Saturday, September 30, 2023

Hello From The UK!



Oh my- I'm trying this from my phone!! I'm almost home-- but for now still in England. We finally have a sunny day! Yes- it's been typical British gloom. 

Thanks to David and Sonya and ALL of you for continuing to read this little journal of GH. I have checked twitter and see her have Molly 3 recast. Kind of hilarious. Hope she works out!!! Also the writers are back. I am looking forward to seeing how things go from here. 

The only American news that has been on over here is -- ummm not much!! Lol. They have their own stuff. Nice to escape the chatter for awhile. 

I had the best time in Liverpool here- Beatles area was just full of music and joy. 

This is Arundel Castle! So gorgeous and such a treat to tour. Best one I've seen so far. Oh! We also went to Lake Windermere!! Lol - different spelling but I was thinking of the Cassadines the entire time. 

Well!! Cheers!! I'll try to jump back into the show at some point next week. Can't wait to see LOIS!!!! Squeeeee 

Friday, September 29, 2023


Who says you can't find good help?

Stella Fields

Reginald Jennings

Alice Gunderson

Cook 2

 As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days. To keep the blog going, here is a space for you to comment on todays' show.


Thursday, September 28, 2023


Does everyone remember when Stone returned and appeared to Robin in the well? What did you think of that? Was it just some kind of cheap ratings gimmick or was it a really good closure episode for the show?

Recent Photo of Michael Sutton
Age: 52
Can you believe it?

 As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days. To keep the blog going, here is a space for you to comment on todays' show.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Aunt Charlene (Wednesday)


She was a breath of fresh air, wasn't she? With her arrival came her sons, Colton Shore and Decker Moss. But that's saved for another blog. She was also Lucy's aunt and in 2023 in Pine Valley, Lucy mentioned her Aunt Charlene to Jackson.

Maree Cheatham in July 2023 at a GH event.
Before GH, she was on DOOL off and on from 1965-2010!
She has an extensive IMDB list. 

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

WHO'S ALIVE THIS WEEK?? Scorpio Edition (Tuesday)

Three family members all with a presumed dead storyline. 
This show gives new meaning to the phrase "keeping it in the family".
This has to be some kind of soap opera record.
Of the 3 reveals below, do you have a favorite? 

PS. I know that Anna was on another show and they took that from us
GH viewers, but don't let that be a factor.

Robin finds out Robert is alive.

Robin finds out Anna is alive.

 Not to be outdone, EVERYONE finds out Robin is alive.

 As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days. To keep the blog going, here is a space for you to comment on todays' show. Enjoy. 

Monday, September 25, 2023


Confession time: I loved Ginny Blake. Well, Judith Chapman. I felt she was a very good character, tough and extremely vulnerable, which is the making of a good soap character. I always wanted her to return and wreck havoc. But alas, Judith has secured herself on other shows. I need ask... does anyone else think that a young Judith looked a little like young Jane Elliott?

Something I didnt know until I did research. Ginny had a son right before she left town with Rick. His name was Rick Webber, Jr. Shouldnt he be mentioned? When Rick returned for his death storyline, was he mentioned at all? Would love him AND Mikey to return. (In a perfect world where the cast wasnt so overblown). The can run a conglomerate that tries to take over ELQ. 

Recent Photo

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days. To keep the blog going, here is a space for you to comment on todays' show. Enjoy. 


Sunday, September 24, 2023



Happy Sunday everyone. I wanted to open a blog for those of you who want to comment over the weekend and just cannot wait until my wonderful filler on Monday. This is, from what I can tell through research, Karen's very first Sunday Surgery. If that's correct and Karen doesn't correct me, she has been doing the Sunday Surgery for 14 years. There should be some kind of award for that. Like a vacation to a foreign country or something.

NOTE FROM Karen: WOW!! This is ... amazing. 14 years!! Little did I know I'd still be doing this all these years later. Thanks to all that read and thanks to David and Sonya for the up-keep!! My first blog was during the Spixie wedding. Awww! Also, Alberta did the AIDS walk with Sonya Eddy and a handful of other GH cast members. Unfortunately the photos are lost ... I'll try to find them someday. 
MISS YOU ALL!! Thank you David!! 

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital Tid Bits & Rumors!

