Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday on the Soaps: Chili is on the Menu!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday Surgery: General Hospital on Steroids.

I hope you checked out Chrissie Fit's fun new Web Saga..."The Subpranos"!! GO, watch the intro. It's going to be a blast. I can't wait to watch some great comedy on the net. Two New YAWK girlies let loose in LA!! You can also follow the series on Twitter @thesubpranos. Chrissie will also be on GH again in December!
Friday, November 27, 2009
"The Subpranos"... A New Web Series!

Website: The Subpranos Web Site
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Line o' the day: Spinelli: "Looks like someone raided your horn of plenty" to Milo!
YEAH Diane!! She looked ravishing! Carolyn Hennesy has been tweeting that she is sick with a cold :( Get better soon! Her new Pandora book is out in January, btw!
I AM THANKFUL for you, wubbers, I really really appreciate that you read my stuff. Much Wub and Grub tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Soaps On Tuesday November 24th: ABC Semi-Porn!

Monday, November 23, 2009
Back from NYC...here's a sneak peak!

Wubbers Patty, Karen (the Queen), Nancy and Chrissy... We had a great time. Nancy was just wonderful! I'll have full story tomorrow, I just got home tonight and am tired! NYC was so great...and Jet BLUE? FABU!!
NOTE The lobster neclaces. Nancy actually had just taken the one she had off to put in her "gift" tote to take home.
C U tomorrow! Hey! how was the ol' Gallery Opening today on GH ?? I have it on DVR. Was it good?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Alberta and the Wubqueen IN NYC!
*sigh*....I cried :( Very moving place, even if it is all fenced off and all you can see are cranes.
You are NOT going to believe this but there is a BUBBLE LAMP in my hotel room!! LOL Two of them to be exact! I forgot my stupid USB cable so I can't so you the Alberta the Lobster photo I got of her with the lamp. It will have to remain a excitement for when I get home!
NLG's thing is upstairs, in a conference room. There are a lot of people milling around and I have no clue who's here for it. I think I'll see people at the registration. Wubber Chrissy who runs Lisa LoCicero's Fan Space on FB is meeting me. I am going ot rely on her Twittering abilities from her phone during the actual event. Maybe I can get her to sign in under wubs net, we'll see. If not, I'll have a full report probaby Tuesday.
BTW, I'm more interested in how the whole thing is set up than the actual "Meet Greet"! LOL. Know what I mean? I'd love to have a Wub Event someday, but have no idea how to coordinate it. Of course I want to see Nancy as well. I have a great item for her to sign that will be going for the AIDS WALK NY in the spring. We are getting a bunch of GHers to sign it and we'll either raffle or auction it off.
Aren't soap fans the MOST involved with charities in the entertainment industry? Soap Stars too..I mean what other show(s) does what soaps do? Check out all your all your soap stars charities and events on FANS GIVING BACK. Wubbers I know have already helped paint a school, walk for AIDS in LA and are going to build a house for Habitat for Humanity with other GH stars.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Franco Friday on GH: Bullets over Port Charles!

Great Maxie promo...MOREBLOODGORE! You know what that is right?
NEW SPOILERS ARE UP! There's going to be Thanksgiving all round Port Charles next week. Family Dinners just about everywhere. Pizza at the Q's! Thursday will be a repeat of today, btw--and there's no show Friday.
RUMBLINGS that Pratt is out at AMC as headwriter.
Does anyone else think it was Tess that was coming to see Mitch?
I WILL be at the Nancy Lee Grahn event this Sunday in NYC. If you are attending, please look me up. I'll have lobster beads on. For realz. And carrying Alberta the lobster too!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Spoilers are UP you WUBBAHS!
TODAY'S GH: What can I say about Elizabeth? I MEAN come on!! There's a Cassadine in your house for feta sake, drinking brandy from a SNIFTER and YOU JUST STAND THERE? RUN! You girlie! Nik is so turning into Stefan. Did he have the Cassadine ring on? I didn't see it.
Oh, those ol' docks. LOL...LULU--do'h Just blabbin away. I'm glad Johnny knows in a way. He could become a policia too. WOW...Johnny even knows that DOMte is Olivia's kid!! I like this turn of events.
Jessie Brewer tells me (yes, she speaks to me) that Maurice has THREE GOATS at home!! Woot! He's so getting a visit from Helena. :)
Franco's face was on today. They must have inserted it. He's due on "for real" [MADDDDDDDDDDDDD WORLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ]tomorrow.
By the way and observant Wubber remided me that NIKOLAS knows about the whole Michael shooting too! hmmm. Guess he's too 'busy' to notice what's goin' on.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Does the Flu ever hit Soaps?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"Claudia" Opens Her Eyes!

