Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TV Guide Interviews: GH Scribe Ron Carlivati

Ron Carlivati sat down with TV Guide's Michael Logan for quite the frank interview, especially when covering his twitter-usage!


TV Guide Magazine: You do seem to take offense on a fairly regular basis. Would you say you're overly sensitive to Twitter criticism?Carlivati: People have different ideas of what constitutes criticism and, to me, "This show sucks" is not criticism. I will listen and respond very thoughtfully to someone who says, "I had a problem with this because of such and such..." That doesn't mean I'll change my plans, but that's completely valid. But, yeah, call me sensitive when someone says, "You're the worst writer and human being on the planet!" There are some very angry, very hateful people out there and who needs that in your life? I would never talk about people the way some of them talk about me. But the fun part of Twitter is really fun. It's a great way to interact with the fans, promote what we're doing, and really show my excitement about this show. The danger is that you're very accessible and people want answers to everything under the sun, and when I don't give them what they want they end up frustrated. Or they make up rumors and want me to refute them. I'm not going to do that. But I love checking out the Tweets while the show is airing and seeing how the audience is responding. "Oh, my God! Nikolas just found Robin!" There are also times when I feel the need to take a step back. But, for the most part, it's an overwhelmingly positive experience. [Laughs] As long as you know how to work the Block button!
TV Guide Magazine: Are you maybe making Twitter too important? It's still just a sliver of your total audience. Carlivati: You're right. It's always a wakeup call for me when I encounter fans in other arenas, people who aren't on social media. I will often get a very different point of view about how the public is responding from the one I might get on Twitter, where there's a real pile-on mentality.

NOW you must read the whole thing!! GO to TV Guide, and read all about it--from Liz and Laura's MIA to the Masks! 


  1. The interview ticked me off. It reminded me of the recent TG interview that was a bit of a slap in the face to some fans. And don't get me started on ttv guide suggestion that the PP/OLTL thing is a good thing! The best time on GH was when it was that fun blend. I want SkyLo for goodness sakes!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Carlivati: People have different ideas of what constitutes criticism and, to me, "This show sucks" is not criticism. I will listen and respond very thoughtfully to someone who says, "I had a problem with this because of such and such..." That doesn't mean I'll change my plans, but that's completely valid. But, yeah, call me sensitive when someone says, "You're the worst writer and human being on the planet!" There are some very angry, very hateful people out there and who needs that in your life?"

    Yeah he has got a very good point there! Some people are a bit nuts. I love the interview! :)

  4. I'm not a fan of every plot or character but Carlivati is so much better than Guza. I'm so happy to see so many of the vets back and actually being written for that I'm willing to tolerate the crap stories.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...