Friday, November 5, 2021

The Publishing Question

 whynotNovember 4, 2021 at 5:09 PM

I think they're all idiots too but come on, it's just as irresponsible to name people just based on gossip and then say "I do NOT have confirmation".


I thought I'd address the above comment in a blog because it's been a hot minute since I've even had to describe what my blog is about and what I publish. In the olden days...way way back when we took covered wagons to the internet, I did a lot of Gossip/Scoops posts. I had more insider information from actors themselves because in that Golden Age of blogs, they would spill everything. Now, GH is run pretty tight and believe it or not, I don't seek out spoilers anymore (besides the basics) because I WANT to be surprised. Yes, I do. So, this blog has become about recaps, summaries and news. 

I'm also on Twitter almost daily tweeting the show live. I also read a lot of accounts on twitter and know people who run blog sites and have podcasts. I'm sometimes on a podcast when asked. I DO NOT run with weird gossip that I think isn't true or is personal to actors. This subject however is huge and will have a major impact on the show. It's all over the net that this is happening. Deadline did a story about it. Actors have talked about it openly. Ingo makes SEVERAL controversial posts on IG that I do not comment on here. 

I decided to post about the vaccine mandates and subsequent rumors of actors out because some of my readers do not go on twitter or facebook. I feel like if it's this big, I should let you all know. Since it hasn't been confirmed by ABC/Disney or the actors themselves I did put in a disclaimer because I do not want to appear that I have insider info that no one else is privy. This is A BIG DEAL. It will continue to be a big deal if and until the mandate is lifted. 

Whether or not you agree with the policy is moot to me. I simply stated what is being shared on soap boards. I DO know there will be people leaving the show because of it and they've made that choice. As soon as it's confirmed anywhere, I will put it in the blog. 

PS. I chose to respond to this comment because the word "irresponsible" really pisses me off. I don't owe anyone anything. I feel I run a pretty good ship here and have done for almost 25 years. 


  1. No defense necessary for your friends here and don’t be intimidated because you have tact. The news will come at the right time.

  2. Don't be intimidated by people. This could easily be one of the biggest soap stories in years because it is about not only an individual but how it affects the writing, casting and environment of the entire show. The fact is, if this were all not true, it would be so easy for ABC and the individual(s) to have a brief press release saying all is ok, this is a misunderstanding, even without referencing Covid or the mandate. That has not occurred. And before someone says, "They don't comment on gossip" - This whole thing, if true, is very damaging to the show and the reputation(s) of the actor(s) in question - No one wins if this is true and it would be in everybody's interest to say this were false, however briefly, but this has not happened. And FWIIW, one of the individual's in question has gotten a reputation of sorts over the years of being a bully, not nice to co-stars etc. This would show him/her to be that kind of person. And let us realize: If this "misunderstanding" about vaccine status involves the falsification of documents, this can also be a criminal matter. So no, this is not someone posting gossip about Brenda's possible return, this story is about the show, it's viability, workplace safety, the soap industry, professional integrity and much, much more. One would be remiss to not at least alude to it.

    1. Yes biggest story in years. I wish there was a thumbs up button.. *Gives you a thumbs up*

    2. I just want to say I'm not intimidated. I have VERY thick skin after all these years!! I felt the need to say something because I was feeling extra sassy this morning!!

  3. Yay Karen!! In my opinion you have been exemplory in your posts in this blog. Shame on that person for even thinking what they thought. And... as you say... this WAS news....

  4. Yes Karen. We're all behind you. Maybe facebook should stop putting gossip sites under news since some people can't tell the difference.

  5. I love your ship Karen!!! You are not irresponsible!

    1. Yep, proud to swab the decks on the SS WubTub!

    2. "Judith says, Yep, proud to swab the decks on the SS WubTub!"

      YEAH! Me too! :)

    3. Karen...what Sonya said! I'll be the 3rd swabbie. :)

    4. Yes, you’re right to the point Sonya! I totally agree with you!

  6. Having been here for several years I feel certain in saying that you are NOT irresponsible. What's great about this blog is that you give your take on what each day brings and the commenters do the same. It's a place to let our opinions about GH out. Good and/or bad. We love it this way. So I say "whynot" ignore the naysayers. Thank you Wubsnet!

  7. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. Spreading gossip like a 12 year old, with no proof, and they saying "I do NOT have confirmation" is irresponsible. If you say it, at least put your big girl panties on and own it.