Geary and Stamos. Other GH news!

Look what Aaron R tweeted this am: Were heading out - can;t wait to get filming... Location is at a huge park - i think we are having a horse on set today too!!
Can GH be doing ANOTHER location shoot? :thud: Oh wait! LOL, someone says that's for a MOVIE he's doing! D'OH! See what can happen with rumors? BTW, an ABC site actually had James Franco LISTED as playing Valenine Cassadine for awhile! no lie. So, it happens everywhere. I Thought I'd leave it up for a laugh.
A few new Spoilers are up. BIG MAXIE Franco sprumor...seems that SOD is reporting she's going to have 'relations' with the man! Hmmm. Lucky Kirsten!
WUBS NET is now on FACEBOOK! Just put Wubs Net in your search box and find us! It's a total place for you fans to DISH!! I've not done anything on Facebook before because I have enough going with all of this. I figure we can share photos and videos there though, so join on in!!
Had an idea today when I saw Sarah Joy Brown on twitter. Why don't we all send her a card at her new show B&B? I think we should send a post card or regular little note to say "miss ya but good luck on B&B"--here's the addy:
Sarah Joy Brown c/o
The Bold and the Beautiful
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036USA
If you are feeling wubulous you can always put wubs net at the bottom too! :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
General Hospital: Mac in a Grape Purple Shirt!
I'm so tired of having Jason ANGST WITH THE MOB! WTF!? How many wasted years of this? At least Burton is tearing up now.
Jax/Sonny pissing contest. AGAIN. Jax, just hire your brother to off Sonny if he's that much of a bother ok? Then I won't have to HEAR IT ANYMORE!!!!!!
Monica was on! Asked Nik and Liz if they "managed" to get to Emily's grave. LOL. Eddie Q is on too! With a picnic tie on. Oh, Rebecily is outting Liz to Eddie.
Kirsten Storm's hair looks like Kate Hudson's do.
So, Sonny will find out DOMte's a cop before he finds out he's his kid. Interesting.
Watching JJ today I realized that his character slept with Sam. Can YOU picture KeMo and he in a hot tub? For some reason....I just can't! LOL.
Goodness, Carly brought out the St. Jasus diaglog today! and BY THE WAY Jason, YOUR OWN kid is across town!! Why can he hang around Josslyn, Michael and Morgan but not Jake??
I wonder if the GH stars have been told to stop the tweets...or at least not do them so much.They've really really slowed down. Which is sad, because I think they help Daytime not hurt it.
Dare I watch the Palin/Oprah match?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday Surgery: General Hospital Buzz

