Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Looking Up to 2024


Ok, I admit it, I have no idea what DAY it was most of the week!! Coming/going... visits and yada yada. I DO know GH was really good and a lot happened. Here's hoping I can recap in an orderly manner for you all!! It was our last show of 2023 on Friday!!

Let's give it a go!! 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Last GH of 2023!!!!!!!


Trina and Spencer get ready to go to the Savoy's party. She's wearing a ZOOMIE dress. Holy hello. He finds a letter. It's from the Sabonne in Paris, she got accepted. BUT isn't going to go because Curtis is starting treatment and classes and of course, Spencer. He says that's stupid. She says Come with ME. I bet he says NO because of ACE. OMG he says YES!! He's going to go and visit Ace now and again! They make love and she thinks it's a daydream to actually go to Paris. He says they are going and that's IT. 

At Crimson, Nina is finishing up stuff and Sonny's waiting to go. Sonny leaves. Then Cyrus creeps in. Nina realizes she confessed to HIM at the church. He says that he got to know Drew in prison and feels badly for him but he wants to HELP Nina. Oh, slimy. He tells her she HAS to confess because she did what she did out of spite. Nina's like: NO WAY. 

Party at the SAVOY! 

Ned runs into Carly..Carly goads him about turning them in and Drew almost getting killed. Ned says he hasn't committed a crime unlike SHE DID. Then she says she's calling the SEC on ELQ just to "investigate". He says HE didn't turn them in and I know who did..but MICHAEL WALKS UP . He tries to diffuse the situation. Ned remembers he can't say anything because of the deal he made with Michael. Then Sonny walks in and pokes the bear. FINALLY Michael takes Ned to the bar. They talk in the corner. 
Carly leaves. 

Olivia and Lois watch all of this and Lois is like TELL THE SECRET. Olivia says NOPE. They are like the old muppet guys! Olivia tells Lois Michael gave Ned the ELQ proxy. She can't figure out why he'd do that. Then she thinks it's because MICHAEL tuned them into the SEC. LOL . They go to the bar and after talking briefly to Sonny she figures out it was NINA that turned them in!!! OOOOO!! 

Olivia and Lois go back and forth about telling Sonny. Then Ned takes Olivia out to see the fireworks. Lois gets Sonny alone at the bar! She says he will miss the fireworks this year!! 

Esme is visiting Heather at the prison. Heather asks if Ace got a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament LOL. She realizes Ez got her memory back--Heather is so giddy. Esme doesn't know how she can be both good and bad. Heather says it's going to be ok because she's come to her mother. Then Heather tells her to tell NO ONE--like NO ONE she has her memory back. Esme is NOT sorry for what she did to them and feels she's going to be so bad and pretend to be good. Hee hee hee. Heather tells her she's a good mother to Ace and that she should live her life. BUT Don't tell about the memory. GREAT SCENES. 

Alexis is at the airport, ready to go with Greg on the jump =it's STILL LIGHT OUT????? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG. COME ON. People are drinking at the Savoy like it's 9pm ahahhaha. Ok, ok. Alexis backs out. Then she BACKS BACK IN! It was cute how they went back and forth about it! She jumps, loved it and gushes about the experience. Then Greg and she kiss. A LOT. 

Drew comes home to surprise Carly (at her house). They make love


Lois tells Sonny everyone is lying to him, his whole family. 

Esme sees Spencer and Trina at the docks and is angry 



Best Actress: Finola Hughes
Best Actor: Nicholas Chavez 

Best Supporting Actress:  Kathleen Gati and Kelly Thiebaud 
Supporting Actor: Josh Swickard

Best Younger Actor:  Tabyana Ali  

Best Day player Actor:   Lydia Look as Selina WU

Best Scene: Britt's death 

Most Surprising Scene: Aidan and Liz :BRAVO: 

Best Villain:  Heather Webber  

Best Story:  Greenland 

Worst Story: ANYTHING Austin Gatlin-Holt. 

Best Couple: Olivia and Ned  
Most Underused Couple: Lucy and Martin 
Worst Couple: Michael and Willow 

Best Addition: Lois 
Best Cameo: Ellen Travolta 

Runner Up: Cassie DePavia 

Best Longer Term Visit: Tracey 
Runner Up Visit: Emma 

Mulitple ReCastCastCast:  Molly, Molly, Molly. (Newest one is doing great, imo)

Best Guest Regular:  Stella 

Most Missed Character: Monica --YEAH SHE CAME BACK for a bit!! 
Most Needed Character that was absent: Monica
THANK YOU for coming if even for a day or two. 

