Monday, November 9, 2009

Veteran's Day Project!

@Gwaddie will be creating a temporary web page for reveal on Wednesday November 11th.

This webpage will honor current, retired and deceased U.S. Armed Service Members. Please provide the following information for EACH service member. By doing so, you acknowledge that the information provided will bepublished on a website available for public viewing:

Hometown (optional)
If active duty, area of deployment (general location...may be editedto protect service member):

Comments or Message (may be edited to protect service member):Please send above info by NOON on Tuesday November 10th to


  1. What about just current veterans who are not retired, deceased, or currently in the military?

  2. Thought a Veteran was a person who served (past tense) in a branch of the Military.

    If they are currently in the Military they are not a Veteran but Active Military Personnel.

  3. No, a veteran is anyone who has been deployed in a time of war. They can be currently in the military, retired, or deceased but just being in the military doesn't make you a veteran.

  4. Actually anonymous, a veteran is anyone who has served any length of time in the military (current or past) and a war veteran is someone who has actually participated in a war conflict. My mistake.

    But my point was that the blog says

    "This webpage will honor current, retired and deceased U.S. Armed Service Members."

    It doesn't say people who were in the military but aren't anymore but don't fit the retired or deceased.

    Didn't know if that was intentional or not?

  5. Jamie - You are totally over thinking this. I know what a Veteran is. My Dad served in The Army for 4 years and is a Veteran. Retired means they made a career of it. The attched was taken from Wikipedia.

    The most common usage is for former armed services personnel. A veteran is one who has served in the armed forces, especially one who has served in combat. It is especially applied to those who served for an entire career, usually of 20 years or more, but may be applied for someone who has only served one tour of duty. A common misconception is that one had to have either been in combat and/or has retired from active duty to be called a military veteran.

    We all should just honor all men and women who served and sacrificed for our country and us.

  6. I am not over thinking it. What I said is most correct. There is a difference between a veteran and a war veteran.

    As I said, anyone who has EVER served in the military is a veteran whether they are retired or not. So you can currently be in the military and be a veteran.

    But a war veteran is someone who has actually served in a war conflict. My husband is both.

    Not everyone can say they are a war veteran. It doesn't really matter to me personally because they are all heroes but in the military and also legally (benefit wise), there is a difference between a veteran and a war veteran.

    And my point is still that...
    "This webpage will honor current, retired and deceased U.S. Armed Service Members."

    Is misleading if it was meant to include those that are no longer Armed Service members but didn't retire and aren't deceased. Obviously I assumed that was just an oversight but it could be off-putting to some.

    That is all I was saying.

  7. On Veterans Day we honor all men and women who served in America's armed forces. (Taken right from the website for US Department of Veterans Affairs)

    Veteran's Day is a day that honors all veterans. Whether they served in time of war or not. Whether they are retired from a military career or not, living or deceased. Whether they died fighting in war or not. All who served.

    I find nothing hard to understand or off-putting about the original post.

  8. Clearly you are not getting what I am saying. The website says NOTHING about Veterans. It says MEMBERS of the ARMED FORCES but limits it to current, retired, or deceased. There are PAST members of the armed forces that don't fit into the deceased or retired.

    Some people just stop being in the military without retiring. Obviously, if I could interpret it that those people are not included, others might have too.

    That was my WHOLE original point. You are the one who started discussing who is a veteran and who isn't.

    I have already said that a VETERAN is anyone who has ever been in the military at ANY POINT but there is a difference between a "regular" veteran and a combat/war veteran.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...