What a week. Part of me was ready to throw something at the TV again. After the great Claudia demise, I was waiting for some more smash-bangin' stuff happening but got Michael trying to figure out where to live AGAIN. :eyeroll: More Niz/L&L2 Angst. I wasn't running to the TV like I was before. Don't get me wrong, the show is still improved but GH constantly gains steam then withdraws. Case in point: Cassadine stuff. First we had the whole "Portrait" birth certificate find by Helena. That was dropped for 5 months. Then, we finally had a bit Valentine mention, Luke hostage, Hells in GH--now nothing. NOT even a mention!! There's no reason that story couldn't have started to play out a bit instead of completely disappearing. Speaking of--I guess Dr. Matt is finally going to get some story--with Patrick's ex "Lisa". Gee, thanks. Just in time for that, another doc is showing up, Steven Lars. Uh..just what we need? I don't think so.
We've seen enough Franco Promos to last us a lifetime and if they play "Mad World" one more time, I may have to ban it forever from my iPod. (Tears for Fears version). It was a great tool first go around...couldn't they find other songs? Theme from The Exorcist? Now we know that Franco is a Jason-worshipping artist that wants to BE him (doesn't everybody?) and is hell bent on recreating his murders. Claudia's being photographed--with a person or a mannequin? I so wanted her to be dug up...;) I'm spooky that way! I'm excited for the story and the whole main-stream media buzz about this story. I am going on record however, that since we know it's ALL GUZA--it will fall squarely on his shoulders if it flies or not. Keeping fingers' crossed! Read contactmusics interview about the "massive script" that GH had in store for him (that's for the block taping, btw)
Look for the movie "NINE" to invade ABC shows, including GH. Maybe they'll sing songs from the musical at Karaoke night? Get tickets to the show? Mention it a few times? It will give me something to look for when I'm bored.
Speaking of bored, I have to mention AMC at this point. Only watched about 20 minutes this past week. I didn't miss it a BIT. NOT one bit!
Our fave, Carolyn Hennsey (Diane) has been asked to participate in this year's Hollywood Christmas Parade on Sunday, November 29th. This year the parade will also enjoy nationwide coverage on MyNetworkTV on two broadcast dates: December 10 and December 24, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
Next Sunday I shall be at Nancy Lee Grahn's event in NYC! If you are going, please look me up. I'll have lobster necklaces for the Wub Fans out there! It's my first GH Event and I am excited...it should be filled with fun. Here's hoping I can twitter from the actual event. If not, I will blog right after. We are taking items for Nancy to sign for the AIDS WALK NYC in May. Alberta the Lobster (pic top right) is going as well! (think I can get Nancy to pose with her?)
Did you hear that GHOFS is launching again? This time with fan bloggers! We've missed Robin and the site, so hopefully it will be running for a long time to come.
Can anyone help a fellow wubber out with identifying this song? Tess is dancing to someone on the start of this OLTL Clip on YouTube. I can't hear the lyrics well enough to even google it. YOU?
Finally, check out the SCOOPS and RUMORS up on the WUBS NET! If you can, hit an ad or two and remember you can order from Amazon with the button on the top left of the site. It all helps the charity donations I give in the fans' names and the site upkeep.
OH! I watched "UP" and "The Proposal" last night. Both Disney movies. The bird in UP was named "Kevin" and the dog in The Proposal was named "Kevin" too. Wonder who Kevin is and why they used his name twice? LOL.
See you on Twitter and Tomorrow on ze Blog!
"Jingle Jackal Christmas"!!

