Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Face Lifts


Not a bad week for me! The dialog got better toward the end of the week and we had some characters on that didn't put me to sleep. New faces were all over the place. For various reasons, it is what it is. 

Memorial Day weekend calls for weenies and fries! 

EPIC FRAMING OF THE WEEK:  My favorite shot was this one. Come on. This is ICONIC. Look at those floating heads in the back. I was sick of hearing Nina complain and just blabber on and on but this? Almost worth it.  (Here4Sprina...thank you!!) 

DAVIS GIRLS OF THE WEEK: Molly, TJ... New Krissy one day, NuMolly the next. Hard to keep up. What did I think? Kate Mansi is a perfect fit. Yes, I love Lexi and will miss her but this girl just slid right in. She's got the inflection and manners down pat. Molly? Well, we went from seeing Haley play opposite TJ in the same outfit that NuMolly shows up in at Alexis' house. New girl? Her voice is spot on. I mean?? You close your eyes and it's hard to tell the difference. Acting? I'm waiting. She was on ONE day. Tough tough scenes to have be your first. So, I'm waiting. She is... rather TALL however. That was a bit of a surprise. 

ARE YOU ON ENOUGH OF THE WEEK: Did Carolyn Hennessy get put on contract and I missed it? She's in every damn scene lately! With Carly--With Nina... with Robert,  Sonny and at The Savoy. She's Carly's lawyer. Is she still Cody's ('member him? LOL) Anyway, she's all over the place. CH can deliver her lines for sure. Just wondering where this is all going. 

ROCK OF THE WEEK: Nina and Sonny are engaged. Carly's not happy. We ALL know what's coming: the reveal of Nina's turning in of Crew to the SEC. Not a heck a lot of suspense on this one! 

UGGGGGGGGGH OF THE WEEK: Just stop it right now. I had to live through what seemed like A DECADE of the on/off Jordan Curtis stuff. "YOU LIED TO ME"...he'd whine. Then he went to Portia... now it's all "YOU LIED TO ME".. and then he goes and kisses Jordan but really wants to try again with Portia. Please. Just. I can't. 

SOFT PORN OF THE WEEK: OMG I laughed SO DAMN HARD!! AHAHAHA. So, Dex is in the steam room ...sees someone outside the door. Dreams it's Joss and she comes in, takes her towel off and they kiss. Who is it REALLY? It's.........SPENCER !! Pffffffffffffffffft. Maybe I'm just old and lived through way too much of the 70's but that whole sequence was just um.. I have no words. Anyway, since Cam is gone, Spencer needs someone to bitch about so he'll take Dex. I'm here for it. Although the writer of this sequence decided that Dex got the best of Spencer in a fight. What you smokin' sis? 

WHO'S THIS OF THE WEEK:  Hey, Hi Stella. Good to see you. Will you be on again or??? 

JOHN CUSACK MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  If you look real close, Finn's holding up the BoomBox so that Chase can sing to Brook. Cheesy yet ... ok. Tracy was pleased. Everyone was happy. Now can they just freaking get on with it? 

NOSTALGIA OF THE WEEK: The Qs were in fine form. They were discussing Chase and Brooks getting back together then the whole Ned/SEC thing. I didn't even care WHAT they were talking about. It was classic Q banter. I just love it. Love Tracey. The only thing that is the elephant in the room? The complete lack of Monica mentions. Not even trying. Do I need closure one way or the other ? Yes, yes I do. 

IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME OF THE WEEK: (bows to Lizzo)... And.. it's finally happening. Willow is getting the juice and be saved I guess. I so don't care. Sorry, but I don't. I don't like Millow and Wiley's about the only one in the family that I can tolerate. Amelia is little so she's fine. Just get that MARROW IN THERE AND END THIS. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: OMGOMOEIROE!! AHAHHA Carly sees Nina and Sonny freshly engaged and in WUB. LMAO (Photo credit @newyorkcitydiva) 


Sonny thinks the FEDS turned Carly into the SEC to get to him. 

Carly and Drew think Ned turned them into the SEC for....? 

Nina and Ava know who did it and... welp. 

Sonny made pancakes for Donna

Joss is mad at Michael 

Willow got her marrow

Molly and TJ are upset about her situation, she tells her family what's going on

Kristina lays out the plans for her community center, Sam's not sure she can pull it off

Robert tells Anna he and Holly are over

Diane has advice for everyone

Sonny proposes to Nina; she says yes 

Stella is back to dole out some wisdom to TJ 

Dex and Spencer spar; Trina's not happy 

Curtis decides he wants....Portia back

Jordan and Curtis hide their kiss from Portia

NEWS AND NOTES:  No new show Monday. Repeat of Sonya Eddy's last airdate. 


So, all in all, not a hell of a lot happened this week. Quite a bit of talking but--the only real movement was the Engagement and Willow's transfusion. Everything else? Water under the bridge. Weird for May but then again, they could be spinning wheels and drawing it out for the strike. 



  1. Great SS! Thanks. Honestly, you make the whole week sound better than it was.
    Love Diane everywhere. Would love her and Tracy to mix it up.
    Did someone put a whine/worry pod into Curtis? He is insufferable. And his two chippies.
    I really like the nuDavis girls so far. They look like sisters.
    "Willow TV" Hahaha!
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  2. Diane was fantastic with Nina -
    Curtis I love but he IS lying to everyone about the game in the back...
    weekly worst sweeps ever - it's over
    ---Terry the ONCOLOGIST should be with Willow - NOT TJ
    ----I truly have a sinking feeling that this FCC/SEC/SCC thing is gonna go months BUT my only hope is that it's such a top story, it can't last months......
    Finn + Tracy = a great day.

  3. The recast Davis girls were much better than I expected, but I am still irritated about Lexi.

    Better writers could do a lot more with the situation between Curtis and Ms. Wu. The May sweeps overall has been unimpressive. Going forward, I hope we get to see Brad become involved with Krissy's project and have it turn out to be someone besides Nina who turned in Carly and Drew.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...