TEAM SCRUBS Wubs has TSHIRTS to help support the cause! Karla and Paul will be walking for the can help by either donating to their page, clicking on sponsors on the Wubs Net or ordering a wonderful Wub Tshirt. (you can also wear them to your many GH events to show you are a WUBBER!)

Ah, what a Friday I finally got info about all the WEDDING FASHION for you!! The info mainly comes from SOD and a few wardrobe peeps!
Maxie's gown: Made in house by wardrobe. Bradford's tux: Hugo Boss
Lulu's gown by Enzoani, Jason in Armani, Bobbie in Marc Bouwer, Robin in BCBG And Coleman in a vintage '70's suit (how fun is that!?)
The minister is wearing an Anglican robe (Episcopalian)

Oh, what? Did you say you didn't see BOBBIE in those scenes on Friday? If you look closely she is sitting in the 'audience' when they pan over it. Interesting how she didn't have a speaking part. LOL. She will appear on camera when Mac faints. Why the hell they didn't have her talk to Maxie before the wedding is beyond me. Oh, wait...they didn't want to spend the money?
The Rehearsal party's comin' up.... should be fun.

HUGE RUMORS all ovah the place about Claudia's demise (you knew they were coming)!! Newest is: Claudia gets blown to bits by Daddy Z. Lily Deja Vu. This is what FINALLY pushes Sonny outta the mob. That and the fact his kid is a fed. Hmmmmmm. Guza says: Don't hold your breath! LOL Also up: The whole "Romeo/Juliet" and "Star Crossed Lovers" references that Molly keeps bringing up tie into Claudia's death because Jason thinks it's Sam that goes boom. Another rumor has Claudia dying and the fingers pointed at Olivia. Spoiler: (On here first!) When Sonny puts the breaks on a baby, Claudia turns to DOMte! Anyone else remember his showfax script for audition? It had Claudia seducing him over pizza..heh. Check out new spoilers later today on the Wubs Net.
Oh, and when you read the Cassadine stuff, take them with a shot of tequila...all that sheezbot is changing daily. I don't know what the hell is going on with the arc on that saga. And I refuse to try anymore! heh.

KGMB took a tour of GH studios and there are some fabu pics of it here: SET TOUR

BTW, those of you keeping tabs on the AMC move? Well, seems head honchos have caved a bit about the "you're in or you're out" thing. Actors will be allowed to commute. Wait for the block taping to make AMC look a lot more like GH in the future!
Have a great Sunday! Thanks for all your wubbly support.

Friday, September 22, 2023

For the Love Of Leslie (Friday)


I found this online. Denise is one of my favorite actresses on the show. Probably because I am old and watched her in the 80s. Her later scenes and banter with Monica (in their Golden years) were priceless. It hurts me that she isnt on the show anymore, even as a guest star. I need a Laura/Lesley scene. 

This is by far one of my favorite scenes of all time. Whoever wrote it, sure did their research. Every line was letter perfect and the acting was flawless as always.

Laura Remembers Leslie (When she was "dead") 

Denise Alexander today. Still lovely. 

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Younger Crowd (Thursday)


What look do you think they were going for? 
Friends or Beverly Hills 90210?

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

All Scotty's Women (Wednesday)

Yesterday was a warmup. Today's blog is just as simple. Pick your favorite Scotty pairing.
I listed the 5 below that I can remember. Was there more? Probably.
You can always write in a candidate. 


As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days.
To keep the blog going, here is a space for you
to comment on todays' show. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Celia's Choice (Tuesday)

Hello everyone. It's Dave again. For those of you who have been around awhile. you know the routine. I will open up a "blog" every day while Karen is gone for all of you to write wonderful stuff about today's show and life in general. Unfortunately, unlike previous sessions, I do not have the time to write  long-winded silly blogs like I have in the past. I will post a photo or a video for you to comment on, but that's about it. 

As you know, Karen is on a vacation for a few days. To keep the blog going, here is a space for you to comment on todays' show. Enjoy.


(Who was Celia's better match?)

Monday, September 18, 2023

Stuff Is Going to Happen


What stuff is going to happen on GH while I'm gone??  I hope it's enough to get me watching again when I return! Having a break can be really telling; either you miss something or.. you don't! 

Have a great watch. David will be putting up daily fillers for you to use. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday Surgery: A Whisper To A Scream


I had zero time to catch up on episodes this week! I saw Mon, Tues and Friday. That's it! 