We may not have the red Santa bag to give from, but we can certainly help fill a few stockings and bring smiles to those who would otherwise find little to smile about this holiday season.
How 'bout some toys in honor of our favorite Jingle Jackal & his muse?
Toys 4 Tots--It was decided it would be nice to spread the holiday cheer not only in the Los Angeles area where Bradford and Kirsten live now, but also where they grew up. Collected money order & paypal donations will be divided equally to three Toys 4 Tots locations (Berlin, NH; Orlando, FL and Los Angeles, CA) Deadline: December 21.
Paypal (please select ‘gift’ as other options paypal takes out a small fee) donations may be made at jenabena@comcast.net
If you would rather drop off a toy at a local Toys 4 Tots drop off, that would be awesome as well! To find a local drop off, click here: http://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys.asp
In conjunction with this exciting holiday giving opportunity, Wubs.net will generously make a donation to Toys 4 Tots! The Wubs donation will be based on the number of toy drop offs! To add your toy to the drop off tally, simply take a quick picture of the toy and email it to GHCharityDonation@gmail.com ! If you would like to be in the picture or show the toy being dropped off, that works too! Please note that pictures may be added to a special blog that we are putting up for the duration of this project (if you're camera shy or would like to remain anonymous, let us know when you email us the picture, we'll be happy to count the toy in the tally and let you remain a secret Santa!). Please visit sponsors on the WUBS NET (click on the ads) and a portion will be donated as well! Thank you! The Wub Fans have been so generous doing this in the past.
Times are tough for everyone right now. I fully believe Bradford & Kirsten would rather see us spent money on other people instead of them and Toys 4 Tots is the perfect way to do so. It’s a Christmas gift for others...but in their honor. So in reality, its two Christmas presents. Any monetary donation is very much appreciated. There are NO small donations. Thanks...and Happy Holidays!
If you have any questions please email GHCharityDonation@gmail.com
Friday, November 13, 2009
Interesting Franco Interview: WHY GH?

Some people were horrified by the idea that he would do this. They regarded it as career self-sabotage.
"Lightning Crashes"
#GH It's the Michael show! Where IS he going to live? How IS he going to handle wacking Claudia over the head and getting away with it? How IS he going to pass his finals if he's never at school?!
LUKESON! Get your SonnyRitas out!
BTW, I have a bone to pick. Yes, I was gushing about Claudia's exit but WHY OH WHY does GH always have to totally DROP things in favor of others? I don't mean "Front burner it"..they don't even "back burner"! Spixie? Geesh, could have had them on a BIT after their non-wedding. Ditto the Cassadine thing. Maybe have Valintene mentioned now and again. A weird phone call from Hells. SOMETHING.
I liked Tyler Christopher's acting today..tearing up when Lucky was talking to him. Is that a "soul patch" on Lucky's chin? WTH is that? OMG, I so hope not.
Kristina is all crushing on Ethan!! awww.
GEESH. total non-cliffhanger Friday on GH that's for dang sure.
So, we know Franco took pics of Claudia at the cabin--right? but how did a chalk outline get on there? Did he recreate her with a mannequin or somethign? Did he dig her body up!? what. HE DUG HER UP!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. Loves it. One step closer to Zombie Claudia!
So, Crimson is putting on Franco's art show? Okay, here's hoping Megan Ward can get a day of airtime out of it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday Blog Coalition! GH Live

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Uh...Zander's Back?

