Wednesday, December 14, 2022

General Hospital By the Numbers

NOTE: Today my TV is taken up with WORLD CUP SOCCER!! So.. here's a fun post for you to read. I'll watch GH on Hulu tomorrow morning! 

One:   April 1 was the first day of GH broadcast in 1963

Two:  Number of Characters Sarah Joy Brown has played on GH 

Three:  Number of Episodes Elizabeth Taylor appeared on GH as Helena Cassadine

Four: Number of actors that played Caroline Benson (Carly) 

Five: Number of crime families in the area of Port Charles 

Six:  Number of beers in a 6 pack 

Seven:  Number of times Sonny Corinthos has been married (four to Carly) 

Eight:  The number of Nurses Ball acts in 1994

Nine: Number of Great-Grandchildren of Edward Quartermaine as of 2022 

Ten: The age of Lucky Spencer when he first appeared on GH October of 1993

Eleven: Number of opening title sequences that have opened the show 

Twelve: Number of cast members in the first episode

Thirteen: Weeks was the number that Anthony Geary was originally contracted to work on GH 

Fourteen: Number of Days Jack Wagner's "All I Need" hit (sung on GH) was on Billboards top adult contemporary chart 

Fifteen: The number of years Robert Scorpio was forced by the WSB to be incognito to save his family before returning in 2006

Sixteen: Age at which Alexis Davis birthed Sam McCall  

Twenty -Seven: Number of cast members on Night Shift 

Thirty-One:  of October; Maxie's birthdate 

Thirty-Three: The number of actors/vets that appeared in GH's 15,000th episode 

Sixty-Six: Number of the address of The Q Mansion on Harbor View Road 

180:  The Number of pages in Robin's Diary 

1,537:  The number of episodes of Port Charles 

1963: The year it all began 

1975: First Issue of Soap Opera Digest printed 

15,000 Number of Episodes GH hit in June of 2022

30,000,000 Viewers watched Luke and Laura get married in 1981 


  1. I'm gonna start a GOFUNDME page and buy you another huge TV....

    1. LOL! We were talking about this-- I have to put You Tube TV on my iPad--that's all. I have to get the password :) I actually was good with not blogging. Wed/Fridays are hell for me. Next Monday too.

    2. You're appreciated every day!

    3. HAHAHAH! Oh my, count me in! :)
      I was one of those watching Luke and Laura get married. Loved the list, thanks!

  2. It was filler day - EXCEPT FOR RORY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so confused-----anyone????

  3. All I got from those scenes was a "put him on the pedestal before he dies" episode

    1. I first thought HE was the hooker and he owns a snake....and then he took the picture and went to that apartment......and was grabbed.....I sorta think it's someone he knows and we are supposed to think he is in either dying OR his time as the hooker is coming to an end.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Carly's home/kitchen:

    Joss, Trina, and the Tribbles:

    Trina: I'm not in love with Spencer!

    Tribbles: Liar.

    Yes Trina you should break up with Rory now!!! Before Christmas!!! Joss should have said Rory, but she said Cam instead! Uh yeah Joss you are talking about yourself!!! Time to break up with Cam before the holidays! Joss is thinking about that kiss with Dex! :D


    Cam and Spencer: CAM!!!! :) Wow Cam looks so different. He looks older! Is it the hair? Has he worked out? Something is going on with him because he looks really good. :) I love the Cam and Spencer hug!! :D They talking while Dex is waiting to be served!!! They are talking about Dex. How Joss hates him. Uh no Cam, Joss doesn't hate Dex.


    Come on Cam! You have to work. Don't make him wait!! That was really distracting hahaha. Finally Dex asked for service and Cam got Dex's order!

    Cam, Spencer, and Dante: Don't worry Dante. Spencer learned his lesson! :D

    Spencer and Dex:

    Spencer: You work for me.


    Spencer, Dex, and Jam: Joss is there for the toy drive. She got toys!!

    Spencer to Dex: Stay away from Joss!

    Joss: Excuse me?

    ROFL! OH MY! SPENCER HIT DEX!!!! The look on Cam's face hahahaha. I bet Joss is pissed!

    The gym: Dr. O is so upset and pounding on the punching bag! :( Nina talked to Sonny about how Dr. O's knuckles are in pretty rough shape.

    Sonny: Even with the gloves?


    Nison: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You ready to show me your moves?

    Sonny: I did that last night.


