked so cute today and I want Trina's blouse!
    ------calling it today - Adam is gonna end up being a stalker/Dex saves Joss.....he's not gonna be a nice person.....
    -----Jordan is lying, right? It's about her being blackmailed that she doesn't want TJ to open the case again?

    1. I also thought the cerub face had a stalker look when they left. Don't like the character. He gives me that uneasy feeling.

    2. Mufasa says, Jordan is lying, right? It's about her being blackmailed that she doesn't want TJ to open the case again?

      Ooooooo! Would like that! :)

    3. Esme and Trina both looked great Friday. Why can't they dress Maxie better? She works at a fashion magazine, for @?!# sake.

    4. Kevin, I totally agree. I'm a plus sized girl who had to wear business wear in my last job before retirement. There are stores that have clothes that are both perfect for an office setting and for a night on the town. There is no reason for Maxie not to dress as the fashionata she is.

  3. Ava's gallery:

    Trina and Cyrus: Yeah Trina knows how to take care of herself!!!! :D Portia you have nothing to worry about.

    Sprina and Cyrus: Great scene!!!!

    Sprina: Oh yes more secrets.. You know Portia and Curtis will find out eventually! Cyrus might spill the beans! :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Laura: What would have been great in this scene, is that Nik just walks right in the office! :)

    Alexis and Vampira: Vampira has feelings for Spencer! BOOM! :D

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Joss and Adam: Controlling parents = Adam stalking Joss. :) I mean otherwise why have Adam bring it all up? Josh sounds like he has a cold. Also he sounds like Michael with the dialog and his voice. Weird.

    Jex and Adam: Ooooo Adam is jelly!!!!

    The hospital:

    TJ and Mason Jar: Damn! Mason Jar is in desperate pain. Have some patience man! The drugs will work soon!

    Mason Jar: I can't listen to your whining anymore!

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Oooo I am so glad TJ remembers.. Now help ME remember!!! I want a flashback! They gave us one with long haired Cyrus breaking in Portia's home!!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: I think Mason Jar is just playing head games with his cousin. I don't think this is going to be a murder mystery!!! Pawtucket Holtster has a pillow! Time for pillow talk! Ooooo hi TJ! Will TJ stop it?! Hmmmm.

    Jordan's office:

    TJ and Jordan: Jordan has got a good point there.. Although he does remember the voice. I want a damn flashback!


    Fiz: So stabbing the tree to make it bleed!!! Poor Tree! :( Reminds me of when Michael and was it Willow? Stabbing a tree! Ewwwww licking fingers!!! Gross! Covid is still around people!!!! Finchy treating Liz like a child. Geez Finchy she knows how to use a hammer. All isn't lost though. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: Maybe hunting vampires would be easier.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Admit you are Caleb!!! Show your fangs Caleb! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine again to go to 2001* Alan, Monica, and AJ! Alan is reading a letter from Skye!

  4. Are these writers 5 years old? Maple Syrup in October.??? Sorry, any idiot knows that this is the wrong season.

  5. To be fair to the writers, I can't believe I just typed that, I didn't remember that you didn't tap the trees for the sap to make maple syrup in October until you guys reminded me. Hey, I'm a Southern girl. We don't get to get our maple syrup from trees. We have to go to the store and get it. 😊

    1. But you weren't writing a show that millions are watching. If someone asked you to write about it I'm sure you'd check.

    2. Yes, I would. I'm the person who looks up info I know is right just to double check before I hit the post button. Also heavily rely on spell check because I can't spell worth beans.

    3. "Gary says, Yes, I would. I'm the person who looks up info I know is right just to double check before I hit the post button."

      "I would too!!!! I like doing research! The writers should have done their research!"

      "Also heavily rely on spell check because I can't spell worth beans."

      ROFL! I am not the best speller either and look up how to spell things.

    4. Sonya, back in my senior year of high school our English teacher required us to write an essay every Monday in class. First thing I did at the beginning of class was to get the dictionary and put in on my desk because I knew I was going to need it.

  6. Good riddance to Mason but now Austin is a murderer and how does he get back from that? Liz is adorable, but not with Finn.

    1. I love liz. I want sooo much for her to be more involved in stories but I am now FFing through most of her scenes. 😐

    2. Di, I feel exactly the same way.

    3. I think the only things I am on board with is 1. Those 2 being the face of GH. And 2. As soon as they are about to get married Hayden comes back

  7. It would be interesting to know WHY the writers are so dead set on Liz and Finn being a couple. Now it's like two kids on a getaway together. Will we be subjected to them having zex? Oy. Plus the maple tapping ridiculousness. Maybe like in Nixon Falls they have no internet in the GH studio.
    At last a Friday show. Probably not the end of MasonJar yet. It would be way too easy.

    1. I absolutely think they are finally going to have zex. And it isn't going to be pretty.

    2. No it won't. But I'm sure he'll be checking the camera to see if he still looks pretty.

    3. Di, you win the internet today.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...