Mr. Brannon just tweeted this nugget: So about that whole dead being dead thing...yes it's true. I will be appearing on General Hospital again. It will air sometime in mid Dec!
Is that an Ice Princess Ring?
note: If you are emailing me....please be patient. I'm swamped and overwhelmed at the moment. I am working (for realz) tomorrow and Friday.
OLTL: SO, Charlie is a murderer!? Didn't see that coming!! Does anyone know if Tuck Watkins is staying on the show or leaving...he's always on/off/on/off.
General Hospital: Sheese..I got a headache today listening to Carly and Alexis and Jax and Jason and then Jax and Carly. Haven't they had this arguement since they MET?! I'm also sick of Carly/Jason at the moment. Isn't she supposed to be resting?
eeeeeeeeeeee! Nikolas said "rape" To Luke!! oy vey! Luke needs to bitch slap that boy! He's a Cassadine! Don't protect him...!! It sounds like a FULL ON CASSADINE Spencer beat down! Oh Nikolas, even Grandma will tell you LUKE will win hands down!
Lulu told Olivia she knows DOMte is a cop and her son. Wait until she finds out he's Sonny's kid too!
OMG, L&L2 is gaggin me. Lucky going on and on about their WUBBBBB! That ring is huge he gave her. I would have loved it if he would have said "I had it made out of the ice princess"!!
other GH NEWS from Deb Morris GH Fanclub Prez
It's prime time for Megan Ward! She can soon be seen in a guest starring role on "Ghost Whisperer." The episode (#05.11) titled "Dead Air" is tentatively scheduled to air on CBS on Friday Jan 8, 2010. (Note: This date is subject to change, so please check your local listings.)
Connie Towers: (Helena) The Rose Theatre Brampton, in Brampton Ontario, Canada. This beautiful state-of-the-art venue will be featuring General Hospital’s Constance Towers this January 2010. As part of their main season of live theatre, Ms. Towers will be starring in the role of Lily Harrison in the Broadway comedy Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks. The New York Times says this play is “Awesome! Funny, sentimental bittersweet and riotous!”. We know Constance Towers will shine in this unforgettable play, written by Richard Alfieri. Site: http://www.myrosetheatre.ca/
ONE MORE FUN THING!! Check out this JiBJab...it's hysterical. Made by Crack, the Wubber Fan:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Franco/Guza News-A
Yes. You heard me.
MR. G Destroyer of great stories! Deliverer of bad dialog! Oh, I was so hoping the people that wrote the Carnival, Not Wedding and Claudia's exit would be doing it.
Anyway, here's are the three promos that are out for Franco's story: We Love Soaps.
I'm not blogging GH today, sorry. Please let me know how it is in the comments below. Should I bother watching it later?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Veteran's Day Project!
This webpage will honor current, retired and deceased U.S. Armed Service Members. Please provide the following information for EACH service member. By doing so, you acknowledge that the information provided will bepublished on a website available for public viewing:
Hometown (optional)
If active duty, area of deployment (general location...may be editedto protect service member):
Comments or Message (may be edited to protect service member):Please send above info by NOON on Tuesday November 10th to ghcharitydonation@gmail.com
BOOM! Down Goes a Cassadine!

Friday, November 6, 2009
Soapy Friday! AMC, OLTL and GH

OMG....Lucky says To Jason : "Is your fave color black"?? You wear it all the time. What's your fave music? "Are you an emo kinda guy"?? LOL! Great scene. I want to see Jason singing "HEY MISS MURDER CAN I? HEY MISS MURDER CAN I"? He's a TOTAL emo!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
ODE to Sarah JOY Brown...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wed on GH: Dark, Doom and Danger!
ddneroval on twitter:
@WubsNet Best Claudia quote ever 2 Sonnny:
"I hope you remember how this began, cause you sure as hell won't forget how it ends"
@WubsNet Carly's baby brought into the world just in time to witness her first murder. Welcome to Port Chuckles, honey!
AHAHAHAHA...Baby Jacks has the same Bday as Claudia!! OMG, didn't even think of that until she said it. NO baby Emma's bday this year, NO Maxie Bday...NO Halloween.
Claudia's death...all Bavarian chanting---all slow mo. Pretty graphic and nicely directed.
Michael Wacked her, her eyes are open...Fin.
I think her SOUL went into baby Jacks. That what I got out of that scene.
Nice scene in the car with Carly--talking how Claud saved the baby. But come on, she looked TOO FABU for her ordeal. LOL.
OMG, CarJax post baby glow was so nice. Josslyn asleep in daddy's arms! What a cute (not 'newborn') baby!! Awwwwwwww. And I didn't think Carly would tell Jax, but I'm glad she did. Great acting, Laura Wright.
OMG, MAXIE'S HAIR IS BROWN!!!!! Browwwn. I think I saw a tattoo on her inner wrist??
Sonny: "you bury Claudia deep...as close to Hell as you can" and then Jason yells at Max who's only trying to help! This is the GoodFellas or something!
Drew Garrett was awesome today!
DOMte and LULU..DANaLu! FINALLY the paramedics are coming for Lulu. Geesh.
They should have had Kate at that party for Claud too..she WAS a part of the whole shooting deal.
KUDOS to the production TEAM Today!!!!!!! I have often said that GH mobular violence was terrible BUT I did say with good writing I Might like it. Well, Fri-today they did it up RIGHT. Nice job.. right down to the Bavarian Chanting.
Did you know you can download the premire of "V" From iTunes for free? Run to it!
More Franco...and Spoilers