Runner up: Brad 

Best "Day Player" Character:   Kin Shriner/Scotty

Best Dressed Character:    Ava 
Worst Dressed Character:   Maxie-Laura Tie

Most Overused word:  SEC 

Fave Family Team:    Quartermaines



Another note of thanks to all of you subscribers, readers and lurkers. 
Find Wubs on Threads @Wubsnet and on FB 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Selling Beauty Again

 I don't even know what day it is! OH! Thursday! LOL... you know when you've been sick you're all mixed up? Combine that with Christmas break!! GEESH! Plus, it's foggy AF here and so weird outside. NOT like December at all. 


Set of Heart and Home. Tracey, Brook, Maxie (real Maxie) and Cody are there. Lucy and Scotty plot to fight so Tracey will think she can use Scott as leverage and then he can charm her. They pretend to get into a heated argument. Tracey comes over and tells them to act professional. Felicia comes on set, makes a face at Cody. Brook tells Tracey that Greg is in the hospital. Cody is afraid that Felicia is going to tell about Mac. 

Cody gets his hair done and FELICIA STEALS SOME OF IT OFF THE BRUSH! There are TWO BRUSHES THO!! Sasha comes over and is suspicious. 

Then Scott agrees with Tracey about Cody not wearing a cowboy hat in the shoot. Then Lucy calls him an idiot and says 'no wonder why Liesl dumped you". Tracey watches them like a hawk.  Then Scott fake quits being Lucy's lawyer. 

Alexis and Sonny. She needs him to tell her she's right. They talk about the egg...and Kristina. Alexis says that Krissy can change her mind at any time and keep the baby as hers. He says Kristina has a purpose now and he's proud of her. Alexis says that's not the point, the baby will be biologically hers! She makes great points about parenting and such. Like Krissy isn't a vegan. He says so what???!! Then he says maybe their grandpa will buy them a burger. Alexis says: BUT you're NOT THE GRANDFATHER YOU'D BE THE UNCLE! Sonny finally says he's worried too. 

TJ goes to talk to Krissy alone because Molly told him to. He needs to get some things straight. He wants her to say she'll ONLY be the AUNT and let them be parents. Period. She says of COURSE...she's PRETTY SURE she doesn't want least right now. TJ is so relieved. Cripes. This is going to get BAD. 

Lois and Olivia talk about Olivia marrying Ned. Olivia asks if Lois has thoughts about it. Lois is like NOPE! I would have said something. Then Olivia tells her that it was Tracey that said something. They are drinking wine and laughing. They talk about the Qs and Lois says something like well, Look at Ned, he ratted out his family to the SEC. Then Olivia is like WHAT! NO! Ned is protecting the family!! ONE glass of wine and she falls! LOL Lois badgers her to get the name out of her. 

Finn pouts about his malpractice suit and Liz consoles him. Nothing new there. He thinks that Muldoon maybe saw another doctor when he was in his summer home and if THAT doctor didn't find cancer then it would bolster the fact Finn didn't find it. It might let him off the hook. LET US PRAY THIS ENDS SOON. 


Sasha sees Felicia give a courier the sample to take to the lab

Lois agrees to quit asking about who the blabber mouth to the SEC is

Liz already called Beecher's Corners and YEP, Muldoon did go there about a month before he saw Finn so that's great news. 

Tomorrow looks like the start of NYE and HEATHER IS ON! 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023



I saw yesterday's show. Esme not telling anyone she remembers is SOAPY 101. And THANK YOU for having Laura check Dante about HER going around Wyndemere with him! He never would have said that to a male mayor!! 

Also.. this Carly Nina thing has to end. SOON...and Carly stopped Nina RIGHT at the point of her telling AGAIN--just like she did with Nixon Falls!! 

Ava moving into Sonny's? SAVA IS COMING and I hope upon HOPE it happens. Even if it's just a sexual thing. Don't care. 

Hope you read the previous post.. this is our 6,001st post!! Settle in for Today's Show: 

TEMP MAXIE !!!!!!!

Chase and Brook try to find a wedding venue. She brings up that the wedding should happen faster than they expected. Tells him that his dad asked for them to get married earlier. She leaves for the office, Finn calls Chase to tell him Greg is in GH. 

