Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital on Steroids.

Yep...that was our GH last week! More ensemble work...James Franco prancing around, seducing women (and some men?!) nice Thanksgiving scenes--what's going on? I guess the world is watching!! Did you know that in reality Mr. Franco is done taping all his scenes? Just sayin'. What did you think of it all? I personally think any of the soapies we know could have done the part just as well--I mean it's not like he did contortions or anything. BUT! It IS handsome Mr. Franco--bringing with him all the mainstream media so I'll take it. Maybe some new viewers too? Will they be able to hang on like we have year after year? Doubtful.

On to other stuff! Remember Gia? Marisa Ramirez is going to be on Castle this week!

I've been talking about the Toys For Tots drive that the Spixie fans have created for Bradford and Kirsten's holiday joy. Just donate a toy at your local Toys for Tots drive or give directly to the charity. How can you find out more?? Go to Fans Giving Back...a fab new website that has many, many soap stars and their charities listed. Karla, who took Alberta the lobster on the Aids Walk LA started it and the reception by soap actors and writers has been amazing.

Speaking of Alberta, she's off to the Habitat for Humanity GH fans get Building event!! She's going to be with Kirsten Storms, Karla, Paul and other GH peeps. Watch the video "The House that GH Fans Built" on the website: Habitat for Humanity.

There are so many charity events going on, it's amazing. How can you help without spending a red cent? By clicking on the sponsor ads on Wubs Net. $50 is being donated to the Toys for Tots program this month. Thanks so much!

I hope you checked out Chrissie Fit's fun new Web Saga..."The Subpranos"!! GO, watch the intro. It's going to be a blast. I can't wait to watch some great comedy on the net. Two New YAWK girlies let loose in LA!! You can also follow the series on Twitter @thesubpranos. Chrissie will also be on GH again in December!

What's coming up on GH? The Franco mystery deepens, Michael spins more out of control (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome?? Hmmmmm. ) Alexis and Mac flirt after she tips one too many at Jake's. We get a Karaoke night again. Rebecca's exit, Lucky's going to find out about Niz and the Cassadine story. DOMte reveal and Olivia and Sonny are going to get cozy and kiss. Let's hope they keep up the momentum.

Have a great Sunday...see you tomorrow for GH


  1. james franco storyline is just a waste of time. anything that has to do with jason is boring. can we move on to the spencers, cassidines and quartermaines, in a storyline that lasts for more than a few weeeks.

  2. I agree. Anything that has Jason in it is going to SUCK because we already know that Jason will ALWAYS be the hero of the show no matter how BORING HE IS! At least we get to see Dante in it too.He is the ONLY interesting character on the show!

  3. Hate the Sonny & Olivia spoilers... They are already prepaing us to OFF Johnny, which will be the last straw for me.

    Also hate what they're doing to Liz. As a decade+ fan, this is just not the girl we all know. It would be different if she went through a tragedy or something, but her bro in law? Just not kosher.

  4. They better not Off Johnny anonymous! I love Jolivia! Hate Sonny w/ her, history or no history.

    Not getting into the whole Michael storyline. Did love him in the Thanksgiving eppy. That's how I wish they would write for him more often, light hearted. Give the kid a love interest already. Where's the african american girl they supposedly cast for Michael?

    I'm excited by the karoke night spoiler!

  5. I love Sonny and am glad they want to keep him front and center, but Olivia is just one too many baby mommas for me!! How many families with how many women is he supposed to have? Olivia and Johnny are a great couple, everyone seems to like them, why not leave well enough alone?

    I live for the day that Sonny will be united with his OTL, Brenda, I have been waiting for years to see them get married.

  6. More Jason in the spoilers unfortunately means more scammer sam. ugh.

  7. I agree with Karen in that any good actor could have done the Franco thing. He's cute, but to me he looks facially like Ethan (with a shave and hair cut) and he is physically more like Johnny and even Dante. You know he's short, just look at him next to Maxie! I just don't see anything special about him. Since it is a short term role, any good looking actor would have done...except for the publicity for a show that is in trouble. Having said that, I must admit I'm enjoying the break in the normal storylines and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. He's making a lot of impact on a lot of people. Interesting.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...