Yep...graffiti artist. WITH A HOOD! Too bad he's not "naked Graffiti Guy"! Heh...
Another great BLURB about our gal, Caroline Hennesy on EW's POPwatch. They call her "Barb" on Cougar Town their fave new character. They spelled her name wrong but I commented. Plus WE SAW HER FIRST! LOL.
Laura Wright has signed a new 4yr deal with GH. She's totally into her wine business too and is starting to tweet about it. Her name is @LLDubs on Twitter.
New Spoilers are up. Looks like the Cassadine stuff isn't happening in the next 2 weeks. Perhaps just the beginning of it all...setting it up. Liz will be the new Laura/Lasha with brothers fighting over her...
On EXTRA! Today there will be the "Men of GH"....google your local channel and time.
Brandon Barash tweeted a cause for the stars of GH: The Holiday House GH Stars/Fans built.
LISA LoCicero was voted "Most Beautiful Woman on Soaps" By SOD!
Greg Vaughan checked into Twitter too:
Good morning. Coffee time! Been enjoy these past few days of R n R!! Both Sebastian movie & 90210 are doing well!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Franco Factor--General Hospital

Compliments of SOAP NET, here's the fist glimpse of Mr. Franco gracing the GH studios with his A-LIST presence. His first airdate is Nov. 20th. Guza said in one of the mags he's an "Artist"--whatever the hell that means (graffiti?) And will change Jason's life--and in turn, Sam's "Forever"..(general GH catch phrase).
Here's hoping the ratings shoot up. I think the show's going in a good direction. We've not had a guest star-stint I've really liked, however. Even Holly's return was flatter than Nicole Richie! hahahaha (see, I can be funny).
Sarah JOY Brown will be on "Smarter than A 5th Grader" today or tonight, depending on when it airs in your area. Click on the link to find out. Tyler Christopher is on tomorrow.
SPOILER: HOW SCARY DOES MITCH Lawerence LOOK!!!! GOOD GOD!!! Wowza. Loves it!! I love a great psycho on my soaps. Can't wait. OLTL here I come! It's great they have voting day on VOTING day today. Nice. Many soaps never can manage that. OMG, please the HAIR ON GIGI is just...uh..it would be okay but it's too Kate G. I am SO excited for Sweeps on this show! Dorian looks resplendent today as well...I am going to call David and Destiny DoubleD! Someone on twitter suggested that, so thank you. Kish is dishy....and I am still crushing on Scott Clifton (just ask him, I stalk him on twitter..heh). He flew to LA for Halloween. I know that. I also know what he ate because he twitpicked it! :) heh...BTW, people are wondering how Mitch L can be alive--we 'SAW HIM DROWN"..hello, I bet Helena saved him, just like Stavvy. No one IS HELPING me--does anyone know If Jarod is being used by Mitch and he's really innocent?
GENERAL HOSPITAL: Scary Claudia! Eeeeeeeee! Get this, yesterday I had no audio on my ABC channel today's it's no picture!! OMG. Stupid TV. Well, it's not the TV, because it's on the digital box and regular cable.
It's on now. Phew. Jason broke into the WRONG cabin...scared me and those people! wahhaaha. Come on, there are more unlocked cabins in that area than I've ever seen before. LOVED that lady calling Jason a maniac! LOL
Is Claudia being GOOD or does she just want to steal the baby? I hope it's the good one. Loved her stomping around with a knife in the cabin! As someone said on twitter: Carly #1 is delivering Carly #4's baby! The whole thing was a bit 'off"...now would Claud really put her hands up to her face after moving the baby around? Ewwwww. I'm not a doctor but, gr-oss!
I am SO FEARFUL that this is going to be an even messier end than I thought for Claudia. If you haven't read the spoilers STOP reading now. SPOILER ALERT I think Michael is going to see Claud and think she's hurting Carly when she's really not and kill her. And Claudia would have saved the baby but dies doing it. :( wahhh. And I know she took Carly, but stupid Sonny should have STFU. Yep, I do like Claudia. Sue me. Although at the very end, it did look like Claud might not be giving the baby over to Carly. Oh I DO NOT like watching this! LOL