SO! I'm doing what I can with the photos I find on Twitter!! Sorry if this is not up to my usual. I'm also going to be gone until Oct 2nd at least so enjoy some fillers by Dave and I'm hoping Sonya keeps up her recaps. 

Note: Please read my previous post about Billy Miller. It's still not real to me and I feel torn about publishing the blog so close to that news. 

Sad News: Billy Miller Has Died


Before I launch Sunday Surgery, I need to take a moment to tell you that Billy Miller has passed away at the age of 43. Please read Michael Fairman's post for more details. There isn't a lot of information available right now. 

Love and Light to his family, fans, co-workers, and anyone that knew of his great work. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

FRIDAY at The Metro


So I'm flying a bit blind because I haven't seen Wed/Thurs GH shows yet. So, if I mess up or act surprised that's why.

BLAIR comes to town to meet with Tracey at The Metro. Martin and Lucy are walking in and he's like: NOPE. Lucy walks in anyway. She and Marty sit down for dinner. He tries to hide behind the menu. Lucy says she never would have done Deceptor if he hadn't given her the idea. 

Tracey tells Blair that she's going to 'bleed Lucy dry until she begs Martin to marry her" and then Blair won't have to pay the 50K a month in alimony. Tracey wants ELQ stock back from Lucy. Not sure how she hooked up with Blair. Tracey hates Lucy and is angry with her for her brother and also putting Valentin Cassadine as the head of ELQ. 

Anna gets a note from Dante that tells her Valentin is basically on Pikeman's payroll. She shares it with Valentin and asks "is this true"?? He says yes. He went to NYC when Pikeman asked him to..that was the night of the fire. Anna's like WHY DO YOU LIE TO ME. He has a song and dance about not wanting to upset her about Pikeman, yada yada. This is such a WEIRD storyline. 

Alexis talks with Spencer. He gets full control of the Cassadine Estate since he's the "only' Living heir! They talk about Cassadine bond and he bitches about his father.  Then he asks Alexis to keep an eye on Ace and Esme because he and Trina are going to NYC to get away for a bit. Esme listens to it all. 

Ava drops Avery off at Carly's. Carly wants to know why because she thinks Ava's in trouble. She tells Ava that Austin visited someone in the prison. Ava is shocked. They get into an argument that's dumb. Carly says she knows Ava did something and Mason and Austin probably know about it. 

Joss and Trina are moving back into the dorm room.  Joss didn't unpack because she had zex with Dex instead. *SIGH*. Trina wonders if she was nervous the first time.  Joss and Trina talk about her NYC trip with Spencer this weekend. She's excited and ready. They are going to see a show, go to dinner and the hotel has a heated pool on the roof. 

Nikolas tells Austin he's leaving to go to Europe to "tie some loose ends up". That was fast. He got new clothes and a passport that's fake. He wants to go to Europe to let Laura know he's alive-- but he's not going to let her see him. Nikolas knows that the entire estate goes to Spencer if he's dead for 6 months so he'll cast doubt on that. He doesn't want Spencer to control the entire empire. 


Anna and Val's suite is trashed. Note on the mirror says "you think you got away but you didn't. You're not safe"... 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday Sept 14th :RENA SOFER NEWS


Here's your spot to post. And--YES WTF with MAXIE I get she's moving but 
COME ON!!! SO many fashion choices and hair styles!! I don't get it. 


PEOPLE reports that Rena Softer is returning as LOIS!! NOT sure for how long but yeah! Read all about it on People Mag. 

John J York News


John left a heartfelt message on twitter regarding his fight with cancer. He will be needing a bone marrow donor and is registered with Be The Match . His page link is here:   MATCH FOR MAC  Please consider a donation and or registering on the marrow donation list. So many people are waiting for transplants of all kinds. 

John said he would be off of GH for 3-4 months to come, maybe longer. Sad news but he seems ready to fight this and we need to get behind him as his GH family 


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Two days Off


Oh I have work and hair for the next 2 days!!! Sorry. Hope GH is good!! 💗💗

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Take Me Out to the Ball Game


In one week, I'll be off to Jolly Ol'!! Not looking forward to the flight but -- that's what I have to do. 