    1. I sure as FK own this. And feel free to scroll by...

    2. You know, if you are unhappy about how things are run, nobody forces you to come by. This story is more than gossip now - everyone in the soap world with insider info is saying it's a done deal. But we won't get confirmation from the show at the latest until the actor(s) last air on screen. So that could even be mid or late December. In this case in particular, Legal is said to be involved, so we may not get clear answers in a while but yet the whole landscape of the show can be changing before our eyes. That is newsworthy.

    3. To kd: and we are FKing glad that you do!

    4. Wow!
      KD, how could you own it any more? Thanks for all you do. I've followed this blog for years, and have commented for a couple. You are a breath of fresh air, as are MOST of the commenters here! ❤👍

    5. Says "me" that hides behind themselves. Go away!

    6. If you don't like what Karen likes you are free not to read it. However, most of us love her blog and stand with her. And hiding behind the name of "me" is very childish.

    7. You can just move on Me. Karen is the most responsible and honest blogger out here.I trust her way more then the crap on FB.

    8. I stand by you too Karen. There are many days when I don't watch GH, but I do come on here almost every day. It is KAREN's blog. I feel that Karen can say whatever she wants on this blog as she is the one that puts in all the hard work. If you don't like what the blog says, please don't bother coming on here, and be respectful. I try hard not to say much on here but things about GH. I am a nurse and a healer so you probably know where I stand. But, anyway..... I have watched GH on and off (mostly on) for about 44 years now and I am not on social media. I truly appreciate Karen's blog and all the hard work she puts in. PLEASE do not criticize anything on here. I like coming on here after a hard day at work and enjoy the friendship here. I want to continue this. Thank you Karen and others who contribute to the blog about the show we all love (and sometimes hate lol).

  8. Like many others have said I, too, enjoy going to this blog as much (and sometimes more) than I enjoy watching the show. My simple thank you a few hours ago was due to the fact I was clicking off your screen to get to a work zoom. SO kd please take this a BIG BIG thank you for the effort and energy you give to this fan community. On Tuesday I was a poll worker and I asked for my lunch break at 2:30pm so I could catch your live tweets. Alas, I wasn't given a break until 3:00 pm!
    I live in the metro ATL area and I think GH will be preempted by the Braves World Series parade today. I will be on the lookout for your tweets and write up.
    And if I am permitted to change the subject will someone remind me of the Kevin/Ryan story line about Kevin wanting Ryan to go to a mental health facility instead of a prison? I think this might be the tie into Esme. Maybe she was a patient at the same time as Ryan?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks Karen for all you do. I rarely comment but am here every day. I have been here as far back as the Gedstern days. We are all behind you.

  11. Much love to you Karen! I too have watched since Gedstern ☺
    If Steve Burton or anyone else refuses the vaccine and ABC requires it, then that it is his job and in turn, he loses. I have loved Steve for years, but I care about the rest of the cast/crew and their families who may have a high risk person in their family that the vaccine does not work for at a very high rate.

    1. Good gravy, I messed that English up, ya'll know what I meant!!

  12. We are all with you KD. Don't let the haters get you down. While I don't comment often I have been a fan for years, and I always look for your and Sonya's recaps.

    1. "Gary says, While I don't comment often I have been a fan for years,"

      Awwwwwww. You should comment more often and join in on the fun! :)

      "and I always look for your and Sonya's recaps."

      Awwwwwwwwww! *BEARHUGS*

  13. I’ve read your blog for years, and started because of the spoilers. I kept reading your blog because I find it entertaining, and I love the recaps. Most often I look to the blog or your tweets to decide whether or not to watch the show. I love this dying industry, and it’s obvious you do too. You have never posted anything that could be considered controversial, especially taking into account today’s climate. I do not always share your opinion, but that’s the beauty of this platform, taking into account other people’s views. You’ve actually gone out of your way to be neutral or not comment on many things you could have. Thank you for the blog, it gives me a few minutes of mindless entertainment daily, and it’s nice to know people are still invested in soaps. Keep doing your thing, it’s appreciated!

  14. You obviously want the rumor to be true because your utter disdain for Steve and Ingo has been obvious for years. I also know the reason. Anyway, if your "credible source" is Celebrity Dirty Laundry you're not a credible soap blogger. Perhaps your next gig can be a political activist.

    1. I was curious about what got everybody's panties in a knot so I went and goggled it. There are more sources than Celebrity Dirty Laundry.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...