I'm sticking with GH -- I will be leaving the country for a big chunk in August so that will also disrupt things. I'll let you know where I'm going later-- I hope I can post some pics from down there!! (HINT HINT)
I really hope the summer stories of Nelle's baby, the adoption -- Liz' surprise visitor and the reunification of JaSam go well. I don't know what's happening over there with letting vets go an hiring a parade of newbies other than the bottom line: money. With The Chew cancelled, I'm sure ABC is taking a very close look at keeping it's last soap afloat. I know people may be losing hope but once a soap is gone--it's GONE. I don't want this to happen. I still miss the soap channel for god sakes! LOL.
Stephen Nichols left DAYS? Oooooo....hmmmmm... I'm hearing Bat Wings??
This will serve as Sunday Surgery, with Friday an obvious miss--but I thought I'd leave you all with some fun.

Yeah, I'm leaving, bitches. You'll miss me when all you have is Michael, Oscar and that pretend Priest to entertain you. I'll leave the pillows in my dressing room. Night!

Why am I leaving? I'll tell you why I'm leaving...
Uh, okay....calm down there, will ya?
NO! I won't!! I've gotten exactly 33 scenes in 3 years and the best ones were when someone ELSE died! I don't even get Ma's lasagna anymore! Nothin'!
Well, I don't know what to tell ya...I'm on all the time. I mean, I even got to give Julian a back rub last Tuesday so..
EXACTLY, Don't you SEE IT?
Oh hell, never mind. Say hi to my kids for me. I'm sure you'll adopt them soon. Probably get together with Lulu too..
Wait, is she available?

I wondered why there was all this fruit in here.
Well, growing boys need their nourishment!
Boys? Wait... more than one?
Oh, sure...Cameron especially has just sprouted overnight! You'll see him at the 4th of July picnic. He has muscles now!
Wow...Oscar doesn't even have those!
SO, why do you think we have a scene together??
I have no idea... but I hear the gym is busy today.

At night I dream of....
What...what do you dream of, Jason?
Carly... in that cold, lonely room. Hair ...perfect.
Really? I left Drew and a giant company for this?
Don't worry, we'll get a love scene soon and it will be worth it.
You're keeping your shirt on though, right?
You betcha!

OMG...is this the best ever!!?
I've missed you. I've missed being...well...normal. For us I mean.
I hear you. I have to pretend to like some sappy guy that I could take down with my pinky finger.
I have to walk around, make out with Liz 24-7 and...hey wait...I don't have it so bad.
Yes but, Franco...don't you miss it? The fun, the excitement...the...
Great stories?

I should have actually asked what I'd be doing before taking this job...

Please. Just kill me now. End it.

THE BEST THING EVER: They are SORA'd CAMERON!! I can only hope he's the bad boy I've been dreaming of!!