Ok, on with the show: 

Gladys hears from Janice at Ferncliff that Cody and Sasha escaped. Janice the nurse tells Gladys Sasha might have gone willingly with Cody. Gladys leaves. 

Everyone is at Charlie's celebrating their baseball victories. Kristina is actually working! People cheer they won and toast Sonny 'beating the rap". Jake walks in with Charlotte. AHAH I think he thought they'd all be going to Kelly's after the game so he went to Charlie's!! Violet asks if they were on a date. Then Violet goes and bugs Willow about it. 

Charlotte wants to write a graphic novel and have Jake illustrate it! aww

Willow is SO HAPPY TO BE feeling better and out and about (she's at Charlie's with ). Michael tells her thank you for talking him into not turning Sonny in. He leaves. 

Sonny's back home. He and Nina kiss. He says there was no way he'd be convicted by the FBI. Tells Nina about the coffee bean switch. Michael comes along and is saying to Sonny he's happy he's out. Nina gets a 911 call from Gladys. Michael goes on and on and comes out with "you can be let down by people and not try to destroy them" REALLY GOOD scene with Chad-- he did a bang up job. Basically tells Sonny he doesn't want to see him go to jail. I was kind of hoping he'd spill about Dex but no. 

Gladys tells Nina that Sasha got "kidnapped" by Cody. Nina is shocked. WHY would CODY want to kidnap her? She thinks he tried to recuse Sasha. Gladys says he was working with the doctor probably to get money. Oh brother, she's going to hell for that! 

Sasha and Cody are in a safe house Sam arranged for them. It's a little cabin. I think Sasha is detoxing. OH yep, she freaks out. She yells, Cody yells. Riveting. He gives her water. Mentions Liam and Brando to make her see she has to be strong.  Someone on Twitter put out there --wondering if Cody/Sasha were twins! I mean, it could work. Sasha doesn't know her mother. Cody and Sasha haven't really been romatical at all.. so...?? Leia and Luke? Hmmm.. It would be interesting.

Decent Show today! 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Moving Day


Going o try to watch #GH and just blog.... so no twitter today. Social media is draining me at this juncture. LOL 

Curtis at The Savoy. I guess he can wheel in it!! N'neka is on!! WHOOHOO.  She always brightens up the set. All of the staff comes out and applauds Curtis. TJ comes in too. Curtis misses the club. It opens up and Curtis is all playing the host. Molly and Jordan come in. Molly and TJ tells Jordan and Curtis they'll know if the surrogate is pregnant in a few days. GRANDMA Jordan LOL. 

Spencer at Laura and Kevin's. I think he's putting out snacks and stuff for Trina and him to eat. Esme thinks it's for her BUT! Trina shows up! ahahhha. Spencer invites ESME TO STAY? What a dolt. She's deciding to leave though. Trina's pissed at Spencer for inviting Esme. Trina feels like the assumptions that Esme makes about being with Spencer feels like the boundaries are blurring.  Spencer says he knows the old Esme is in there and might come out one day. He has NO romantic feelings for her at all. He just wants to be with Trina. Spencer finally gives her the turtle doves that his uncle Cyrus gave to him. Trina has Spencer take one and she's going to take one as a reminder they are a matched pair. 

Maxie is moving into Lulu's. Kids are happy. I'm glad Maxie brought her old bookshelf. Felicia and Mac are there too! Maxie tells Felicia about Deception and no money and that Tracey is suing them. Also tells her about Jackson Montgomery. Mac and the kids go to Kelly's for food while Felicia tells Maxie about breaking into Jackson's office. 

Mac and Georgie talk outside of Kelly's about the house and she wonders if Mom is ok. She says she thinks Maxie is worried. Then James talks about his Dad being dead and he was a hero. He also thinks Mac is a hero as well. They go back home with the food. That kid playing James is good. 

Carly and her blazer at Kelly's, she calls Michael about Sonny's hearing. She wanted to go but doesn't want to get sucked back in. Violet, Finn, Jake and Liz come into the place and have baseball outfits on. They are chowing down. Talking about the baseball game and who's going to play. Geesh, Jake is older!! Oh he doesn't want to go to the game yet. I think he's meeting someone. Yep--he's meeting Charlotte. They talk about him painting a horse and Charlotte likes horses. 

Esme also walks into Kelly's with Ace. Elizabeth tells her she's doing well and good to see her out. Carly gets a highchair. 