WOWza...Sonny said he loved Carly THE MOST! All the S&Bers are madder than hell now. LOL
Lulu and DOMte entertained me today. I like them so much. And I really haven't liked Lulu with anyone. OMG--Dom told Lulu that Olivia is his mom! All she could say is: And she's sleeping with Johnny!? brahahahaa
BTW, Dominic Z got married IRL, check it out on ABC Soaps in Depth!
Jax and Sonny need to just take their pants off once and for all and check each other out. LOL...It's a riot. How many years has Ingo been on GH? That's how long they've been sniping? Sonny tells Bernie "All our goombah's can't find them"?? brahahhahaa!
Exciting stuff coming up for the holidays! There will be a Toys 4 Tots Charity Drive in honor of Spixie called "Jingle Jackle"! I will have all the details up soon.
If you have any questions please email GHCharityDonation@gmail.com
Thank for all the loyal people that hit the sponsors for me or order from Amazon on the Wubs Net. It really REALLY helps me maintain the site.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday: Will GH Knock The Socks off--AGAIN?
Fell asleep during AMC. That about says it all. OLTL was great for the Bo/Nora thing alone. David and Destiny are awesome still. Loved KISH! VERY nice acting. If they have Matthew fall for Danella after Rachael dumped Sean for Dr. Boring-face I'll scream! If BOTH Destiny and Sean get dumped? I'm screaming. Looks like it's happening. I say it's a WEIGHT ISSUE and we need to protest!
Roxy kissing Mrs. Burns full on the lips at the end of the wedding? HEH
GH: "The role of Lucky Spencer..." UGH WE GET IT! Just give us a new damn opening already. JJ is way small to be in that room next to Jason...give him some Monavie Juice!! He's also too soft spoken for a cop so far. I like he and SBu together, always have. Just hard to see him as a policeman just yet.
Sonny at Alexis' house!! Molly wants to write a report on the happenings for extra credit! I LOVE Sexis!! Sonny's face listening to Molly. :) Molly is a doll. Alexis was great telling Krissy that Sonny loves her.
Johnny runs into the police room, says he'll 'vouch' for Jason with the commissioner. Uh, you are the son of a giant mobular man! LOL that was weird.
Sam's all leather and gun. LOL...
The pace isn't up to Friday, which I understand a bit, but today was a big let down from that show. They needed to keep up the pace another day or two, imo. It just moves a bit too slow.
AND of COURSE Jason gets out! LOL...Poor Mac.
Kudos to Laura Wright today who had to crawl thru fake mud and tons of "rain" AND have contractions! Good job. The Open cabin complete with wood and Yankee Candles is a bit funny but WTH.
BTW, Rena Sofer is going to NCIS! She's also on a Hallmark Movie this weekend.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday Surgery: Still Stunned about General Hospital this week!

Maurice, most of all, has to be commended for his very VERY subtle performance leading up to his blow up Friday. Usually in those circumstances, an actor will give a face, or let you know things are up when the other character's back is turned. Maurice didn't flinch from his "calm happy guy" stance before his toast to Claudia. You knew it was coming, it was simmering under the surface and even KNOWING the scoops---you were on the edge of your seat waiting for him to erupt. Claudia's joy turning to nervous horror was also not over the top. Sarah started out happy, glowing and then shaking. Watching she and Laura Wright in the car (with a split head shot of the two of them) was unnerving.
My Ankle!!
Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...