    Dr. O and Nina: Scotty is out of town!!! Dr. O finally told Nina about Britch and her Huntington's!! Sonny overheard. Dr. O not happy and took it out on him.

    Dr. O and Sonny: When Sonny was talking about his dad it made me cry! :'( She did thank him!

    Police station:

    Jordan and Rory: Rory sat with an abused woman and that lady realized she deserves better so she is ending her marriage! GOOD FOR YOU LADY! And thank you Rory!!! :)

    Jordan, Rory, and Dante: Talking about the hooker killer.. The look on Rory's face is very suspicious.

    Rory with the file: HE TOOK A PICTURE! HE TOOK A PICTURE! WHY?!!?!?!?! Is he the hook killer?

    Central Perk:

    Maxie and Cowboy Cody: Talking about Pawtucket Holtster. Cowboy Cody needs to get some self asteem!!!!!!!!!!! He is all nobody wants to see the real me! Come on now!

    Cowboy Cody: I like to think we're friends? Friendly?


    The hospital:

    Britch and Brad: Brad is the party planner. Britch can't hold onto her phone very well and drops it! :( Don't lie to him Britch! Tell him the truth! :(

    Private home: Rory went to this home. What is he doing?! THE DOOR SLAMMED ON IT'S OWN WHEN HE WENT IN!!!! Is he the hook killer? Or is the hook killer going to hook him?!!?!! In the previews Dante shows up! Will Dante see that Rory is dead?!?!?! :(

    1. Cam did look good, I miss him when he's not on!
      Like I told DeeDee below, I would toss Spencer back into Pentonville. He's learned nothing! But Cam's face? Perfect! :)
      Dr. O telling Mrs. Kravitz about Britt....good scenes but I wouldn't tell her that the sky was blue. Did you see her eyes light up when she was begging for the secret? She looked nuts! I give her 1/2 of an episode before she "accidently" tells someone. Bah!
      Britt and Brad made me a little teary. (sniff!) I really wish she had told him the truth. He's the one that deserves to know.
      Cody, Shmody. I can't with that guy.
      I've got no clue on what's going on with Rory. Looking forward to today!

    2. Julie that is BRILLIANT----been thinking what Nina reminds me of and it is so true - she has become this busy-body who 'accidentally' lets things slip......yep she will tell Maxie and no telling who else!

    3. "Julie H says, Cam did look good, I miss him when he's not on!"

      Yeah he must have been working out or something. I miss him too!!!

      "Like I told DeeDee below, I would toss Spencer back into Pentonville. He's learned nothing! But Cam's face? Perfect! :)"

      Spencer has Cam's back!!! He was being a good friend/cousin. :) And yes Cam's face was perfect hahaha.

      "Dr. O telling Mrs. Kravitz about Britt....good scenes"

      Mrs. Kravitz!! Hahaha. Still funny! :)

      "Did you see her eyes light up when she was begging for the secret? She looked nuts!"

      Hahahahaha. I didn't see her eyes light up. She was very worried.

      "I give her 1/2 of an episode before she "accidently" tells someone. Bah!"

      Well, she doesn't have to tell Sonny! ROFL!

      "Britt and Brad made me a little teary. (sniff!) I really wish she had told him the truth. He's the one that deserves to know."

      Yes! Brad should know!!! Tell him Britch! He is your best friend! :(

      "I've got no clue on what's going on with Rory. Looking forward to today!"

      I have no clue either! I can't wait for today!

    4. Mufasa good call, for sure old Gladys Kravitz will tell Maxie, and I laughed Sonya when you said she won't have to tell Sonny! HAHAHAHAH!

  5. "Six: Number of beers in a 6 pack"


    "30,000,000 Viewers watched Luke and Laura get married in 1981" 


  6. Spencer sure is following the rules. Guess he forgot already. That was weird.
    The Rory part was confusing.

    1. "zazu says, Spencer sure is following the rules. Guess he forgot already. That was weird."

      Hahaha. He was just defending Cam and Jam. :) He has got Cam's back.

      "The Rory part was confusing."

      YEAH IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00

  7. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree. I'd toss his happy butt right back into Pentonville. Idiot, lol

  8. Replies
    1. DeeDee, I swear a month or so ago someone here said it. Wish I could remember who. I freely admit I stole it and use it all the time! Friend on FB uses it for his nosy neighbor, I howled!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...