Sonny's hearing. Dante made it with Michael and Kristina. Nina shows up. Diane walks in. She's glad there is family there to show support for Sonny. He tells everyone "he's got this".  Dex talks to Michael in the hallway. He insists that he threw away the flash-drive and it couldn't be put back together. Oh judge is scary looking!! Old mean white guy with giant eyebrows LOL. The FBI wants to withdraw the evidence without prejudice. They don't have enough. Sonny is free to go. So I guess his plan of planting stuff is successful. 

WELL... :eyeroll: Sonny's NOT going to JAIL!! GEESH!! That was exciting for about 2 minutes. I mean it was executed SO badly. WOW. Shock factor: Zero. 


Sonny asks Dex why he wasn't on the docks when the FEDS raided it. He said Carly called him. Sonny tells Dex there were coffee beans in those crates that night. 

Esme asks Carly if she has any rooms to rent above Kelly's 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Fed Up??



Tough one to write because I feel like everything good that happened on GH this week could have been done in one episode. Everything else? Just filler. Very random week when you go over it day by day. VERY RANDO. 

Word of the week: THE FEDS 

Curtis made us all coffee so let's go go ...

Friday, September 8, 2023

Fighting In the Ward


It's FRIDAY PEOPLE!! GH has been not a lot of action this week and a WHOLE LOTTA TALKING 

Nina and Ava talk to Anna at the Metro about Sonny and the case and the shooting. Anna gets upset about Curtis and leaves. Ava tells Nina that even if Sonny gets out, it's still his life and it's going to happen again. Then Ava jokes that Sonny could buy Wyndemere. She really wants to sell. 

Portia goes to GH to sign papers and get wings. Marshall comes out and tells Curtis he's going to The Savoy but when he finds out Portia is gone, he says he'll stay with Marshall. They think he can't be alone. Curtis is mad. Marshall says ok and decides to go...Curtis wheels around alone. Then Anna shows up! She's sorry he got shot. They talk. Portia gets home and goes out when Anna leaves. Is really snotty to her and is like "WHY are you HERE"?? Portia tells her not to come back. She's really mean to her. 

Cody yells at Dr M and figures out his connection to Gladys because of the gambling room. The doctor tells him to get out of the room. They fight. Fist fight. Then we see Cody trying to get Sasha out in Dr. M's suit. Dr. M is tied up naked in the room HAHAHHA. They get outside but Janice the nurse sees them. She calls Security. Damn it. They make it to the garage and SAM left a van for them..they drive off. 

Eddie goes with Olivia and Leo to a recording studio "thanks to Sonny". Um, rando but ok. He wonders where Sonny is. Olivia can't say because Leo is there. Eddie meets the producer, Johnny and engineer, Kira. Then he goes in to sing. He starts singing and forgets his place. He's having trouble. Is he remembering the past? Then he sings it GREAT... nice job. 

Dex is moping on the docks, Joss comes up. He thinks it's all his fault Sonny got locked up. Joss says no...not your fault. You were protecting ME!! He thinks someone saw him throw the zip drive in the trash can. Joss says she'll always worry about him. They kiss. Dex says if Sonny goes to Prison he'll HAVE A HOLE IN HIS LIFE!!!!1 ahahahahahaha. THEN he says what a great role-model Sonny is, he has principles and he's just GREAT. :EYEROLL: 


Eddie's song is over the ending. Dex goes to the hearing, so does Nina. Anna cries and leaves Curtis' house... Eddie's singing really well and Curtis just stares/cries into the backyard. 

LOVED that song of EDDIE's!! WOW. I don't usually like the made for GH songs but I loved that one. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

El Chapo


Alexis and Greg in her office. He's telling Chase today. Supposedly. They talk about Finn and Chase being different. Krissy visits. Greg leaves. Kristina wants to go to lunch and talk about..SONNY!! Then Molly comes in and they argue. Alexis tells them to make up and they won't and Kristina leaves in a huff. 

Dante and Sam talk about Cody being in Ferncliff. Dante isn't happy she helped him get committed.  Dante's like WHATTTT why? She stabbed Cody, why sent him in there? Sam argues that Sasha is being drugged. 

Ferncliff: Cody is trying to wake up Sasha. He wakes her up and she freaks out. He tells her he's there to help her. She's not sure. She finally takes his hand. 