OMG TEMP MAXIE that looks just like FELICIA! wow..!! Anyway, Tracey and Lucy are working together in the office! LOVE IT. They snipe so badly and Maxie says they have to get on track because SOME people have to pay bills! Then they go back and forth until Lucy says Tracey is only there because she has NOTHING IN HER LIFE since LUKE DIED!!!!! YIKES! Lucy says he loved Laura best anyway! Then Tracey mentions Kevin. Lucy cries and wants to know why she took over Deception and says Tracey will die alone, no one loves her. Brook comes in and says not to talk to her grandmother that way! WOWWWWW WATCH THIS! FIND it on YouTube because I can't write it up enough. Amanda delivers such a speech and Jane and Lynn's expressions made me tear right up. 

Gregory is getting fluids in GH. They show a photo of GH with GREEN LUSH TREES ALL AROUND IT AHAHAHHA. The Dr. Examines him and Finn steps out. Greg's yoga instructor comes to check on Greg because he collapsed in class. Finn is concerned. (Finn Face)

Dr tells Gregory he wants to keep in the hospital for observation. He thinks his collapse might be a new symptom. 

Sasha and Cody at the Horse House. She says that basically Felicia and Maxie are on to his lie about not being Mac's son. He's scared and says he'll go to jail if they find out. He signed an affidavit saying he was Leo Taub's son so they can prosecute him. 

Felicia and Robert eat at Kelly's. She wants to talk about Mac. Scotty walks in. Wants to "eat his feelings"! Felicia talks to Robert about Cody probably being Mac's son and he lied about the DNA. Robert is like WHY do that? Then they talk about Leopold Taub and the necklace and Britt and yada yada. They see Scotty eating and want to ask him a legal question. OMG Scott knows about Cody and Mac! 

Felicia sits down and they talk about Liesl telling him she's done. Then he explains about the necklace and such and Felicia figure out that Cody did it to get the money!!!!!!!

Alexis talks to Molly and Krissy about a genetic egg donor not being binding in a contract in NYS. Krissy gets all mad. "You're not a lawyer, Molly is  LAWYER"!!!!!!! LOL WOW BOOM. Alexis finally gives up. Says do what you're going to do. They believe they are sisters and have faith in each other. Oh brother :eyeroll: 


LUCY WANTS Scotty to marry Tracey to try to get everything she wants back LOL!! WHAAAAAT

REAL Maxie is back on tomorrow.. so they either filed out of sequence or it was a one day off. 


To The Ones We Lost 2023

 This is our 6,000th post since starting publication in September 2009 

photo credit: FB We Love General Hospital 

This was a year of loss for GH. In addition to these cast members, they also lost a beloved producer, N'neka Garland. There's a character named for her now (bartender at The Savoy, played by: Arlondriah Lenyea)  

Sonya Eddy joined GH on March 3, 2006 and was also part of the Night Shift and Port Charles cast. She embodied the sassy, much loved Epiphany Jones, nurse at General Hospital. Sonya was also well known for her character parts in other shows such as "The Middle", Those Who Can't and Fresh Off The Boat. 

Billy Miller played Jason Morgan and later Drew Cain after leaving The Young and The Restless after many years. He stepped into the part with enthusiasm and a fresh take on "Stone Cold". Billy also developed a friendship with Kelly Monaco and their onscreen chemistry just shined. Billy was also seen on shows such as Truth Be Told, Ringer and All My Children. 

Tyler Christopher burst on the GH scene in 1996 as Nikolas Cassadine. This was his first acting role. Tyler grew into the role so well that he became a Cassadine through and through. Tyler left the show for a time but reprised the role in March 2003.  Tyler was also seen on Days of Our Lives and The Lying Game. Tyler is remembered as a gentle, loving person who cared deeply about his family. 

Jackie's tributes from castmates show the love everyone had for her. From her time as Lorna on OLTL to her long stint on GH as Barbara Jean Spencer, she ....really wowed audiences watching daytime TV!  As you can hear from her former castmates, Jackie was well loved by all. She also appeared on the streaming series "The Bay". 

NOTE: Jackie Zeman/Bobbie Spencer's GH memorial will be seen January 10/11th during the regular GH hour. 

Thank you to all who have read though the years. 

This a reminder of what a community we truly are.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day!


It's Tillie!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday ! 
I was under the weather... but am getting better. I will be back tomorrow with the blog. 💚💚💚

2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...