Felicia and Mac are at Kelly's. Mac tells her Cody is at Ferncliff. Then he talks about going in to save Dominick when Taub had her locked up. They talk about whether Sasha is really crazy or not. The exact conversation Dante and Sam are having. 

Nina gets Carly outside of Kelly's. Wants to talk about Sonny and everyone BEING IN DANGER! ALEXIS TOLD HER EVERYONE WAS IN DANGER. Carly's like: Meh whatever. Carly says it's not her problem. Nina says well, Jason can't step in-- you did before. Carly says: You mean when we thought HE WAS DEAD? THAT TIME?  AHAHAH OMG Great line. Anyway Carly tells Nina that Brick is doing what he can and to stop acting like a scared idiot running around town. 

Joss, Trina and Specncer. Joss gets mad at Spencer for asking about Dex and Sonny. Spencer goes swimming. Now Trina and Joss talk about Esme. Trina says they have NO alone time. 

Chase and Brook. She's moving in but has a tiny suitcase. He says you have to bring everything. She says she is re-evaluating her life. Greg comes to tell Chase but.. BROOK is there. Oh FFS. 

Gladys is meeting someone out in an alley or a garage...don't know. IT's Dr. M. He got the money wired to him. Gladys says Ok, so let's get Sasha. He says hold on a minute. The drugs have to clear her system so the earliest would be the weekend. Can Gladys just kill him? Gladys leaves. The Doc calls someone to "get something strong enough to make someone forget they ever met you" 


Dr M catches Cody trying to fee Sasha

JJ York posted this on Twitter today, no other details. Hmmmm... I Hope he's ok. I'll try to keep you posted.

Hey kiddos, just want to let you know that I will be taking a brief hiatus from the show in a few weeks. I’m in the process of getting some important information. So hang tight, and I’ll be in touch😁

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



Nik Chaves' Birthday Today! He's a VIRGO! 

Sam is at Ferncliff and has to fill out more paperwork about Cody. Cody is going "crazy" in front of his new psyche guy to try to get to stay there so he can save Sasha. He keeps going and going and the doctor finally gives him medicine to sleep. He leaves. Then Cody spits it out. 

Sasha is pretty normal and is "thanking" Dr M and trying to convince him to let her out. He says No way and stabs her again with the needle. She passes out. Janice the nurse sees her later and is concerned. 

Sam sees Dr. M in the hall while she's filling out the paperwork. He says HELLO YOU. She tells him she has a friend in there. 

Nina is leaving a message for Diane about Sonny and Krissy walks in for information. They are at the Metro. Krissy is wondering why he's not out on bail. Nina says it's a federal crime so.. Krissy leaves. Alexis comes in and warns Nina that if Sonny's in jail, she and ALL OF HIS FAMILY are in danger. Very strange. Um.. Alexis he's been arrested about a million times. 

Also at the Metro are Valentin and Anna who moved into a suite. She thinks the mail has been moved around. Val says it's probably the housekeeper. She's upset that Sonny got arrested. Wonders if Pikeman is involved. She has Valentin call them to find out what they might know. He says he has to meet them. Anna sneaks out and follows him to a house. Valentin comes right back out and says: well HAVE HIM CALL ME THEN! 

Anna runs back to the hotel room ahead of Val and jumps in the shower. He comes in and told her he had information because he met the guy at the airport cafe. Then he says "wait, did you say you took a HOT shower"??? 

Dante bursts into Michael's office and yells 'DID YOU TURN OUR FATHER INTO THE FEDS" Then yells at him about a bunch of other stuff too. I'm so here for that. Then Krissy comes by and Dante leaves. Krissy wonders if Michael is secretly happy that Sonny got arrested. He's like NO!

Molly and Alexis are at GH ... the surrogate is getting a 'procedure'. Molly's wondering if she moved too fast with all this. (Um, now is not the time to think that LOL) TJ is there too. The surrogate goes into the room to get the procedure done. Molly and TJ talk about Sonny's arrest. 

By the way, in NYS you can only be a gestational surrogate. Can't be your egg. So they must have used a donor bank. 

Olivia tells Dante that Sam told her Cody was taking the week off. 

Valentin knows Anna is lying about things and Anna knows Valentin is lying about things

Cody makes it into Sasha's room

Dante asks Sam about Cody situation 

My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...